I haven't seen a thread in about a week, we need to stay on top of this.
Has there been any new information that's come about that goes against the LVMPD and FBI timeline or concensis?! Please post if so I haven't given up and everyday after work I research for the new evidence. I had family and family friends affected by this incident, some shot and some killed. Any new info please post. We will never forget!!! Thank you fellow patriots and to those who live outside the United States!!!
Did we forget about Vegas?!
Other urls found in this thread:
Once the sealed indictments are released I hope there will be some answers uncovered. I appreciate you guys. Just need some direction to keep my research going. God speed and hope all the corrupt politicians are brought to justice and hung at the US Capitol for treason but until then. I'm fully committed to finding new evidence in the Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest festival!!! Hope I'm not the only one
At this point this is what we know:
1) helicopters were firing on the crowd (caught on vid)
2) armed middle easterners were seen on video loading the helis with belt feds (ytube "mercinaries vegas"
3)Saudi prince owned mandalay bay top floors, he was arrested
4)paddock had gardening gloves in the death pic, proving he was keeping prints off the guns he was selling the saudis. Also you can see a tripod AR placed over his body and clean spent shells in the blood pool meaning they were fired AFTER he was shot.
5) literally everything the media, sheriff, campos on Ellen, showed was an obvious lie.
COMPED for interest.
If they intended to prosecute or properly investigate this incident, they wouldn't have covered it up.
therefore they have shut the investigation down and named paddock as the lone culprit. Don't expect the official narrative to change for another 30-50 years, use JFK or other false flags as an example.
The immediate distraction mass shootings that took place after were no accident.
There is absolutely nothing the small group of people who are aware of this can do to to change the narrative or investigation.
What happened? Was it another sexual assault? One topic at a time I can't multitask.
Anybody have a clue why this pic of dead paddock looks so weird. Like a cheap 90 computer render.y it was photo shopped in 3 or 4 spots. Why if the cops didn't go into the room for more than an hour his head is in a pool of red liquid blood. Blood would go darker dry well before 1 hour.
didn't the weinstein left wing sacrifice happen right as people were questioning the official Vegas narrative?
honestly the pic looks legit, but why is the bipod AR neatly placed over his leg? there is no way it could land upright if he shot himself in the head and fell backwards. I think the photos were an attempt by someone in LE with a conscience to get the truth out
yes we forgot
if you have to ask, the answer is yes
Who's still talking about this?
The new thing is the makeup app.
4MB file and shitty resolution. ffs
Those pictures look like they are hiding a gunshot wound to his stomach. That would be consistent with the blood around his mouth. If he shot himself int eh head he's have blood below his mouth.
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, that includes mass shootings.
just realized these pics are either screenshots from a vid, or an iPhone panoramic shot. Where is the video?
This shit has been memory holed so effectively it's frightening. HOW IS THERE STILL NO OFFICIAL MOTIVE 2 MONTHS LATER? And why does nobody care?
Gave me a good chuckle.
Think it was an assassination attempt on the King of Saudi, makes sense with the "corruption" probes following so closely.
Or at least someone close to him.
are you legit retarded or just LARPing as reddit?
They said officers "accidentally fired one shot in the room. That was the headshot you are seeing. To make it look more like suicide when his cause of death was suicide. Also he shot his tongue off which you just wouldn't do if preplanned suicide.
the plot thickens.
Goes to sell arms, they cap him in the ches
everything stated is a fact, you are a shill or blind
If you go to
and load the paddock picture in, and change it to noise analysis you can see areas of photo shopping. On his left thigh, the back of the couch, and the right of the post and also the blood pool under his head.
did this guy make it out?
How many victims have died mysteriously?
Also on the hex table.
Yes. Amazingly. Or maybe not. MSM Btfo pol
Yup. Happy coincidence.
wew lad
no but we forgot about the terrorist attack in NY lol
>FACT: 400 people die from accidents each and every day.
Only low IQ mouth-breathers would waste their brain cells worrying about muh mass shootings and thinking Vegas was a govt/arab/ufo conspiracy.
Coast to coast am is interviewing one of the casino comp handlers tonight on their show. Guy knew steve very well for years as he handed out all the comps to him.
damn so that shows the wet blood was shopped over the dried blood. why?
I think vegas is just what it looks like desu.
Typical hate filled liberal baby boomer; he didn't want the terrorists to just be non-whites so he thought he would 'take one for the team' and do a white on white spree killing just to show us that 'whites do it too' and 'it's not just muslims'.
So, the official police story given as Paddock's motive, was that he was depressed over losing a bunch of money.
If that's true, what's up with this? He still had millions of dollars?
This, liberal boomers want to destroy the white race
I don't know, I wonder what was near the post. I think I know why the picture looks so flat, with the weird light on the post.
There was a thread here about Vegas yesterday that got deleted. Somebody was posting a bunch of stuff I hadn't seen before.
Getting shot by a fellow white American during peacetime is the most glorious death anyone can hope for over there. What more is there to talk about?
never change, Sup Forums
Talking about it, no. Forgotten about it, no as well. We'll be reminded of all these shitty stunts every time a new one occurs.
They'll never stop until the people stop them.
Somehow i knew it was coming
Interesting Vegas facts. Incendiary rounds fired at the jet fuel tanks and Explosives found in vehicle possibly meant to be parked by tanks. There was a big boom planned that never happened. If Blackwater user is real (and many pics of paramilitary types exist) there was a VIP being protected. Speculation is Trump, Saudi Crown Prince, or both. Someone made escape via helicopter from roof of Four Seasons. Crown Prince or Alwaleed? Speculation that concert shooting was spontaneous cover for hit squad to escape does not logic. They "spontaneously" started shooting right when Aldean starts performing, after lady tells audience "you're all going to die", please... The only confirmed people in the kill suite are "Paddock" and "Campos" and each identity has 2 bodies. Campos in awards pics doesn't match Campos on Ellen. Paddock corpse doesn't match existing pics and a person who does match is caught on video a week after Vegas in NJ. Both seem to be IC composite identities, black or white hat for "Paddock" depends on theory. user John detailed prediction of the incident suggests White Hat foreknowledge as they certainly read pol. This aligns with LVMPD user story of sting gone bad. Perhaps the sting was designed to get Deep State/Adelson/Alwaleed for 9/11 the sequel and asassination of Crown Prince and/or Trump? Could explain the suspicion of crisis actors. Plane said to have left McCarren during the incident. Has anyone identified? Is real "Paddock" white hat who exposed the op? The real "Campos" looking exactly like the San Bernardino shooter is to coincidental. CIA Black Hat likely dead or rendition. Ellen "Campos" is nobody. Questions abound...
He shot up an event for WHITE young people.
(old boomer jealous of youth too, he looked fucking 70 years old in the photo)
At the beginning of the second half, George will have an exclusive interview with the former casino host for the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock. Open Lines to follow.
>fellow white American
Liberal baby boomers are not your fellow citizens.
They are a treasonous people who what to destroy their own society out of white guilt. They don't just want to thrown themselves into the pyre, that want to throw their descendants in too.
MSM is trying to memory hole Vegas because Paddock was a leftie who killed conservative country music fans.
Don't forget that "Campos" apparently drives down to Mexico with a bullet wound in his leg, for reasons
Still not a single video of paddock even though there's cameras on every corner in vegas
guise, guise,
Campos already told us everything we should know on Ellens show,
case closed, stop asking questions
This is a recent computer render. Notice the different shading and the reflections. If you look a the dead paddock picture there is none. Look at his sweater in the 2 different pictures by his head and the other picture they look different? Look at the bullet casings by his head see the light glint, by his body they look flat with no reflection?
here go my dood xo
There is a company in Vegas that makes cameras SPI, the X27. It is a full color night vision camera. This picture is taken at night. The paddock pic was taken with on of their cameras. The head picture with a flash.
Sorry you lost friends and senpai OP
Here’s a video that i think is pretty good
Meant to say senpai not senpai
I’m on phone
2 cents has been deposited in your account.
Several news organizations are suing to get the footage from the hotel.
>The paddock pic was taken with on of their cameras.
What Paddock picture?
Jesus Christ, muricans. You litter like fucking niggers. Have you ever thought about maybe cleaning up behind yourselves?
>Did we forget about Vegas?!
I find it strange the media buried the whole thing too. They simultaneously dropped it and refused to ask questions about Jesus Campos's side of the story. The time tables were fucked from the beginning and they kept changing to fit the narrative rather than to tell the truth.
6 from the top
Vegas was Saudi bullshit.
9/11 was Saudi bullshit, and here we are 16 years later, and still don't know dick about it.
Did your nephew die at Sandy Hook, too?
It was a Saudi Crown Prince assassination attempt gone wrong. Paddock was to provide the assassins with the guns, things went awry and the assassains decided to off Paddock and unload on the crowd to create a diversion. Then they escaped to the roof where they were picked up via heli.
>Tidy up the kill zone as you're fleeing.
White people dont matter anymore. They're easily replaceable by shitskins, no need to cry over a dead race.
I thought it was art students.
show proof of all facts please
facts are generally supported by some sort of evidence. im open. but just need something
Too many people were "shot" 3 times from a spray of gunfire.>
No sparks or richochet rounds heard or seen in videos..>
There are about 500 people with souvenir gun shot wounds that I have been dying to hear from. I mean do you accept it like a scrape on the knee and press on? I mean out of 500, everyone of them are like, "I'm just cool with it." Not one flips advocate?
Hell, a girl from my home state got her eye shot out and bone from her forehead removed. What other injuries are out there? Are these folks like.. "meh.."?
Welp. God bless 'em.
>national tragedy
>hurrrrrrrrrrrr CONSPIRACY
sandy hook all over again. sick fucks.
Don't forget 30 year old sexual abuse allegations by political opponents!
>Worst mass shooting in history
>No motive
>"Lol he just walked up to the room with all those guns in bags but no cameras caught him in one of the most heavily survived places in the world"
>Top 4 floors owned by a Saudi prince who was arrested soon after the shooting
I could go on and on and on.
Fucking lel
>Several spare magazines piled up next to pillar,
>Several unused weapons (Apparently)
Man I'm getting really bored with this whole mass shooting thing, I'm just gonna kill myself.
Where's the rest? Dumb cut-out.
Any casino vids of guns being taken into the hotel?