Sup Forums will unironically defend this
Sup Forums will unironically defend this
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Ha you dont see chelsea clinton doing this. What a weak woman
The weak should fear the strong
Yeah, because hunting trapped animals with GPS trackers on them that the locals point out for you takes some kind of talent.
That's a good kitty right there. Seems the kitty is real comfy with rogue sperm Trump.
>hugging cute animals is a bad thing
It's not like he's fucking it, user. It's just a hug. Look, he's all sleepy!
They do fear us. What is your point?
Weird my eyes crossed and all i could read was "op is a massive faggot"
then why shoot the leopard like a coward?
wrestle the damn thing if you're a man
>Trump is responsible for the welfare wildlife in other countries
that cute he's giving him a huge or her how is that bad?
Sure, since without big game hunters, niggers would have eaten all the megafauna already.
This does make me mad and I hope Trump himself hasnt done anything like this.
Its a shame his family are all fucktards whilst he is great.
LMAO, retard
>the weak should fear the strong
>use gps trackers on animals
>give them soporific products
>shoot them in a specific area when they are sleepy
Wow you're based, can't wait to see Texas turn in blue
no but seriously how is this any worse than eating any meat that has been
not that i care, but still
Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs
but OP the chinese need to get erections somehow--let's crush up some horns for them
I will NOT defend that because it appears it was a healthy animal with the potential to kill many more niggers before dying a natural death.
as long as it was done legally it's OK
you retards need to realize they have hunting parks in Africa. You pay large amount of money to be able to hunt there. You kill 1 animal, pay millions and the rest of the fauna can live from it.
Why isnt the left funny?
Majority of people that are bothered with are perfectly ok with fetus's being ripped up and vacumed out
Sometimes we must assort some fucking dominance and show why we are gods on earth and why WE are the top species. We can save these animals from extinction but we can also fuck them up with a blink of an eye. The weak should indeed fear the strong.
>ban big-game hunting
>nigger countries lose the only incentive they had for wildlife reservations, land is in quick order bought up by chinese and all wildlife turned into aphrodisiac powder.
>African megafauna dies out
>but hey, at least nobody hunts bamby anymore now that its extinct.
France deserves its browning.
Predators are gonna kill prey dude. It's just the way it is. You gonna stop all predators from inflicting pain? Or just be bias against humans
So leaf, are you afraid?
Leopards are endangered, you fucking self important piece of shit.
>Implying the money is used for saving animals and isn't going in the pocket of corrupt dictators
>implying estonia haven't the lowest birth rate in world and not going to extinct at the end of the century, without immigration
Perhaps they should stock the hunting parks with a species that does nothing but breed.
No, I won't. Trophy hunting is stupid.
That's nature, by disallowing obsolete species to die off we are contaminating the natural order of extinction
>this is the face of dominance
Fucking cucks, all of you
They just booted 1/3 of Dem voters, so no blue.
The ONLY time that this shit is OK is if it's hand to hand. No sport in being a quadruped sniper. Walk up stalk up that spotted bitch bare handed, knife maybe, then your a legend.
OTHERWISE your just a PS3 punk.
I wouldn't have a problem with hunting if it was done like a real hunter with a knife, spear or arrow and bow and it's for the purpose to eat it , but just sitting somewhere safe and cosy and shooting an unsuspecting animal from a mile away to have it as a trophy is just for pussies
fuck off soyboy
>That's nature
Yeah, very natural to hunt purposefully made weak animals using GPS trackers inside a giant fenced park. I mean, it's just the way nature intended.
>ITT people who dont know how big game hunting works
I'm totally outraged. I hate conservation now!
>Leopards are endangered, you fucking self important piece of shit.
not an argument. also how did you derive that i was 'self important'? stop coping you fag and grow up.
I hope OP does know that hunting these animals takes a fine which if paid goes to maintaining these Wildlife refuges. And the authorities only issued licenses to hunt to hunt certain creatures and their respective communities that are troublemakers such as ones who have attacked humans or if they need to cull the population. Big game hunting is what keeps these animals alive for future generations to see. Don't know if you're a faggot or a troll.
Soyboy shot a 250lb doe yesterday.
What the fuck have you been hunting, faggot?
Cheetos in the corner of the basement?
>INB4 yes,actually, hunting cheetos because mom won't let me have guns
Humans are part of nature, and all technology we develop, no different than a spider using a web
>childlike understanding of hunting
Yeah, don't argue about things you know nothing about.
Because you're making false equivalences, that's why. You're a fucking retard, probably with an IQ of 67. Go and fuck yourself.
I suggest you read the writings of Peter Hathaway Capstick, you ignorant, cretinous nigger.
>killing an unsuspecting animal from a mile away with a rifle like a real soyboy
Wow so manly, you little faggot
If you want to hunt do it like a real man and look the biest in the eyes as you pierce it's heart with a spear
I wonder what leopard burger tastes like
That's an interesting way to put it. I see some truth to this
Yeah!.. Walk up and crack it over the skull with a bike lock while it's not looking like a real fluffer!
There is a long amount of time till the end of century, more than enough for a tech breakthrough to bounce us back.
However, no tech will ever resurrect a nation that is nowadays as brown as france. Nothing will remain of your culture, other than arabs and niggers, fighting over who will rape first the few white french girls that are left
You are losing an IQ point every 3 years, and the rate is accelerating. Rejoice, for Haithi is coming to mainland.
>Because you're making false equivalences, that's why. You're a fucking retard, probably with an IQ of 67. Go and fuck yourself.
still yet to make a single argument
>muh gunzz
Kill yourself faggot, if you want to hunt do it like a man or don't do it at all you dumb nigger
Learn how to post you insufferable shill.
Your military can't even kill an oversized chicken. You have no say on what animals people can and cannot kill.
If you think hunting is wrong watch any of Joe Rogan's hunting related podcasts and inform yourself of the realities of it, most of the times they do it to reduce populations of predators if they don't predators will kill cattle and pets and attack farmers.
You could just import all of the African animals en mass.
Oh wait you're already doing that but in the Middle East. My bad.
Deer season opens tomorrow morning in my state. I'm going to blast the first tender fawn I see with a round of 12-gauge hollow point.
>250lb doe
What? Where the fuck are you hunting where the doe go over 200 lbs? Chernobyl?
what part of DOMINION don't you understand?
>no milo
The mistake people make is believing humans are separate from nature, and should therefore not disturb it. Funny the same people drive cars, take buses, live in homes which all destroy their ideal nature. We are in fact all a part of nature, we live, kill, bleed, breed and die like everything else. We are, due to our nature, the top predator of this world and as such, everything is our prey if we choose it.
Oh the typo bothers you? Not the retarded face you claimed was somehow DOMINANCE PERSONIFIED?
Here, print this picture and stick it on your wall. That's your idol after all. Fucking faggot.
>pol is unironically in favour of this globalist kike shill
everything we do and everything that happens as a consequence from our actions is de facto natural.
Literally two scoops
>Joe Rogan
Monkeys use sticks to get grubs. Is that 'unfair' too? Those poor, defenseless bugs can't do anything trapped in a log while the big mean monkey comes along with it's technologically advanced stick.
Go fuck yourself retard.
The students, all of whom speak English, arrived in January and are expected to stay until June. Further stages of the project are still undecided, but Soros is said to be keen to establish projects in North Korea and other countries in Asia, such as Burma, where his style of educational economic aid has yet to be felt.
North Korea was infiltrated by Soros in 1998 mainly because he was the backdoor for the Rothschildes who could not establish a Central bank foothold. It is through his manipulation that he was able to help north korean interests procure uranium through Africa. All of the countries who have Uranium rich deposits have been dealing with Korean despite the trade ban in Ivory. Why is this important. Zimbabwe just had a bloodless coup. Zambia has a major dissident problem causing unrest.
Arkansas, in the ozark mountains.
We literally cannot hunt them fast enough.
I pulled pound and pounds of fat off the fuck.
We've defended worse.
GoviEx Uranium Inc of Canada is planning to develop its US$ 118 million Mutanga uranium project in southern Zambia, close to the Zimbabwe border, when uranium prices improve beyond $65/lb. This was previously being developed by Denison, which announced a NI 43-101-compliant resource in March 2009, based on shallow orebodies: Mutanga, Dibwe and Dibwe East..The project, formerly known as Kariba, was developed by OmegaCorp prior to its acquisition by Denison and then GoviEx.
Also of note President Trump just ended the ivory ban that was only placed on 2 countries in 2014 by Barack obama
This is the link tying Uranium one into deep state supplying uranium directly to North Korea
I need research help following the crumbs people
It is my belief that Trump is letting Soros know by ending this useless ban that could only cause him flack that he is in touch with new regimes that can give him the paper trail to illegal uranium shipments to N korea via deep state. Why were the only countries affected by the ivory ban Zimbabwe and Zambia in a country full of elephants..
Trump has always known...
New fag detected
>Sup Forums will unironically defend this
I am against gay couples.
Life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on life...
False dichotomy. Go to fucking school you inbred.
Sounds like two scoops of triggered.
Why are you even here? This entire board is dedicated to us circlejerking over our glorious God Emperor.
>It is my belief that Trump is letting Soros know by ending this useless ban that could only cause him flack that he is in touch with new regimes that can give him the paper trail to illegal uranium shipments to N korea via deep state. Why were the only countries affected by the ivory ban Zimbabwe and Zambia in a country full of elephants..
>implying that korea is the bad guy
>muh deep state
do you mean your israeli overlords goy?
Would you like it arranged to live in that fenced in park? No weapons of course wouldn't want a hypocrite would kitty kitty kitty...I'm sure you'll be fine, here kitty kitty kitty...
Lol, all the cretins suggesting that people hunt big cats with spears are mentally ill. You know nothing of hunting in Africa. The tsetse flies would eat you maggots on day one.
We'd then proceed to use your pathetic body as lion bait.
>god emperor
So you don't believe in democracy anymore? You want dictatorship?
Answer this truthfully or begone forever.
How are the grubs supposed to fight back against an enemy that's so technologically superior to them? If you're so upset about it, why are humans the only ones not exempt from it?
I spy with my little eye, an extremely upset Liberal. Kill yourself plskthx
I'd like two scoops of our glorious God Emperor please.
Wow, that's some inspired work right there, it just oozes creativity.
>old, sterile alpha male of a pack prevents younger males from breeding, creating a severe population decline
>auctioning the ability to kill said alpha male so that the population can thrive and the zoo/conservation territory can make more money for conservation
>somehow a net bad thing.
The Fuhrer would be disappointed in you and your terrible logic.
Reminder that kekistan posters are cancer and must be purged of Sup Forums
Fuck off Disney hypnotized faggot
>lion bait.
honestly too good for leftists and progressives.
Damn, well done shot i have to admit
Uma Percisia
How assblasted are you right now? Rule numero uno on shilling is don't get emotionally invested, you've been compramised. Now you are going to read and absorb our vitriol in earnest as you are in a stupor of a state.
You are now here forever. You came here to get a paycheck, a meager shilling or two to rub together, in a month's time you will ironically being rubbing your own mitts together as we have another gas the kikes thread. You will be wringing your hands alright, but not for the chance to earn more shekels refuting us, no, you will be genuinely excited for the fun the thread brings to your life. Before you know it you will be clamoring for an ethnostate of your own, oblivious to the fact that the thing that brought you here was shitting on the unique and wonderful ethnostates that exist within Africa. You'll find yourself defending Africa's right to handle their resources as they see fit, understanding that the death of 1 prized tiger does indeed save the rest of his brothren from the same fate. He is the Jesus of the large game cats, and you will feel shame for the first time. And as your now empty gaze turns inward on the flicker of flame that is your soul, a soul so small now, but actually chiselled out of granite instead of the marshmellow puff it is now, you will look in and you will know
>you are here forever.
Still mad because your lizard didn't win?
he always get away with this. How come?
Yes they are edgelords, they want to treat animals like the Jews treat them for some petty revenge
I like how you attempted to address his point by bringing up total non-sequitors.
It takes zero talent to shoot an animal that's being tracked via GPS in a sectioned area.
That's it.
He didn't say any of that is a "net bad thing" or what it has to do with conversation.
passive aggressive soy boy
>Muh deep state
Trump is the deep state he is a basically a shabos goy , all his family married jews, and he has some jew in him too.