What do you think of twins? Best girls? Annoying?
What do you think of twins? Best girls? Annoying?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd say sexiest girls
DaL thread?
Yuzuru a best
Are you serious or are you just a clockfag
Twins where one of them is a prominemt character and is winning the best twin.
Date a live. Pretty fun you should watch it
Japan's twins: they're identical!....except the rack.
There's always the dilemma which one to start with.
And tossing a coin would be disrespectful
I prefer retards.
Reminder that Mukuro is the absolute love.
Those aren't twins.
Not the worst character of dal but they are pretty close
So regarding the translation of vol.15, seems they are having trouble. I mean it's been 2 months and no chapter has been translated yet.
I like Rom
Date A Live vol.15 Raw mega.nz
Fuck right off then, you don't want a DAL thread
So they didn't announce S3 with the announcement?
"user, be a dear and rub my feet ufufufu"
What is anime?
Kaguya a cute
I like when one of the twins is a guy.
Spin-off, don't remind me. That's why DAL threads are dead now.
A western fan asked the author and he replied:
Thank you for enjoying "Date a Live". As of now there's no information that can be announced, ifsomething happens I'll announce it ,thank you for waiting.
So he pretty much confirmed it himself.
No it was a Kurumi Side story
I'm still hanging on hope
>Best girls?
I would like to say so. Unfrortunatly for them, Clock exist
>want me to lick them too?