When all you have is a smartphone, everything looks like /ai/ - Idle Activities
When all you have is a smartphone, everything looks like /ai/ - Idle Activities
That blue haired sensei is so handsome.
I want to rock with Anna-sensei
This scene was hot.
Mahiru is so charming in this devil Costume.
I want to fuck Lala.
I want to feed that baby. Jururu can watch.
I want to disappear into the darkness before dawn.
>candy bukkake
one of them is the teacher that looks like a guy right?, my sister thought he was a guy
Would you feed this baby?
Come on, that was a really weak OP. Put more effort into it!
He is. Tamagorou either crossdressed when he attended Yotsuboshi or Tamae is his relative.
I don't know, user. Recent OPs are too long.
PriPara has a typical magical baby now?
Yes, and she somehow didn't ruin the show in the least.
Two of them.
I want to kiss Mirei(?) on the lips!
Now I want to see Non cosplaying all the puriparas.
Tamae best S4.
Mahiru would be talking to Koharu.
NTR is the worst.
Yume squandered her chances by mercilessly destroying Rola's aura.
It's not Yume's fault.
Koharu wii be back
I want to fuck Akari's armpits.
>Aoi in OP's pic
>When all you have is a smartphone, everything looks like /ai/ - Idle Activities
For a moment I thought /ai/ is full of phoneposters.
Leona a homosex.
Leona is my wife.
Despite having constantly criticized S2, that's one thing I gotta admit PP actually didn't screw up when so many before did
Haven't really followed the news, did TT announce their live action show will have a game? Usually they'd announce the show+the arcade game at the same time. They didn't for PR and the game launched one year before the anime, but they did for PP.
If they didn't, I don't think it means it'll replace PP since this would mean leaving the arcade game field open when they're dominating Aikatsu like a bitch.
I'm still waiting for this girl to show up in Aikatsu.
January 20th.
Why isn't everyone pale af in Stars like OG?
Does stars have any (male) idles?
The entire male division of Four Star.
tchout tchout~
It's pretty easy to forget they exist. Wasn't 28 the first time we ever even saw students from it that weren't M4?
You're so cuuuuuute!
>random Ako and Kanata
Did they find a portal into the OG universe?
Yeah they came through kaedes magic hat.
What is Yurika looking at here, because it definitely isn't the hat.
Even little girls understand Reona is gay for Meganii.
Why is she making that face?
I want to watch PriPara S2 with Subtitles.
Me too dude
Zip with each individual square: mega.nz
Previous coloring projects: imgur.com
I wish PP s2 was better.
come on anons this is taking a lot of time I want to see it done please
What's the point of M4 anyway? are they even part of the game?
I have mine printed, I just need a good amount of time with sunlight to sit down and do it.
They just wanted some boys the same age as the girls in the show.
I'm at episode 98 can I watch the 2 movies now?
They should axe them already.
They should axe you already.
I want Ichigo to axe me
I dont want you near Ichigo.
Currently downloading PRRL to watch it again, 2 years after seeing it for the first time.
But they're all so cute.
But I'm cute.
Sorry if this gets asked a lot but I'm not sure how to proceed with PriPara at this point.
I got up to episode 40 and then the file from [kpkn] crashes hard. Not that much of an issue but looking ahead it seems subs stop at ep 51 and then not resume until the 90s at least on nyaa.
I'm looking at this page: nyaa.se
Doki has another like 12 episodes but I belive those still have seeds.
Watch it raw or sit around complaining about it like does.
I don't think there's anything wrong with kpkn's episodes, so check the hash.
Enjoy gitting gud.
Figured this was the way to go. Luckily my moon is pretty ok listening so I'll just do that. It'll be good practice anyway.
Cum inside Mahiru.
Me too.
Doki has episodes subbed into the mid 60s.
Cum inside you? lewd.
You guys are a bunch of pervs. Mahiru wouldn't like you sexualizing her.
>7 colors
>yume, roller, koharu, mahiru, ako, yuzu and lily
Aikatsu 7 confirmed.
>Dorothy is a very sexy girl
What the fuck am I reading?
Yozora scares me.
>I did not choose the aikatsu, the aikatsu chose me
Why is she making that face?
>literally Pretty Rhythm but it's ''''''''''technology''''''''' and totally not magic!
>Hime-sama will never give you the lesbian gaze