Sup Forums BTFO. Why are you not a Vegan Chad yet?

Sup Forums BTFO. Why are you not a Vegan Chad yet?

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If youre not doing it for yourself you're doing it incorrectly


stupid study, compare comparable people you fucking mongoloids e.g. vegans and non-vegans who go to the gym. why compare a niche group who are more health conscious to the rest of the population?

So this a topic Sup Forums is actually wrong about. Factory farming is evil and future generations will look back and judge us harshly. You could reduce suffering in the world right now. You could help improve the environment right now. Just stop buying meat dairy and eggs. You can actually implement morality into your life instead of quibbling over politics. You can call me a faggot but there are no actual arguments against veganism.

>Postures to be a traditionalist
>Cares about suffering of non humans

I don't even understand the point of your post. You're just trying to compartmentalize me. Just because I posted a quote I like doesn't mean I can't care about animal suffering. Our ancestors were right about a lot of stuff but moral evolution is an ongoing process. Again, you don't have a good reason to support factory farming.

> diana s. meatman

I haven't investigated yet but I GUARANTEE a Jew is behind this

>adjusted for BMI


>adjusted for BMI

Please Sup Forums, embrace the facts on this matter. Veganism is very beneficial for personal health and there is no argument that can justify murdering an animal that wants to live (inb4 "muh bacon tho)


Animals cannot be murdered.

But I am. Body builder too. Feels good man. Carnie cucks can’t compete.

veganism is impossible because glue is made from animals, they will die regardless of whether you eat them or not

>adjusted for bmi
>sample size per group is a paltry ~230
lol ok

Flawless logic. Classic carnie cuck.

I am. but I don't fuck with soy.

This is realism regarding the nature of existence, not vegan propaganda. Stop being stupid. Also, buying meat from a responsible local farm > buying soy from a monocrop megafarm. I was a vegetarian once(vegan for a while too) for environmental reasons, but take some college level classes on the subject and you'll see that you really just need to stop buying from con agra and monsanto.

Truth. Death for animals in the meat industry is overall much more "humane" than their death would be in the wild...

>carnie cuck
Imagine being this delusional

Murdering animals makes you strong. You are weak, and thus being over taken by stronger men from foreign nations. No swede has the right to talk about health or good decisions when you are literally gifting your nation and your childrens futures to savage nig nog muslims.

I can't, that's why im vegan.

>whiter than u ahmed

Fellow Vegan Goys, let's just spam studies that show how stupid meat-eaters are.

>adjusted for BMI

This meme is literally is about YOU.

But testosterone is oppressive. Czech mate atheists.

>there are no actual arguments against veganism
The lives of animals don't matter because they're a lesser creature, not gifted with the spark of sapience. Animals are food.

OK? Can't call a spade a spade? Every swede is so damn angry.

Meat is delicious so fuck you food police

But carnie cucks are too stupid to connect the dots. It’s pointless and not nice to taunt the mentally handicap.

Do you care to elaborate why it's cucked? Being a carnie-bro is not beneficial for your health, it's wrong because you're murdering and exploiting other species for your own gains, ruining the environment while also doing so. It's morally wrong and it's not good for you.

Additionally, animals are generally farmed on land which is unsuitable for vegetable crop production.

>le meat is delicious meme
>after tossed in seasoning and thrown in a fire

Brilliant. Carnie cucks can’t even eat it raw. Kek.

Okay, but why are they lesser? Because they're not capable of forming a social contract?


Stop spamming with the vegan shit already.

Sup Forums doesn't care about vegan ism one way or another. The soyboy pejorative is a jab at urban low to men and doesn't require actual soy consumption, that's tongue in cheek.

>Wooah veganism is truly healthy
>proceeds to take vitamin pills
Veganism is for retards.

It's sad to know that skeptics who are supposed to be open to reason and logic fail to do so at every step of the way when discussing veganism. They seem to get very angry when you say eating meat is wrong. Most likely because they feel it's an attack on their tradition. They also tend to strawman a lot, especially because they love to obfuscate veganism with activism and social justice warriors.

Have you heard about seaweed mush? It's a food created by picking off seaweed from the ocean floor, then grinding it up with a little traditional grain such as corn or wheat. It's very sustainable - you can pick a little seaweed and leave the ocean environment intact, yet still have enough to sustain production. And in addition to cutting down on resources, it eliminates methane production, the main pollution caused by factory farming, by about 99%. As time goes on, we are finding more and more ways to decrease the environmental impact caused by mass farming. There is no reason to believe that large-scale farming is necessarily environmentally harmful.

cooking things changes chemistry. I also like the taste of raw meat (beef and fish) but caramelized meat is the best flavor on earth

You're not taking vitamin pills. The only supplement you need is B12 providing you're eating correctly. But B12 is fed to cows and other animals. You're not getting it naturally from cows. So your argument is invalid. Because you're supplementing your B12 need, by eating meat. So why not take a supplement for B12 and be healthier. Your argument makes zero sense.

I've been told that I am an superlative example of Male Toxicity. I take that compliment in high regards.

The only type of Soy that lowers your T-levels is GMO-Soy and not natural Soy that you find in Tofu or flax.

Does your wife's African migrant boyfriend eat meat?

You're not using chemistry properly. It's chemical changes, not chemistry...

There is no real reason to be vegan. Environment? Soon will not be a problem. for more.
Health? Within moderate amounts, meat is actually healthy for you, just like red wine. Sure, if you eat a steak everyday it'll be bad for your cholesterol, but eating meat in moderation has no negative health effects.
Morality and ethics? They are inherently subjective.
So, can you give me one good reason to be vegan?

Are you too afraid to engage in an actual debate so you resort to attacking me because of my nationality?

Because the world is made for meat eaters. It's too much of a hassle to keep a meme diet.

Fuck off nig go eat your leaves somewhere else

LOL, you are stupid as shit. How did people got their b12 before cows were supposedly fed b12 then?
Kill yourself, dude.

>adjusted for BMI

>adjusted for BMI
the fuck? You don't fucking adjust lab values based on BMI. You don't say "oh, her hemoglobin levels are 10.5, but she's not actually anemic because of her low BMI"



Bonus: It literally means “meat man”.

It's a Scottish name, you schiz

>eating boring shit vegan diet because muh heartattack

i rather not

"it's wrong because you're murdering and exploiting other species for your own gains, ruining the environment while also doing so. It's morally wrong"

There is no debate with that... you're too far gone. So yes, I will mock your nationality because it is people like you that have turned your country is a rape paradise for Muhammed.

yes i am 100% using chemistry correctly you cucked svenfaggot. Changing the chemical makeup of something is chemistry you pedantic ultracuck

>muh evil GMOS

You're gonna need citations for that one. GMOS doesn't just mean bad nanda evil and unhealthy in every way like Euros seem to think.

Vegan and vegetarian is the same fucking thing. These lying kikes are flat out lying as usual.
What they've done here is they took vegans with low test and they paired them together with meat eaters.
>heh, look vegans have more testosterone than vegans
>heh, bet you feel silly now :^)
Gas chambers when?

In what way are they not lesser? They are incapable of critical thought, self-improvement, mass coordination, creative works.

Ultimately, they are lesser because we can so easily kill and control them. If farm animals rose up and rebuffed us, I would respect them more. I have no expectations of this ever happening and neither should anyone else.

Don't care. If meat makes you unhealthy then by all means go vegan, but that's a genetic issue most of us don't need to worry about

Always do the opposite of what Jews tell you

That is incorrect. B12 is naturally found in all meat products regardless of supplementation. Technically it's synthesized by gut bacteria which then enters the animals' bodies.

Answer my question - can you give me one good reason to be vegan?

This quote is basically a middle-schooler who learned about the food chain

Only the nigger is a lesser creature.

>huurrr duurr muh brackets around anything I disagree with

Since when were Scots j*ws?

Anecdotal evidence time.
I'm being a vegan for the last 6 months. I'm much more easy to stress than I was before. I was wondering if the all meat/dairy was numbing my senses of if it is a abstinence effect.

a :the composition and chemical properties of a substance the chemistry of iron

from merriam webster. Your country is burning to the ground and you try to wrongly correct my grammar?

Vegetarian and vegan is an old Indian word for "Bad Hunter"

Wow, you wrote a lot of stupid shit there. How about you pick something specific i.e the morality of eating meat, the health aspect or the environmental aspect of eating meat. This way we can actually have a debate. It would take too much effort to cover why morality isn't subjective and how you're incorrectly implying Morality and ethics are subjective. Same thing about consuming meat, dairy, alcoholic beverages in small quantities makes it "okay". Even though any consumptions of meat raises your LDL cholesterol.

That's just your new vagina growing

Vitamin B12 Deficiency in animals is the end result of insufficient Cobalt intake. Cobalt is acquired from the pasture and soil as animals feed and is used to make Vitamin B12 by micro-organisms with the rumen (2nd stomach). Vitamin B12 is then absorbed in the small intestine and transported throughout the body by the blood, with excess being stored in the liver.


Oh boy, I didn’t even read her tweet. The irony.

So you don't know me, you assume things about me based on me arguing in favour of Veganism as a diet and mock me even though in the macro-scale of politics, there is no way I can prevent immigration or crime.

Chemistry is the scientific discipline involved with compounds composed of atoms, i.e. elements, and molecules, i.e. combinations of atoms: their composition, structure, properties, behaviour and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other compounds.

Yes, Fleischmann, the common Scottish surname.

>American education

no one is addressing the most important points.

human beings are only where we are because of learning to cook and consume meat. i believe I read the change in diet is responsible for much of the increase in our brain size.

as slavoj zizek says about vegetarian types:
"degenerates,'ll turn into monkeys"

Just switch to dumber animals. A dolphin isn't a chicken and an African elephant isn't a rabbit. Animals aren't the same just because they're categorized as "animals." Some have much more capacity to think and understand (thus suffer) than others.

Fuck off, JIDF. Fleischman is most certainly a german jewish surname

How is it ruining the environment?
Did ya know they release wolves to control deer population? So is hunting. Whatta we suppose to do? Just do what you want?

>im vegan.
Your boyfriend's cum doesn't count as animal product, right?

Ever walk into the frozen aisle at the grocery store and notice all the vegan faux-meat foods? Like soy based chicken nuggets and quinoa patties? Vegan-cucks are so desperate for real meat that they have to indulge in literal fake meat to satiate their cognitive dissonance.

Very sad and pathetic.

The balanced omnivore diet is far healthier than veganism and doesn't require supplements.

The large amounts of protein absorbed from meats allows men to build and retain muscle.

Vegans are the most obnoxious, weak bitches I've ever had to misfortune to meet while living in California. 9 times out of 10, the vegans I met are weak wristed, skinny faggots that tell you within the first ten seconds of meeting that they don't eat meat. Like I couldn't fucking tell just by looking in their dead, soulless eyes.

kek. No eukaryote can produce b12. Only prokaryotes, even the stuff in our body is unable to produce it because it requires fermentation which would make the symbiote sick.

Cows would naturally get it from eating the dirt from the grass they consume, however farm cattle tend to be fed mass produced grain and soy products - since there is no b12 in here they inject them with supplements, the same exact stuff you can buy in a bottle

b12 also happens to very fragile to temperature change so cooking it destroys most of it anyways. So unless your eating raw grass fed meat for all your meals - everyone should supplment by this argument

whats wrong with free range eggs?

>Sup Forums was low test all along
What a twist

does thinking and understanding denote more suffering? or just a self-reflective awareness of the suffering?

i'd argue that in the moment of murdering something, your level of sentience doesn't really matter, because even humans just kick right back into animal instinct.

GTFO PETA shill.

Men eat meat.

The researcher wouldn't be able to get the results they wanted if they didn't use a biased sample and intentionally flawed criteria.

Wait, do people really not understand how nutritional """"science"""" works in regards to proof and research?

read my other comment you nordnigger. In english words have multiple meanings. Shouldnt you be being raped by ahmed right now?

Animals are well capable of mass-coordination. I don't know how you're denying this. Because most animals stay in herds or packs.

So you say that if someone is lesser and that makes it acceptable to kill them for your own intuition. There are plenty of humans incapable of critical thought, so would you deem it okay to kill these people. Are you okay with killing mentally-handicapped or low-IQ humans? Just because they're incapable of critical thought, self-improvement and so forth?

You're saying they are lesser than us ultimately because it's easy to kill them and control them. But in a combat between say a Tiger or a Lion, the lion would obliterate the human. Predator animals such as mentioned above are physically superior to us.

Why is pain dependent on intelligence? Is there a citation to back that up?

>adjusted for BMI

Doesn't need to be addressed.
When some vegan cuck gets in your face and starts flat out lying to you talking about how eating vegan will make your testosterone increase, you don't start arguing about evolution and history. You tell them to fuck off.

post the article you fucking fagget twittertard