They project this yearning to look white from their plastic surgeries and animes. I don’t see this with any other shitskin race I mean maybe with middle easterners who get a lot of nose jobs but they still like the rest of their facial features
Why do asians want to be white so bad?
They literally all look alike. Imagine looking the exact same as the 2 billion other people in your race and then you see white people with their multicolored hair and eyes and tall stature. Inb4 angry weeaboo posts his favorite Kpop star that has gone through 50 operations to look less mongoloid
Why are white people so full of themselves to believe another race's cartoons depict white people?
>t. gook
Stop appropriating other peoples' culture, you sound like a KANG.
I'll take white girl for 200.
nice eyelid surgery
i read that square jew lol
Why do asians want to be white so bad?
??? the jap there doesnt look anything like the anime girl lol
I can imagine the butthurt 2ch faggot getting flustered enough to make a rebuttal to this.
>implying asians came up with the anime artstyle
>forgetting your roots
>forgetting disney
>forgetting the ascension to alice in wonderland
are you even trying faggot?
bc were the masterrace
how can gooks ever regover
Why do Americans want to be white so bad?
It makes sense if you look how they draw white people.
Well this settles it, asian women > white women
To be fair the original image was made by a butthurt Korean to troll 2ch and 2chan. He even used a Korean woman for reference instead of a Japanese woman despite Chinks, Gooks and Japanese all having different facial bone structures.
Of course the Amerimutt would be this retarded
>forgetting your roots
Don't get me started, let me tell you about roots you clueless retard.
You do realize the Japanese have valued light/white skin tones since at least 500 AD, right? Japanese men have almost ways sought out Japanese women with naturally lighter skin tones. Japanese art since as far back as recorded depict Japanese people with whiter skin tones than white people, even. Coloured eyes and coloured hair has always been a thing in Japanese mythology and the Japanese have almost always dyed their hair. Japan's obsession with being """white""" stems back far further than when Japanese met Europeans for the first time. Japanese art from the 1500s even depicts Japanese people as white and European people as pink.
lol you mean
mongoloids with 100k dollars in plastic surgery > white women
white people draw everything better though
>we draw whites better
>we draw weather better
>we draw worlds better
those asians dont have their real faces, asians love plastic surgery to get rid of asian features, they want the features more akin to the europeans.
Those weeaboo characters totally have European eyes tho.
>European eyes
Literally not a single real person regardless of ethnicity has anime eyes. Fuck off.
What is a common Ancestor? What is Haplogroup G? Oh you don't know? Oh you're another anti-white mongoloid? Oh nevermind
>Oh you're another anti-white mongoloid?
Stop putting words in my mouth. Why do Americans like to strawman so much?
manga eyes are a Disney invention literally
White american is an oxymoron
Cause we're all bastards with nigger admixture; never trust an (((american))).
Guess what nigger? Even if you think you invented it; you ain't got it no more. This is your god now. I hope the race mixing CONTINUES.
oh sorry I confused you chewing on nipcock for being anti-white sorry soyim I got carried away, you're right gook cartoons are great and they get whites right
Everybody want to have aryan proportions.
Most people have some aryan admixture and wish they had more.
The other "races" are subhuman. And if they look human it is because of the mix with aryan people trough history.
Funny thread.
LOL Go fuck yourself squinty eyed chink
>big eyes
Top kek only through contact lenses + make up
I'm anti-white. Fuck white people, and Jews are white people. YOU are the problem with everything. Fucking semites.
This tezuka ripped off disney so much it’s not even funny
>manga eyes are a disney invention literally
literally no one likes the little hiawatha, we all know Frozen was a worldwide best seller and all the little goys wanted to be as beautiful as her, wonder why.......
Most of them arent princesses
Now explain to me how that looks anything remotely like this.
>disney invented monstergirls 60 years before
Asian features are ugly
>little goys want to be like Elsa
Holy fuck bro get out of your basement; this is what white "people" want to be in 2017. You are the scourge of the Earth and need to be purged.
I don't know. Between wiggers and weaboos, white people seem to absolutely hate being white.
Cause being white fucking sucks.
*white Americans
Asian women get plastic surgery to look more White
Everything else about them is fine, except their fucking faces, holy shit
There's some jap/korean phenotypes that are passable/okay, but a lot of asians, especially chinese - they're like wile e. coyote after slamming his face into a fake tunnel
People laugh at her, who do jew know that wants to be like her? Does she sell more than Disney?
You think she's more popular than Elsa?
You're fucking retarded, clearly cucked too.
Do if haven't this baby front I'm a mongrel?
Reality is not a weeaboo cartoon you fucking loser
which is more alike?
Just look at the amount of japanese getting surgery to look like my race.
forehead* not front
Looks jewish desu. I wonder who’s behind this flag.
i like petite noses
>Totally looks asian guise!!!!!
>western girl
okay I lol'd at that one
japs got us there
That doesn’t look white either. It’s like picking features from both races.
Stop stealing other country's culture you worthless WE WUZ
So amerimutt judges an italian on what's an european phenotype
Gee golly boppers, Jamal.
why do americans
This. The nose and chin is clearly Asian.
>everything is fine and whites are the best
>the jews are out to get us; we need to chimp out and run people over with tiki torches
Either your media is being subverted by a race-mixing kike agenda because you are fucking weak pieces of shit that cant stand up to bullshit; or it's not and you should shut the fuck up about white genocide and there really are unironic nazi shits that need to be ridiculed and disciplined. Stop trying to have it both ways like a kike (which you are, because you are the same species as them - white).
I don't care.
Mate the anime art style was started by a guy who was literally making fun of westerners' huge eyes.
Anybody who really thinks that japanese anime is not a form of japanese people trying to come as close as possible to their goals of imitatin white people is completely dillusional.
If you look at japanese culture itself the white man and woman is the ideal humanfor them. Their whole country only revolves about white beauty, about perfection, about having wide open eyes, having a big stature or about woman having more desirable curves like western woman, or nose jobs. And I'm only talking about looks! Nothing else yet, if you look into their culture further you will see that their highest standard is simply keeping up with western nations! Anime is just a form where you see unreasonably high beauty standards which all resemble white women the most! This is a fact and if you can't handle facts, then I'm sorry for you.
>points to similarities to define things
who's the kike? not this goy XDDDDDDDDD
>Implying the average Jap looks like that
>country of samurai
>they want to be white
You're just a nigger we wuzzin' now. I'm so glad the age of the west is over.
>all this shit about is anime white or not
If any of you niggers actually watched KinMosa you would know that Ayaya is Japanese but Karen is British.
Japanese 10 year old hapas, maybe. Native adults look nothing like it.
>loving Michael (((Eisner))) this much
Fuck off
The average Jap doesn't look like OP's image either, considering that's a fucking Korean woman. Gooks, Chinks, and Japanese have different facial structures.
"this is straw-manning"
why are you a faggot?
What race do American cartoons belong to?
meme flag mongrel race
>calling everything a straw man
You don't even fucking know what that means. Using an example isn't a straw man, dumbass. Convince me pic related is white.
Well yes, in fact they do and japanese especially are do that to the extreme. I'm not "we wuzzin" either, germany itself never played a significant part in japan besides World war 2.
They were simply smart enough to see that the western way is the only succesful way to success and to this day japan still looks up to the west. Hell if you'd ask any other asian they'd tell you that japanese are too much into western culture.
Japanese girl
Who want to see average girls in anime?
If only it was just hair.
Most panfaces are dying to act white, and look white.
Wow man I love american cartoons
a Japanese cheering leader in a baseball stadium
Well. Ya'll wish to be asian now since the west is slowly dying.
Japanese girl
>the western way
>to this day
Nobody looks up to the west any more, kid. Yeah, Isaac Newton and Max Planck were amazing. There aren't any more of those kind of whites. What you have now is a disgusting faecal accumulation before the final bowel movement flushes away the disgusting excuse for western culture that you find in modern North America and Europe.
Most of which is because of the mongrelization of unique Western cultures in (((America))) where "white" became a culture. Since skin pigmentation is not an acceptable substitute for real culture, Americans shit the bed and became niggers instead.
Two full blooded japs
both asians and whites have different noses, skull shapes, jaw and chin shapes. stop cherry picking.
>posting the shitskin Brazilian Luffy