Why do american conservatives like to vote against their interests?

Be American conservative
>>reject free health care
>>reject free college with paid tuitions and paid classes and paid parking and paid books and supplies and paid useful degrees like in science fields
>>reject nationalization of rich commodities like oil and gold and diamonds to help the amerocan nation


>>accepts private companies doing shady buisnesses and people having to.prostitute their fruits and labors just to make their jewish overlords hand over tiny bits of their shekeles

I swear American conservatives are similar to the swedecuck if you replace the migrabts with private companies and corporations

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Whats the alt right?


Go home commie

Both of those things are objectively true.

you're right op, it doesn't make sense that cuckservatives support Israel

>free healthcare

In a multiracial country that's called subsidizing your replacements

The american alt right is conservative, Im american but I consider myself more like the german AfD party or the party of Marine le pens, basically conservative but I like gibs.

How about this then? How about we have nationalized health care and everything for the american nation except for felons and repeat offenders of misdemeanor crimes?

>muh free stuff

Go back to syberia

Deport all illegals first, limit legal immigration

Im for that


It's in their interest when Jobs return from Asia to America.

The reason why you lefties can't understand this, is because you are pampered little shits on parental welfare or government welfare, and you never had a single job in your life.


>>nationalizing oil
>>the govt has money to spend so you dont have to

Really works those things in your brain

You do realize everything the government gets their hands on fails...

>reject free
stopped reading there
kys and saged and all that

>>reject free health care
Not with any form of immigration
>>reject free college with paid tuitions and paid classes and paid parking and paid books and supplies and paid useful degrees like in science fields
Not possible with affirmative action
>>reject nationalization of rich commodities like oil and gold and diamonds to help the amerocan nation
Oh so you're a communist in the purist sense. So you don't want any businesses, or private property. Because this is how you get 100% unemployment at light speed.
>>accepts private companies doing shady buisnesses and people having to.prostitute their fruits and labors just to make their jewish overlords hand over tiny bits of their shekeles
Only possible due to leftists policies regarding the 1%. I mean could the left suck the 1% dick harder, while claiming to be against them.

Do you know where the govt gets its money, you fucking newt?

Eastern Europe has much better and much cheaper commie internet than the western countries.

It's not a priority for them to suck out money from the people, they simply want to provide cheap internet to the population.

Didnt fail in norway or libya when they nationalized their oil

my interests are the destruction of leftists, their policies and freedom for Americans
the left offers none of these

>nationalize anything


So you're saying you want to pay for basic life essentials like food and housing rather have the same things for free by the state?

Eastern Europe doesn't have niggers.

I also want to keep my free speech and guns
neither of wish leftists allow

Because nothing is free and you have to pay increased taxes, and as people who believe the government gives away "free stuff" are borderline retarded, they don't seem to understand that you then create a welfare state that spirals ever out of control and is run by International Socialists who expect you to wipe the ass of the world while shitting all over your own culture and people. See Western Europe for example.

Yes. Let’s be like Venezuela!

There is that word "free" again. Like somehow all the expenses related to food and housing are going to disappear if we make it free.

How about you can keep free speech and guns, and have free health care and free housing and free fertility bathhouses to find a spouse and raise the nations fertility rate with?

>How about you can keep free speech and guns, and have free health care and free housing and free fertility bathhouses to find a spouse and raise the nations fertility rate with?
I don't live in lala land

Oh shit you are right! Being controlled by the government makes people so comfy with fast internet.

How are niggers relevant to this discussion?
Internet in East Europe is owned by government.
Internet in West Europe is owned by Jewish bankers.

Is it so hard for you to admit there are things a government is better at than greedy banks?

None of those things are free, you absolute retard.

>Is it so hard for you to admit there are things a government is better at than greedy banks?

Thats what Im saying. Also, good luck telling americans about things the govt is better than private companies do.

> (You)
>None of those things are free, you absolute retard.

I dont think you understand the concept of nationalizing oil.

kys faggot

Niggers chop down utility poles to burn, and steal the wire for copper. It's kind of hard to build an infrastructure with the leftist media is always covering this shit up.

> half of the country already has free healthcare
> more than half of the country already doesn’t pay taxes
> cost of gibs out of control
> import millions of socialists
> socialists don’t pay taxes
> turn upper middle class into slaves in an effort to fund gibs
> system collapses under its own weight

The govt and the banks are one in the same.
And a private ISP isn't a fucking bank.
And yes, the private sector does everything better than the govt, because of basic economic principles and arithmetic.

>free health care
Why are libtards so fucking stupid, the money doesn't come from nowhere. It's nice knowing leftists collectively make like 7-10 dollars an hour because if you even make around 14 your health insurance is double the cost it used to be. Why? The worthless niggers that consist the left.


And this

And pic related is obligatory.

>Niggers chop down utility poles to burn, and steal the wire for copper. It's kind of hard to build an infrastructure with the leftist media is always covering this shit up.
Then we ship the niggers to africa

Because American conservatives are more Capitalist while American Liberals are more Socialists. Everything you mentioned are things that a Socialist would want.

If you hate capitalism so much why don't you move to Libya? Leftards are beyond stupid. I've just made life so fucking simple for you. Later!

> (OP) (You)
>Because American conservatives are more Capitalist while American Liberals are more Socialists. Everything you mentioned are things that a Socialist would want.
Okay so american conservatives are corporate cuckholds voting againstbtheir insterests.

>If you hate capitalism so much why don't you move to Libya? Leftards are beyond stupid. I've just made life so fucking simple for you. Later!

I would move to libya if they still had gadaffi in power.


muh communism

There's a difference between corporatism and capitalism. Corporatism is closer to socialism. Look up its definition.

No. They just understand economics, aren't parasites, and prefer food over eating their own children to survive the winter.

> (OP) (You)
>>free health care
>Why are libtards so fucking stupid, the money doesn't come from nowhere. It's nice knowing leftists collectively make like 7-10 dollars an hour because if you even make around 14 your health insurance is double the cost it used to be. Why? The worthless niggers that consist the left.

Obviously you dont understand what nationalizing oils means.

Teledanmark was purchased by a capital fond from Delaware.
These guys don't have any interest in improving our infrastructure, their main interest is in sucking money out of our economy.

We got screwed over because our government acted on privatisation ideology.
So now the whole country is slave to some bank in Delaware.

> (You)
>No. They just understand economics, aren't parasites, and prefer food over eating their own children to survive the winter.

Economics is a jewish scheme to keep the goyim down like niggers. Its why a goyim like you and I will never be billionares unkess you're born into it.

Conservatives vote in their interest, i.e. lower taxes, etc.

Democrats vote in their interest, too, i.e. increasing the welfare state, etc.

This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by the electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US Department of Energy...

>Conservatives vote in their interest, i.e. lower taxes, etc.

How is keeping a jewish aparteid state and spending billions of dollars to them an interest to the american nation?

Try reading a book some time.


>nationalize oil
>a single oil boom completely destroys the source of gibs
>a replacement energy source completely destroys source of gibs
>requires military domination of the world to keep oil relevant and expensive
>somehow the people who want this also hate oil and war and want solar panels on every dildo

Democrat voters think everyone works at taco bell like they do.

Not going to happen until you ban immigration and affirmative action. Otherwise your idea is pointless, and not in the interest of American citizens.

>We got screwed over because our government acted on privatisation ideology.
The govt unilatirally sold your rights to a bank and this is somehow a free market problem?

Social democratic countries score higher than us on "Economic Freedom."

While part of me wishes as much as anyone to cut Israel off I think they do good work in killing Muslims and making them cry. It's fun watching those Islamic shitbags cry about the same thing they do to EVERYONE else when they had power.

Nice conspiracy theory

You're free to move to any one of them. We aren't a socialist country so we don't have walls around our border with armed guards shooting anyone trying to run from it. Instead, people try to run TO us.

>not REEAL capitalism
I'm sure Western Europe is truly starving right now.

>The govt
The rightwing government did. Yup.
They ruined our internet for the foreseeable future.

It's not hard user, just admit the privatisation isn't the best thing for "everything".

A corrupt government nationalizing industry to subsidize poor people is fucking retarded.

Yes, it's because we are a Social democratic nation just like Europe, just with guns and free speech. We used to be capitalist but the left have subverted it. We now have a central bank, currency that it is illegal to not use, hundreds of thousands of pages of regulation, socialized sectors of the economy, government supported monopolies, etc.

>when a stupid faggot doesn't realize there is no "free" and everything comes at a cost.

I'll gladly pay for my shit if it means not paying for yours you idiot

why do people vote for others to control their lives?

because most of you are slaves who will never get out of your jail

>Corporatism, Italian corporativismo, also called corporativism, the theory and practice of organizing society into “corporations” subordinate to the state.
There, I found the definition for you since you're beyond retarded and can't read simple definitions yourself. Then again, you're a communist fuckbag so maybe you're just being deceitful - that's most likely since leftists have no ethics or morals.

We aren't a social democracy, and "true" capitalism is a fairytale.

But it is. When you privatize things they have to cater to their customers or go out of business, and all transactions are voluntary.




>muh communism

But it is better for everything.
And a govt giving monopoly rights to someone is literally the exact opposite of true privatization and free enterprise. A bank working with a govt is as statist as the govt itself. It is not subject to market forces. It is not truly private.

>ask for communism
>get called a communist

most conservatives vote for in furtherance of their interests, dummy. I'm already taxed to death, the last thing I want is to pay for the health insurance of deadbeats. I already paid my college debt, why would I want anyone else to get off the hook? And why would I want to pay for their education? No one paid for mine. I pay enormous property taxes because of education already. It costs $23k a year to educate 1 student in my town, and I have no kids. OP is a retard that doesn't understand how the real world works.


It's not free, dumbass. If you don't realize that the government doles out your "free" stuff by confiscating money from productive people (obviously you're not one) then you SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO VOTE.

Yes we are and true capitalism isn't. We pretty much had it after Andrew Jackson destroyed the banks but it's been subverted. Why aren't we just like Europe. It it because you think our healthcare isn't socialized? Guess what, it's more socialized/centrally planned then most of Europe's healthcare.

>Why do american conservatives like to vote against their interests?
Because those views are held by people who want to genocide them.

Western Europe has a lower corporate tax rate than America, dipshit. It's more free market in many ways. And they're still collapsing under their welfare states. Not like seas of leeching shitskins or massive state control of speech are caused by it ir anything.

It's like I'm talking to brainwashed zombies.

Internet prices in Eastern Europe proves you otherwise.
See this argument
>It's not a priority for them to suck out money from the people, they simply want to provide cheap internet to the population.
The bankers are an additional overhead in our internet cost. Because they MUST make a profit.
Whereas government didn't have to make a profit.

>I'm sure Western Europe is truly starving right now.
What happens when the ponzi scheme of borrowing money to pay for welfare stops working? Look at Venezuela if you want to see late stage "democratic socialism".

>Internet prices in the US south proves you otherwise.
Two can play the cherry picking game.
Do you not fucking understand economics?

Conservatives are slightly less bad than communists
Natsoc is the only way forward

Do you actually believe American internet is better/Cheaper than the Eastern European ones?

Link me to your prices, let me see.

Social democracy isn't communism.

Did you miss the whole govt-granted monopoly part? Do you not get how that's not capitalist? Is your brain soup?

>It's not a priority for them to suck out money from the people, they simply want to provide cheap internet to the population.
Who's going to buy internet if they can't afford it? How does the company survive if nobody pays for internet? Why are there no competing companies?

>Internet prices
The reason why com prices are high in the US is because half of the population pays for the other half, moron. Same for utilities,housing and healthcare. You'll be in the same boat as us very soon, I promise.

It's not a single payer system.

For 120/mo I get 1GBps download

>muh 'not true communism'
LOL, sure thing Ivan

It's ~$30/month for cable internet here. Are you arguing that prices are different in different areas because the companies can't charge too much or they will go out of business? Good job.

They also have higher income tax.
>Western Europe is collapsing because they're totalitarian and full of niggers
Stop reading Breitbart.