Who's your favorite pilot, and why is he Naoshi Kanno?
Who's your favorite pilot, and why is he Naoshi Kanno?
I dont understand
Why Sup Forums isnt talking about this series.
Especially what are elves for considering the content.
what are you talking about?
the best pilot is george joestar.
It's airing this season
What could have been.
This series is so fucking good.
>Why Sup Forums isnt talking about this series.
Because it's perfect show for dark, nihilistic, edgy teenagers with a wicked sense of humor. And it has too many similarities to Hellsing.
Nothing in the show is really nihilistic, and its not really comparable to hellsing in any plot points
dumb seasonal poster.
I bet that's the only anime pilot you know of.
Like what?
The artstyle, the humor, and the overall feel are very similar
>impossibly talented, snarky fighters take on a demonic enemy despite being massively outnumbered in a setting that's part fantasy, part historical fiction
There are far to many \name drops that don't ever get explained for it to be for edgy teens. It comes across as more for history buffs that enjoy imagining hypothetical battle royales.
>Why Sup Forums isnt talking about this series.
Maybe because ,it's a shit show for twats.
Also Hitler and Jesus are prominent figures with Jesus being the dark king of the evil army
>Who's your favorite pilot?
Heidemarie W. Schnaufer
and Nikka Edvardine Katajainen
It's Kanno Naoshi
>what could have been
27 Cars
topkek at Jesus