havent had one of these in some time
Poland hate thread
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OP would also kick an unconscious rape victim in the face and take the old lady's purse. Not sure why you wouldn't offer assistance instead.
Look at these proud Aryan European males. They will save Europe from the Muslim invasion. Look at their Nordic facial structures. Poland will literally be the new Germany after the original one disappears.
We will repopulate western Europe with the finest Polish genes, just like all the Polish doctors and engineers in western europe are already doing.
We shall save Europe again just like we did in the battle of Vienna 7374443 years ago when the POLISH WINGED HUSSARS :)))) single-handedly destroyed an Ottoman army of 10000000 men who were going to take over the whole world.
I truly love this great country
>Polish philosophers
The average IQ in this great country has to be AT LEAST 120!
ohaio Marcel
how was the day of the only Polish cuck?
And what the fuck do you expect from us? Poland has always been a medium country, on economic and political peripheries of Europe. The first scientific journal on "polish" soil in the 18. century was in Royal Prussia and it was issued in german
Danzig was controlled by the Germans and our nobles were simply exporting wheat to Amsterdam, they didn't sell sophisticated products. Town law in Poland = german town law + polish modifications, that is Magdeburger Weichbild (Sachsenspiegel + some other laws), which was revoked only in 1791 after Constitution of May 3rd was introduced. Townspeople of Poland were Germans, Jews, Italians, Dutch, until they became polonized
If you read "Promised Land" of Władysław Reymont, the industrialists there are polish, german and jewish
Poland is the PERIPHERY of Europe. It can't do more than it was endowed with, we will stay average, like Hungary or Czechia. If you look at Poland's history, then people are emmigrating from here since the abolition of serfdom when it was under russian control in 1863. Then they usually emmigrated to the then developing USA, but also Western Europe. Interwar period - people still emmigrating to Western Europe. When the job markets of the EU were opened, then around 2 million Poles emmigrated
If you compare Western Europe with Poland, then it's completely pointless, because you guys always were materially ahead of us, and you will stay so
>>spotted the jew. Go jew somewhere else
Look at these beautiful women. Polish women are known around the world for their looks and Christian values
Haha we are big redpilled slavic men who can say pedał and we can make fun of the niggers who don't want to come here unlike the BETA CU.CKS IN THE WEST :)))))) who cares if we're dumb and poor, at least we have big masclez XDDD
>poland hate thread
>op posts with a meme flag
>It's a fucking kraut
Knew it
I wouldn't expect the average Polish subhuman to be able to fully appreciate communism.
Hey Marcel. Come back to /V4/ we miss you.
OP is a faggot
Give me another nation that is so irritating I dare you
-Can't take a joke and they threaten you with violence
-Bad sense of humour
-Bragging about ancient battles thinking they still mean anything to people and because they don't have anything else
-Ridiculing better developed nations because of insecurity
-Overestimating the importance and potential of our country
-Can't take a criticism and react impulsively
Russians and Ukrainians are way more humble and modest than Polacks. They are from the soviet bloc too and they have no problem with admitting weaknesses of their countries. There are also fewer eastern european gopniks and chavs here, Polacks take the lead definitely
Meanwhile Polacks have little to brag about in terms of earned achievements, yet they make the impression that Poland is better than others because Vienna and some other shitty battle and stronger because it will create some bizarre Intermarium
Fuck off, faggot.
Poland is BASED!
>haven't seen a jidf in a while tee hee mutherfucker
Poland is based
not all poles are bad, i know a lot of them who are ok and some of them are my best friends :3
Calm your tits Tomek
If you have Polack friends it probably just means you're a low iq subhuman just like them.
super rude man :(
fuck off, we love Poland
Yeah they can fuck off home if its so great there, take their disgusting slag women with them too
He's right, you know.
Thinking of Poland being my new home soon.
MARCEL i will keep asking this question for as long as you don't answer me..
How much do they pay you for shitposting on Sup Forums 24/7? or meaby you are doing this for free or because you are an offspring of soviet occupants in Poland?
PUUUHLLEEEESE put sanctions on Poolan!!! That will be glorious! Potatoes and beans whole day! Literally no difference! So much win.
the fun part is that they won't put any real sanction on us as Germany benefit from "giving" us money.
They will just redirect money from country gov to local govs (mainly to those that are still ruled by german puppet political party PO)
Its a double win for EU/Germany because they will get to interfere our internal politics without being accused for doing this
ITT: Germancuck behind meme flag talks shit about Poles out of envy. Most Poles don't give a fuck, Poland =/= Cuckwest, (((progress))) and (((development))) means nothing to us if we have to sacrifice our Freedom to earn it, just like other westerners who made this mistake. Poland is an another, white Planet. And there is of course a mandatory self-hating Polack who project his own flaws onto other Poles - probably was bullied, hence the sentiment.
Ps. Don't be mistaken, We don't respect Polish emigrants either, those are traitors and opportunists.
Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughter
Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries
These are mostly started by polish people doe
We have them all the time, you're boring
>havent had one of these in some time
Yeah, it's been at least five minutes since the last one.
>1 post by this id
Thats true a lot of poles create this kind of threads and their number will keep growing as EU support only the leftist marxist groups. They support financialy aka "give money" (forced loans) to the places that support globalism, leftism etc. Long story short EU is buying voters and creating new voters.
Poles have to denounce their polishness. Polishness is abnormality.
There is no Polish elite. Poles come from racemixed peasantry and have slave mentality.
Nah ahmed. You faggots are jelly as fuck. You know that your societies are over and you want to put others in the same or worst place as you are.
We don't hate them you stupid kike
you wanted to be smart...
you talk about "polish elites"
and you post a pic of german puppet state in Poland....
Here on the pic you have Tusk's grandpa
> Polska bedzie taka jaki bedzie polski Kosciol rzymskokatolicki
> Boga nie ma
> panstwo praktycznie nie istnieje
>be me
>met a few polish people
>mostly decent, bit too noisy and boisterous
>like most of the shit Poland does
>always felt we should be closer allies
>play a lot of video games, used to live west
>played CS:GO a lot
>hated the occasional Russian who would sneak into western servers, but otherwise I was a good player, high ranked
>suddenly move back home
>Eastern servers
>all fucking Russians or Polish people
>Russians largely dicks, don't speak English and all that
>Polish are all turbo dickheads
>votekick players for literally no reason
>flame for literally no reason, often starting at round 1
>give up if you lose two rounds, afk the rest of the game
>play in twos so they can never get kicked
>absolutely unbearable in every way, shouting, screaming, angry
>drop down many ranks
>uninstall because I'd rather stop playing a game I've played for 9 fucking years non-stop than stand another Polish person in my team ever again
I know CS:GO attracts a lot of human trash, but fuck me, even the Russians are a lot better than this. I am stunned by how every single Pole, almost with NO exceptions I come across is absolute filth and totally unreasonable.
Hi Schlomo.
Says a literal retard. Kill yourself.
100000000 killed during USSR
slavery on national level
nothing to buy
>playing CSGO
stopped reading there
kill yourself
CS:go is a meme in Poland
Nowadays only kids play this shit
Polish people arent human and deserve to be killed and the grounds they occupied to be given back to the German and Ukrainian master race.
I meet dozens of adults, very clearly adults (polish kids are obvious from the get-go since they will often scream, play music or whatever). They are also absolutely unbearable.
>kill yourself
Hey go fuck yourself, CS:GO is elite here.
dude im a slav too and you're retarded. There were no period in eastern europe when they live like human beings
fuck off ruski
>Hey go fuck yourself, CS:GO is elite here.
Elite ?
Maybe for poor, orthodox people.
Start playing fighting games
Start playing grand strategy games
Quit being a faggot
CSGO's hype in Poland ended in 2016, most people moved on.
whats CSGO?
Poles are trash I confirm that. I have dealt with those vermins every day for the last 30 years.