How do you feel about Haruhi?
How do you feel about Haruhi?
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Needed a good punch in the face and dick in the ass after the shit she did to Mikuru
Warm and tingly
Come on, she pulls one prank on worst girl and you hold it against her even after she massively improves as a person?
Sure, but she still needs to be fucked in the ass.
Yuki is cuter.
She's the best! I'll keep living only on HaruHaru and water!
She's good enough, but I don't see why some people are so enamored with her.
Childhood is when you idolize Haruhi, adulthood is when you realize Yuki makes more sense.
She's cute.
Nice body, shitty character.
Disappearance Haruhi is actually a good girl and not a shit, look into it user.
She's still kind of a shit, just less so than in Melancholy since she wasn't given the pedestal that Kyon & co. provided her
she is kinda of a bully, the whole time I was watching I really wanted someone to step in and tell her to fuck off
Does anyone have caps from Sup Forums back when endless 8 first aired?
Really enjoyed the first 2 animated seasons, but dont know where to go next.
Books or Dissapearence?
Alt Haruhi was better, she committed no sins.
>stopping before the only good part of the whole series
Have you not lurked for even a single day?
Spoiled brat but I like her anyway
Also observe my 8
Im a busy guy desu.
Plus I only started watching anime earlier this year so still new to it all.
no matter what current character i happen to like she is there as the one true love, the perfect goddess standing before the common masses
My waifu.
>Bottom right
Shameful shit
Sometimes you need a bully to make things go forward. I'd rather have someone who just plows through everything without a thought than a group of people who do nothing
I don't understand how people find her hot or cute at all. She's just really plain looking and nothing special
Tsundere. I hate that I like her.
She's never given a piedestal. Kyon almost punches her in the face for her own good (even though Tsuruya was just as guilty as her). Just because she's not a good person at the beginning of the story doesnt invalidate her growth.
>expect new exciting things this year
>november 16
G-guys im begining to think we will get cucked again.
I think the same thing about that one girl from amagi park
She's more genki than tsundere really.
In fact, that's why Haruhi makes for a great waifu and character. She starts out as a kind of shitty person and grows into a fantastic young woman. She's not a static piece of perfect waifubait from the very beginning.
Its true. She is the one who forcibly made Kyon her friend. Without her personality, he would have never befriended her and his high school experience would have been dull in comparison.
She isn't a good person at all. She is selfish, rude and braggadocious. Two of her friends can't tell her off and only guy who can is often ignored by her.
what made her so rotten in the first place?
The anime captures some of her worst moments and I disliked her slightly by the end of it. I changed my mind later though. She's a difficult person, but it's alright as long as she's an entertaining character. Also, she grows during the series and gets to be a little more nice in the books that take place after the anime.
Watching that Disappearance of Yuki-chan anime made me realize just how much charisma she has. Her mere presence had the power to energize the scene and the other characters, and whenever she wasn't around, it was painfully boring to watch that show.
Come to think of it KyoAni has a lot of girls that are pretty plain
you wish
She is my waifu.
She has everything: cute, intelligent, fun.
>She is the one who forcibly made Kyon her friend
Kek. You realise he could just walk off and stop coming anytime (at least before the whole god thing), right? He was curious and talked to her.
>She isn't a good person at all. She is selfish, rude and braggadocious
That's ep1 Haruhi. Later on she starts caring a lot for others, her close friends (Kyon in hospital, Yuki later) and people she barely knows (the girls she helped at the concert and was worried whether she helped enough or not).
She's still kinda rude but that's more of a quirk/playful teasing than anything else. The whole story is her and Kyon growing thanks to each other.
She was pretty egotistical in the Melancholy arc and was on a power trip during the Sighs arc.
I feel funny in my p0nos.
What do?
I watched the anime and didn't read the manga, might check that out. From what I recall in the anime, she was pretty bitchy and treated Kyon like shit.
The manga is awful. The source material is the books.
To be honest, the anime stops shortly after she starts acting more selflessly so lots of people still think of her as a bitch.
The manga is a bad adaptation, the LNs are great but the author really doesnt want to give us an ending.
The manga gets a little better later. "Melancholy" is adapted in a really weird way, but later stories follow the books a lot more faithfully. Also, the manga adds some extra stories.
Still, reading the light novels would be preferable since they're the original source material.
Hey Sup Forums look what I caught
The extras are pretty good. I loved the Shamisen one.
You're thinking of Kyon.
It's understandable, given that they are often found together.
Yes, next year for sure.
I love her.
Would you a caterpillar?
Overrated hipster shit that babbys like because it was their first anime.
She never does improve, though. She's still an egotistical piece of shit.
Which is why she filled in for a band member and felt bad after doing an insanely good job because she thought she could've done better for them, right? Or why she camped out by a comatose Kyon in hospital for three days straight, I'm sure.
I want to drink her pee
I want to feel her butt.
I like her but I want to tie her up then fuck her in the ass while spanking her
my nigga
>gets dubs instead
God is fucking with you user
I wouldn't mind this god fucking with me, if you know what I mean.
She literally drugged her against her will in order to induce her to perform lewd acts. In most jurisdictions that could be considered sexual assault or rape.
She diluted a very small dose of alcohol in her drink (and it wasn't even her who did it, she only gave the idea)
That was still fucked up, but it wasn't anywhere near "drugging someone against their will", Mikuru got drunk way faster than anybody would.
Alcohol is a drug. Administering it to someone involuntarily is drugging. And Haruhi doesn't "give ideas", she gives orders. She's the one responsible. If not for the massive world-ending tantrum it would cause, Kyon or Mikuru would have been in the right to report it to the police.
Did you pay no attention to the scene? It's one of the few shitty things done to a SOS Brigade member that isn't entirely her fault.
Do you also like your trains on time?
Technically you're right, but usually "drugging someone against their will" refer to more potent substances in much more serious situations. Police wouldn't have done much about 3 drops of alcohol diluted in milk (plus Tsuruya was just as responsible for agreeing with the idea and doing it). What I'm saying is that it's a shitty thing to do but that's it.
>she was pretty bitchy and treated Kyon like shit
Not really. She's kinda arrogant but she does care, Someday in the Rain really shows that
Look at the two zeros sideways user
She's more over enthusiastic and playful than arrogant really, she's shown being really humble with people she knows less.
There are a lot of shitty things one human being can do to another that aren't against the law. This is one of those things that are.
It's a common principle in law that if you commit a criminal act, even if you don't indend the precise outcome, you are responsible for it. If you fire a gun into the ceiling to frighten people and it kills someone, you are guilty of murder. And this wasn't a "prank", it was a deliberate attempt to sexually exploit a minor. Japan takes shit like that VERY seriously.
Watch the movie now
You must be fun at parties.
Tripfag, you have no fucking clue about the law. For most crimes, ESPECIALLY murder, you must establish not just the act but the intent. And it's not like they tried to fuck the girl, jesus christ.
This nigga plotted the bouncing function of breasts a few days ago.
Nigga it's going to be announced this christmas, we all know it.
Dreams start by believing after all
Tsuruya is better
i think that filename is off
I can't wait for Sup Forums to forget her and her mediocre series.
Not while I'm alive
glad the show is set in a civilized country like Japan then
Don't worry, Yuki-chan was already forgotten.
There are varying levels of mens rea. Murder is actually an interesting case because in many jurisdictions, intent to murder is automatically inferred as a matter of law from the comission of *any* violent felony such as a bank robbery. Hence the felony murder rule. There are also rules pertaining to transferred intent, common purpose, and so forth. And rape is not the only form of sexual assault in existence. You really should at least learn something about criminal law before spouting off that others are wrong.
disappearance rewatch soon
i want my s3 and surprise arc movie NOW