Trying to find a good horror anime any recommendations?
Trying to find a good horror anime any recommendations?
Try to remember your whole life, you'll get a nice psychological shit out of it
Lurk moar, faggot.
Beyond the Black Rainbow's a great movie though
You'll be hard-pressed to find anything like Beyond the Black Rainbow but there's some kind of cool stuff around.
Have you seen 'Genocyber?' If you haven't give it a chance. It's got a memetastic reputation because of all the violence and the explicit English dub (which is actually really well done) but it's a really cool OVA. I'd even go as far as to say it's almost the best science-fiction to come out of the medium. Koichi Ohata is very underrated.
It's hard to tell when you fuckers are serious or just using memes so lurking does me no good. You all seem to hate everything except the meme animes
Anime sorry twat
The live action Boku no Pico movie
Jokes on you I like traps
>good horror
u wot m8
There is no good horror anime.
Either you can watch pretentious 2deep stuff like Boogiepop Phantom, Serial Experiments Lain or Shinreigari Ghost Hound.
Or you can go the other way and get some action/horror anime like Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Wicked City or Blood.
Kagewani is too fucking short and Hell Girl is boring.
Anime is probably a bad medium for horror.
>blatant rec thread
Get the fuck out.
This board isn't for recommendation threads.
Reminder to report and sage.
Wow, you're such a helpful person! I'll bet your posts get a lot of upvotes over at reddit.
>Speaking ill of Lain
pls go and stay go
There isn't a lot of good horror anime out there, which is odd because there is a lot of good horror manga, and the Japanese have a propensity for producing good live-action horror movies, too.
You either get pseudo-horror psychological stuff or bloody, gory stuff which is more laughable than scary. Most overt anime horror series tend to wind up feeling more like comedies than anything else.
I laughed more than I should.
I just want everyone to love Koichi Ohata as much as I do.
Unfortunately I can't claim it. Got it off some other Sup Forumsnon some time ago
Corpse Party the only anime that's really trying for horror, but the OVA is disjointed and jumps around too much.
Lurk more faggot
Bible Black has some solid occult themes going on.
Try Mononoke the anime.
Next time try asking at .