>" the plague has struck many of the country's major cities for the first time."
>Worry about antibiotic misuse in the country will lead to it becoming immune to them
>" the plague has struck many of the country's major cities for the first time."
>Worry about antibiotic misuse in the country will lead to it becoming immune to them
Other urls found in this thread:
>'NO ONE is safe' Black Death plague may spiral out of control like EBOLA
I am ready for the viral apocalypse
>when you reroll until you finally start in Madagascar
Major epidemics are our unavoidable fate anyway. Too much people + too much travellers + too much medicine = the perfect ground for viruses.
> using Daily Star
find a better source user
I highly doubt any inacurate information about a plague is being given out, however your not wrong about Daily Star.
Inuit-nord masterrace will live on in Greenland
we can repopulate Africa later, after the scourge has run its course
Fair, but given the reputation of the Daily Star, I wonder how much of it is over-hyped. It's probably not quite as bad.
I have heard enough about it that I think it's probably living up to its hype over there.
Just imagine taking a driving tour through a depopulated Africa...
we could make the whole country a theme park!
or not
I know people there who have said it's mostly dying out because the people who have it are dying. I'm not saying you're wrong nor am I claiming to be right, just adding my perspective.
Interesting to hear.
I am curious how it will work out with animals, cause birds most likely travel from Madagascar to main land Africa. Is either of the diseases able to be carried by birds?
My memory may be failing me but Rats played a big part in spreading the original plague.
Well, becoming a vector for diseases is an alarmingly easy thing for animals. So, it's incredibly plausible.
Yes, the rat carried fleas which carried the plague.
nature preserve/world park
do the same with the amazon
Did some looking into what species would be likely canidates to travel back and forth.
Found this large bird, that is said to be very friendly with civilization/humans
That's terrifying.
thats certainly possible and a common characteristic of highly virulent pathogens
Could also do it.
Is this /ourbird/?
To be honest though, 80% of the birds on this list probably go back and forth between the countries.
Some of them even go to Antarctica during the year.
It actually is the perfect Plague Inc. strategy because you always want to start on an island.
There's been a confirmed infected case (and subsequent death) in Seychelles, so yes. Malagasy refers to anyone/anything from Madagascar.
>mfw this could be actually true
Do we know the race of the doctors that got infected yet?
Plague is everywhere man. Like half the gofers out here have it
Well, this is equal parts terrifying and impressive. I WANT TO BELIEVE
>Diseases spawns in Madagascar
Great RNG!
Kestrels are abt the size of pigeons
More arguments for us to close the borders in Europe
i ask this every day, and every day nobody responds: are dailystar and dailymirror and dailymail reliable for this kind of stuff?
maybe the plague is evolving to tatget only peolpe of african descent - then we coul leave the borders open I guess
This kind of stuff yes for the most part.
anything politics related no.
Opened in only one way : the way out Hanz.
So the nigger can return to homeland
Please God let it be true.
Are you ready to die my friends?
Get your Airborne drug-immune bubonic plague today while supplies last!
Woohoo, I hope this one doesn’t fuck us
Antibiotic misuse has been the leading cause of mutations of once-eradicated diseases coming back in mutated form.
Much like irresponsible physicians that handed out opiates like candy, the same can be said for antibiotics. Most childhood ear infections are viral, yet twenty years ago, doctors- not wanting to piss off overzealous parents, started giving out abs, and failed to emphasize the need for finishing the medications, along with following correct dosages. Rather than telling soccer mom ‘NO, this will clear up on its own, only come back if x or x happens’, they dispensed amoxicillin and sulfa-based meds like pez dispensers, leading to the development of “super bugs” or drug resistant mutations.
Now, in underdeveloped countries, this wasn’t such an issue, because the widespread use of abs wasn’t common, but it was only a matter of time before our retarded mutations traveled overseas and had lasting effects on the entire population.
Due to the non-sexy nature of antibiotics, most pharmaceutical companies slowed development of new abs or stopped production altogether. Coupled with retards that refuse to vaccinate their offspring, we’re going to be seeing this more and more.
How we haven’t witnessed the second coming of super polio is beyond me, but rest assured, it will come.
Is this the end Sup Forums?
Or is it only the beginning of it?
Have no fear, Europe has always avoided plagues.
>airborne bubonic plague
yeah, otherwise known as pneumonic plague. you are being stirred into an idiot frenzy by Sup Forums and don't even understand the basics
From endings come new beginnings my cucked Anarchist friend, nature is merely correcting a mistake.
Plague is plague you fucking cuck, the only difference is bubonic plague is in the lymph nodes and pneumonic plague is in the lungs, you're still fucked either way, If anything pneumonic is easier to spread.
>Implying frenzying an entire continent into panicking and spreading it even more for a giggle isn't a great idea.
I have a dream. This is it. Please be true. Praise Kek.
*coughs* i'm sick this NGO medicine shit isn't working i need a real western hospital
*makes way up to North Africa*
*gets on ship to greece*
pic related
I want to believe
W-Was I a mistake?
I'm a microbiologist and epidemiologist.
In my professional opinion I believe this is going to be one of the most severe epidemics of our life times.
what do you cunts want to know about this?
I know your ideology was, but you may yet be redeemed.
Pnumonic plague has a near 100% mortality rate though so i mean, good luck though.
it was spread by melinda gates and her cuck bill.
and are what are you basing this off?
The last time king nigger did that with the arabian spring we got the refugee crisis
>what do you cunts want to know about this?
How you came to that conclusion, I guess.
what are the actual chances for the plague to wipe out the entire pop of madagascar? asking for a friend
Post your credentials along with a timestamp written on your junk in red ink to prove it.
I think because of your feild you're less qualified. You WANT a viral happening, it's probably all you think about, sitting sweaty
>this is the one!
for the 10th time in your life.
>when Africa starts to die to the "black death"
How far will it spread?
By the way, "mudkin", does it mean niggers or non whites ?
>I'm a microbiologist and epidemiologist.
>hur durrr google is hard
Stop LARPing faggot.
Sending you guys plague infested refugees in addition to regular rapefugees will only serve to hasten the suicidal downfall of Europe you guys seem so intent on ushering forth and make it that much easier for you guys to be re-colonized once we purge the 20 brown people left on the continent who survived.
I was born too late to explore the globe and enslave conquered nations.
i was born to early to explore the galaxy and enslave conquered worlds
I was born just in time to watch Africa die from plague
feels great man
>for the gorillionth time in your life.
as a capitalist id like to know how i can capitalize on this, niggers being highly uninvestable normally is there a long or short position i could take on an industry affected?
>yfw being a shut in finally pays off
Let's capture some shithole country with private army and create ancap society.
Problem of starting in Madagascar is that it's unlikely as fuck for a ship to get in Greenland
What did they mean by this?
It will not, unless have a tiny farm on your own or something like that. If you don't have a farm and prepare your own foods, everything can be a vector for disease. You will have to meet other people eventually, whether it's for food and water, to pay the internet, or to escape from the loneliness.
Sell them knick knacks and voodoo todems and shit like that to ward off the plague while telling them that the cure is just big pharma trying to give them some of that fucking mercury to turn their kids gay.
Invest in big pharma duh
Find someone working with developing vaccine for viral infections.
If you want to make money just buy bitcoin though
Nothing to see here goy, move along.
Time to ban malagasy import and avoid contact with niggers.
I'm just going to dot point all the big shit that worries me about this.
1. There are already more than 2000 people infected in under 30 days, this strain is incredibly aggressive compared to previous strains. Pic related is previous outbreaks and infections over time of pneumonic plague, I havent added the newest plague but it would basically be a line going straight up.
2. there are 22 million people in Madagascar, there are 3500 doctors to treat all of them and there are only 6000 hospital beds on the entire island
3. Rats have flooded into the cities from the forested areas because of forest fires recently, on top of this, the epidemic has flared up right before wet season, more rats will flood into the cities
4. during the wet season the plague always increases in intensity, the fact that its already this bad before the wet season could mean that it will continue to get worse for the next 4-6 months.
5. During the wet season there are often floods and heavy rains that will cause interfere with public disinfectant operations (they are washing the streets with anti-microbials and anti-biotics) to grind to a halt.
6. In the past the R-nought for the pneumonia plague outbreaks has always been 0.50 with a variance of 3, I've calculated it to sit on average at the moment at about 6 or 7, this in addition to the low incubation period means that it doesnt take long for you to become infectious and you will infect on average 6 other people
7. Its already showing resistance to anti-biotics and there is no vaccination available to them
8. it has a 100% mortality rate when untreated and a 12% survival rate when it is treated.
9. If people panic, and they will, they will be forced to flee to mainland Africa where the conditions are perfect for an explosion in infections
I will add some more to this later, going to take a shower quickly.
There are no foreign doctors there yet, at least not in direct contact with the diseased locals.
>the typical plague season
Is this an habbening aussie ? :DDD
pic related
Fuggggg we gotta let bhese rabefugees in :DDDDD
Well fuck it i hope it will be a good argument for closing the god damn borders and send back the niggers.
JFC user, stop shilling for antivax cucks.
No vaccine contains Thimerosal except the influenza vaccine, and Thimerosal-free alternatives are available.
There’s 50-70x more formaldehyde in a newborn body than contained in the entire first year regimen of vaccinations.
I can continue but I won’t unless you prefer to debate this.
t. Vaccine specialist for low income families in my state and explored every possible excuse for retarded parents that pull this shit.
Good thing we got that steady stream of African migrants into Europe.
>Plague chan ravages Madagascar
>Ungewe flees, hops aboard a series of ships as a "refugee"
>Yersinia Pestis tags along on his tour through Europe to Germany and makes new friends
>Ungewe arrives in the LAND OF GIBS and hugs everyone and shakes their hands
>2 months later pandemic wipes out Europe
screencap this.
>I know aids and plague ridden niggers
Checks flag out.
Flag checks out.
That's what you get when you make a habit of digging up your ancestors and dancing with them
It have all the symptoms of a massive happening, but its only just begun. Yet the plague will have to move to continental area before the rain season and mass-infecting, because WHO will go apeshit and will strictly quarantine Madagaskar with battleships.
If there are some anons I advice you to go take a blood from infected niggers and move it to mainland. Infecting just a few monkeys or a niggers there will make pandemy unavoidable.
We need to seal off the country. Someone tell malcolm to seal all international travel. Get the navy to do patrols in our northern waters and the waters abutting new zealand because their cucks and will do something stupid.
Shut it down.
Somebody call the prime minister.
if you really wanted to fuck shit up take it to india. perfect place for it to mutate.
user delivered. good job dude.
sounds promising, what is the morphology? time between infection and the sweet release of death?
>call the PM nao!!
It seems that you like to shit on yourself
Also, this outbreak is a blessing.
Also a good option.
>T.Fucking Brainlet who can't understand that i am implying we convince the Africans to become Anti-vaxxers to spread the plague even better.
Fuck yourself