Purging /Nu-Pol/ from Sup Forums

My men, there is a threat on Sup Forums which lingers here, pirates, kangz and eurocrap flaggers and other fakes are ruining Sup Forums. Leaf and Swedecuck shitposting has gone unpunished. Fact is the powers that be are trying to control and bluepill the narrative and people should be redpilled, can we expose this scum? Well we can and we will.

You have my sword

Bu bu brudder I’m Anglo like u

Just taking the piss out of shitposters from Canada, actual Sup Forums tier Canandians are welcome.

Leafcucks and commiecucks have been sperging lately

Thanx, good exposing them.

How can we get rid of the Angloid menace that is ruining Sup Forums, lads?

European flaggers are the worst since they are actually paid foreign agents threatening Sup Forums for exposing them.

Sure thing achmed

Hire this guy.

if you think everyone who doesn't share your opinion is a shill, then you need to leave

pol is not your personal safespace faggot

Your plans have been thwarted Hun.

Well here's something. When you put out some bait, you might get some fish.

I hate living in Canada, most of these Canacucks are living like it's the cold war but it will only be over once Trump is impeached. None of them look at how shitty our own country is and the only delight they have in being Canadian is that they love shitting on the better part of North America. Canadians actually believe they are only lucky to have been born here and have forgeten that comming out of a vagina isn't like winning a lottery and that your lineag actually built a fucking country unlike the other shitty countries around the world. I hate Canada, diversity is division it's the opposite of stength and yet we are so blind to this lie. Any intelligent Canadian moves to the states because it's more profitable which is the main reason we have a doctor shortage. People walk up to me and actually say we are a great communist state. I fucking hate this country. Please annex us and Manifest Destiny

Dominion of Canada shall once again be a thing.

The only chemo is horse pussy. You know it as much as I do. bring back /mlpol/

Sup Forums just needs better mods is all

And my axe

I didnt look through the thread but assume we got at least that far into the speech


>The only chemo is horse pussy.

Dolphin pussy is best pussy.

Reported for violation outside of /mlp/

>Trying too hard to kiss ass.
>Still failing
>Me taking the bait
>Still failing

Thank u brudder

>post contains no pony

We need weaponized autism

America is a shit hole
The northeast is anyway

Depending on the strictness of the ruling. You mentioned something pertaining to it in a positive fashion.

Would have been better to say
>You have to leaf

So far we've identified one wild shill who is not allowed to look at horse pussy.

Jerry humour is crap.

damn, missed oppertunity

Well, so far I have caught a few Krauts, a Pirate, a Degenerate (You) and a Eurocrap.



Bad thing or Good, but anyhow repent for bestiality.

Perhaps I should list the ID's for future identification to prevent future trolling, pirate has been ruled a non threat.

Cry some more

>Meme flags
Just ban all Germans :^)

Probrably some Zapotec added to the list.

Each Englishman is worth more that thousand of Germturks.

What a shitty photoshop you got there.

Compiled a list of the enemy. Correct you are indeed.

German Modern Family.

I feel like the sudden explosion of Amerimutt memes two weeks ago brought in a ton of extra bullshit with it.