We can certainly all agree on this, right?

We can certainly all agree on this, right?

Also: expanding brain meme thread, post yours!

Other urls found in this thread:


It was the jews the whole time

Dirty anglos started all world wars.

Either way, in both cases UK sold out Europe to my country in order to "win," which in this case means getting marginally more sovereignty than the other european countries during the following peace. Pres Wilson and his League of Nations couldn't subjugate Europe as much as he wanted because the American populace was at least uncucked enough to reject the idea altogether.

WW2, perfidious albion joined a war it had no capability of fighting, then was kicked off the continent. Instead of seeking terms, it once again sold out Europe to the US and even to the SOVIET UNION. FF 5 years Europe is split in half between liberal-degenerate USA and a sadistic Georgian.

Then comes the Euro inferiority complex which somehow made the american liberalism into an even more potent cultural cyanide pill.
IMO because we de-nazified Germany so hard without realizing that they would inevitably become the economic powerhouse of Europe again and spread all that stuff over the continent.

they also destabilize whole latinamerica and are the ones complaining about unfucking ourselves. Sure, who will succeed if every time you are doing something good comes a fucking Anglo and starts a revolution or give weapons to your enemies

anglos are vermin, thats why they are minions to the jew

Seriously both World Wars were started by Austrians.

Sore losers in loser countries. Bow down to the Big Anglo Cock (BAC).

stfu, I dont know why but Australians doesnt seem to have the same evil as Anglos in Europe and America does, you and your sheep fucking cousins are the only good Anglos in my book, evidence of that is your bant level, no american or British can be capable of being as fun as a kangaroo fucker

wtf I love mexico now

>individual from country run by criminals has soft spot for country populated by deported criminals
crikey doesn't that make you think!


do you even know our history? do you even know how bad you have been interfering in our politics? you are worst than russian hackers

Do you even know the average IQ of Mexico?

Hint: It's too low for democracy to ever work.

>says the country which population cant find its own country in a globe

>uses 56% meme
>when your country is a major contributor to the 44%
That meme is for whiter countries to use against us. You're part of what it mocks.

>implying democracy can ever work

Don't be jelly

>We can certainly all agree on this, right?

Your autism is off the fucking roof, you typical dumb kraut.

White population of mexico: 47%
White population of USA: 74%

Sorry, you can't use that meme if your country if far worse. There's some effect when Sven does it on us, but when you do it you literally prove the IQ statistics correct.

>being this insecure about be white

>being this retarded.

Enjoy your corrupt government Pablo, it's exactly what you deserve.

Honest answer? They did stuff, but not enough for the entire war to be blamed on them.

They did plenty, just like all the other powers, but they did not started it.

This, they are in works of containing continental Europe since what, Napoleon? Much before? You euros tell me.

Its kinda funny how you shills never give up... Amerimutt here, amerimutt there. That meme will never take off because everybody knows its not true at all...

It took off ages ago

It is true, Hans. A lot of people here literally look like that, but most people are still white, and the whites look normal.

Mexico using this meme though, is fucking ludicrously retarded. Everyone in Mexico looks like that.

cant you get arrested for this shit?

>t. faggot





this, the Judeo-Anglo alliance destroyed western civilisation

only half-wit yuropoors think germany was in the right / blameless

like Churchill?

>being this bluepilled
you haven't been here for long huh user?


>half-wit yuropoors

Not an argument.

Top kek.

"Germany’s most unforgivable crime before the Second World War was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit."
Churchill half-wit yuropoor confirmed

> mocking the 56% when you are part of the other 44

>before the Second World War

are you retarded on purpose?
are wars started because of things that happened before or after them?

>implying that's what Churchill meant (if this quote is even legit)
keep sucking Hans' cock, Muhammed

Why is that plane launching it's auxiliary fuel tank like a missile?

>shameless ignorance
I'm not surprised


I doubt you can win this fight

the fact you actually believe the UK is in a worse state right now than ANY mainland yuropoor country means I could win it without even replying.


I lived in England m8


That's a funny way to spell Austrians.

Slide thread but whatever.
As a Brit, Germany definitely started both wars, as they were the first to use military force. But Britain should have kept to isolationist policy both times.

Nice try with that shot from 28 Days Later.

Seriously though, post the real city.

ffs educate yourselves before browsing Sup Forums

>he wasn't a war monger, he just invaded Poland despite agreeing not to!
Look man Hitler had some good points but he wanted an empire, he knew the consequences.

Literally this since they called mutts from other continent.


Unironically did the bottom one during the election. Obviously don't have stakes in an American election so I was free to taunt people as I pleased. Telling people that Trump is anything but a retard garnered a reaction from people.

I'm afraid that's the real city user


Not eradicating France and Germany was a mistake.

>only Stalin gets to invade Poland

an empire? like the anglos?
he wanted danzing back since germany was cut in two that's all, moron.

>White population of USA: 74%
lel nah

I bet you genuinely believe 6 million were killed as well.

>Sacrifice empire to save ungrateful Europe from speaking German
>Finish and save Europe from the kraut
>Get shit from Europeans when we have no empire left to sacrifice to save Poland
>Look to the Europe we just saved and our international allies for support
>They do nothing

Fought the germanic boers in south africa, fought the germans in WWI and WWII

And churchill took part in all of these wars one way or another, the anglo-jew menace cannot allow proud aryans to prosper

why you said nothing when ussr invaded finland? why you said nothing when they invaded poland too? why you attacked france for ages? filthy piece of shit liar hypocrite anglo

with each post, you ignorance shows more and more
"17 September 1939"

>Germany invades Poland
>Go to war
>USSR invades german-poland



Man, you're really owning these losers with the meme green and one line replies. Your argumentative skills are out of this world.


That's damn right, thanks colonial.

do you not know that Germany was allied with the USSR at the time?
your responses are really confusing
you seriously need to look into WW2, the official story is basically all lies

That's a strange way of spelling Jews

nice empire

I keked


Nice capital

>that one britbong ITT


>Accepts 1 million migrants over 2016
>Points the finger
>3 more pointing back at him

Mayor of London means fuck all to the country.

Nice pic,
I got a folder

Canada and Aboland were already independent before WW2

That's a nice pic but how was Churchill aware that Germany would open the doors of Europe to North African migrants? Was he a seer?

Part and parcel, mister khan

didn't found a better picture and sucks at photoshop

Try to interpret this picture better

implying england is in europe? stay in your own island.

>t. achmed

Half-wit yuropoor doesn't know the difference between Europe and the European Union, aw

Doesnt matter in the long run

see or stfu
Churchill was a kike puppet and you know it