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wasn't it supposed to be gogeta and not vegito?
or do the earrings just suck compared to the fusion dance?


Earrings are better, at least they were when the transformation was thought to be permanent. Earrings last 1 hour if the two fusing are mortals, while the dance lasts 1 half hour regardless.

wasted and unnecessary

Kind of upset they retconnned the permanent fusion

I was hoping Xeno would have to unfuse them, but make them fight in the tournament as Vegitto first.

Regardless I think Goku and Vegeta should have been using Ki swords way sooner. They remember they used it as vegitto against boo, right? But it was still good to see Vegitto finally pull that technique out and put a stop to Zamasu's shit.

Ki sword is useless, you saw what happened when Zamasu grab Vegito's ki sword, he just disintegrate it

Mortal + Immortals = Mortals

How is this logic works ?

perfection + imperfection = imperfection

Gogeta is not canon and cant exist even if Goku and Vegeta try the dance. Its sad that the character is forever trapped in a movie/GT but well, what can we do.

Pretty much this, its just Zamasu's speciality, not a technique in which Vegito rocks, he just used it to fuck with Buu and now was added again because nostalgia.

dont forget xenoverse but that's a hot mess of canon shitting all over itself

>Gogeta is not canon and cant exist even if Goku and Vegeta try the dance

Goku clearly thought that he could've done the fusion dance with Vegeta. He said as much during the Buu Saga after finding out that Vegeta was dead.

There was zero reason for them to use Vegito if what Toei actually needed was a temporary fusion.

the purpose was to highlight but also nerf Vegito so people can't rely on fusion as an answer to everything.


We better get another villain then or else they nerfed him only to pander trunks to get the kill

>We better get another villain
U6 Earth, Multiverse Tournament, `

The fight looked nice and good for like
one scene
then it went back to ass as usual

I still enjoy it, very loosely, but the enjoyment is there.
I will never pretend Dragon Ball Super is well written, animated, or thought out.
I'll take it for what it is, and hope they clean up the BDs when they bother to get around to it.

Started out cool with the sucker punch and the
>Try and squash me now, mister god.
Then the entire fusion turned out to be completely pointless and it accomplished absolutely nothing. Just like SSJ3.

They need to stop throwing in powerups that never add up to anything. No seriously, fuck SSJ3. It didn't even help win a single battle, the Spirit Bomb did all the work.

I like the concept of SSJ3. An abominable form obtained in the Other World; an unnatural set of circumstances creating a monster. Poor execution ruined it and having Gotenks achieve it made the form all the more worthless, but at that point I think Tori had already stopped caring.

>They need to stop throwing in powerups that never add up to anything.
the point was to nerf it so it's not an answer to everything.


except they could have done that by keeping the "it's permanent" angle

except for the part in the manga where they said you could only use it once in a lifetime but i guess if toriyama could forget about Bra he could forget about this too

They didn't just retcon the perma fusion.

They made the fusion completely weak now that it has a "timelimit". AND on top of this, if they power up, the time limit is drastically reduced to a minute or so. Making the potara fusion very weak.

This doesn't even include the fact that Vegito was weak as shit that even his Super God was being pushed a bit by Zamasu.

It was a pathetic nerf across the board.

That was just because it was assumed it'd be permanent. They talk about (and reject) fusing again in the manga itself.

We only hear that it consumes more energy and can't be maintained with a living body during the Kid Buu battle though. During its debut and more than one year afterwards, it was just an ugly but very strong power up.

SSJ3 is good. A transformation that's more tactical than others and doesn't automatically win. Like the Kaioken.
It also beat Hildegarn which is a non-canon but nonetheless awesome movie that fits the DB timeline.

Not really, since it broke before. Either Dragonballs or the previous assumption that going inside Buu broke them had already eliminated its one weakness. Now, giving it a short time limit and making it even shorter if Vegetto powers up, it heavily limits its utility in spite of the power boost.

>It also beat Hildegarn which is a non-canon but nonetheless awesome movie that fits the DB timeline.
It doesn't fit anymore since Tapion left in Cell's time machine.

S-she built another..