Lines that only sound cool in anime for 20 points

>lines that only sound cool in anime for 20 points

Other urls found in this thread:

>yare yare daze


my cock is literally bursting out of my skirt


Pretty much 99% of all lines. Most anime has laughable trash writing that would be laughed at in any other medium


>My hips moving by ther own

In what context does this line sound cool?

>I want these peaceful days to continue forever...

any name of attack people shout before using said attack that doesnt actually need its name to be called before attacking to be effective and would actually give the attacker a tactical advantage since the enemy wouldnt know what the attacks name is and would be unable to defend himself

You're a big guy

"Jama da!"

You mean you don't say this on windy days?

Any talk about having something to protect.

>Heh, alright, time for me to ascend into my NEXT FORM! HAAAAAAAA

>Wha- what is this power?

Things an anime protagonist would never say.

>better shave my beard stubble

I believe in God

Pretty much everything Kazuma says.



>Is it okay if I sit at the front of the class?

My friends are all incompetent, and if we have to rely on them we're all going to die.

My friends have nothing to do with why I'm fighting and I'll let them fend for themselves.

I'm all out of yoilet paper and I have men in my bedroom

*knock knock* "Hello? Is anyone in the bathroom?"

>Get out of my room imouto I don't want to sleep with you.

what show

Kaze no Stigma. But I warn you that the MC is literally the only good thing about it.

Is it against the law to have doors with locks in japan or something?

>You actually have a point, Mr Villain

A great, no-fucks-given MC in a trainwreck show is a recipe for comedy gold, I'll check it out.

Also the original author is dead, so the books will never be finished.


I really hate how literally no image search can find the first half of that.

You basically just described Konosuba.

>web novel about a NEET being resurrected in a MMO world

Under no circumstances.

My Chinese otakette exgf kicked me in the head like that and I felt like I was dying I was so upset with her and she couldn't understand
she said she saw people do it in anime

None of the lines I quoted exclude what you just quoted though.

Well I at least enjoy it in real life.

My point is simply that I am not touching that with a ten foot barge pole.

You should've kicked her back, user.

drive to her home right now and kick her in the head
Youll never find peace otherwise.

"Let's fuck" or any variation.

Some doujin about these kids that fuck their exhibitionist teacher, can't remember the name

Kazuma would be ashamed of you.

Males never say "lets fuck"
But females say that all the time to a beta male mc whose dick they inexplicable obsess over. The male ofc refuses sex always because lol japan.

Fuck off, you blogging retard normalfag.


>i want to become a Father/Sister and live a life in chasity

That doesn't even look like Kazuma, is this just some QUALITY or was this a flash back to when he was younger?

I fucked your waifu.

>You're 1000 years too early to fight me!

Bros over Hoes.

>Nice watch.
>Too bad you won't be able to tell the time on it after I break it.
>Break your face, that is.

>I'm gonna go see a psychiatrist. I think all of my traumatic experiences are hitting me harder than I thought.

It's even worse than Silver Age DC

Huh. I guess I'm a real-life anime protagonist. Both with physical and psychical experiences. I just tough it out.


Or the memorable...

Hito wa korosarereba shinu

People die if they are killed.

>i have become... the super high school level hope!

Yare yare daze.

"Would you like to go on a date with me? I get the feeling you like me, and I want to actually take this relationship somewhere."

Ecchi shiyou ze

"Can I come in?"


>Shouldn't an experienced soldier be in this giant mech instead of me?

That's it! I'm fed up! I'm going home! The fate of the world resting on my shoulders is too much for me!

Stop shitposting Izayoi

but user thats just as good in real life

"I don't care for girls. Fuck off."
and actually going through with it

i dont know what it is but its cracking me the fuck up

its called evangelion

>Upon closer inspection, your watch is pretty ugly
>But you don't have to worry about that
>Since your face is about to end up
>Even uglier

>What is Jotaro

Sounds like a LN title.

>"Of course I'll go out with you"

ehh, jojo in general is kinda an exception since it's a MANime

>Whoa. all these super hot girls are completely in love with me and willing to do anything. I'm gonna fuck them.

nice boat


Ok well how about
>I'm going to pick my favorite, start dating her, then fuck her
>I'm going to make sure none of them are crazy, then fuck them
>I'm gonna fuck them all but take every possible precaution that they don't find out about the others

That scary eyed Yandere seems completely into me. Maybe I can use her to get rid of some 'troublesome' individuals.

Japan is shit. China number one

Hire someone to make a manga for you like that

I'd have to spend my whole lifes saving to pay for something I'd actually think was worthwhile and I don't think that's a good idea.

I'd rather just write my own dumb story with no art.

>Power of love, friendship and determination? Let's focus on power of money, tactics and violence.

>Maybe killing this machiavellian emperor and replacing him with my idealistic bullcrap will lead country to chaos, economic collapse, civil wars, poverty, hunger and emergence of even worse dictatorship?

>You want me to stop being a good goy gofer, start the revolution, get back my throne and have everyone do shit my way? And I'll get not!Clock as my attendant and concubine? Sign me the hell up!
Fuck you Lux and your no-fun-allowed attitude.

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with fucking your own sister.

>When I think about it, that hot childhood friend I like, trust and always have fun with is a perfect girlfriend material.

>>There is absolutely nothing wrong with fucking your own sister.
Not rare whatsoever.