>Tell my little brother who's in "ungdomskole", about that niggers and most mudslimes can't drink milk
>He writes a fucking essay about it and presents it
>Teacher gets mad and call it bullshit, then googles it in class
>Get's told
>They want to speak with my brother's and mine parents due to non whites getting bullied now due to not being able to drink milk
Tell my little brother who's in "ungdomskole", about that niggers and most mudslimes can't drink milk
This user is doing God's work.
most teachers are retards, at least in the bigger cities.
of course the people are to blame and not the milk...
so many products have some kind of milk in it, how good could that possibly be. you might be able to grow some resistance towards lactose over generations but you'd still be at risk for allergic reactions
Ungdomsskole = junior high, middle school, secondary school.
When I went to college, the people who studied to become teachers were the lazy, retarded ones. That's why our current government made it a little harder to become a teacher.
Why can't they drink melk tho?
because niggers and muslims drink piss instead
yeah but they mainstreamed it, it's harder to go from being a professor to becoming a teacher now, which is why nobody wants to do that shit. They would rather go unemployed.
they drink father's melk.
muslims can drink milk
lmao norwegians are so fucking ignorant
I hope russia annexes your faghole of a country
*rensker trĂ¥den for Amerilards*
have a seat shill
It's still the same today.
Studying to become a teacher is much less work than studying another subject.
Cmon guys, you can do bedre
It's a white privilege thing, cow has multiple stomach parts to digest grass and we've been drinking it for generations.
I don't really know if that's the real reason behind it, but might be part of it
Lactose tolerance is a form of neoteny. We have it because whites are descended from pastoral steppe nomads who had a dairy rich diet.
thanks svenskefriends, that's hilarious
that's true, but 5 years ago you didn't have to understand basic algebra to become a teacher, now you have, it's a small improvement
Sure muslims can drink milk, but many non white muslims can't DIGEST milk. Same with asians btw. Being able to drink milk without dying in a storm of shits and farts is a white privilege we aquired when we domesticated animals.
Damn you ameritards are so ignorante. Go back to scool boy.