You can pick ONE album to get a musical film (ala Interstella 5555). What's your pick?
You can pick ONE album to get a musical film (ala Interstella 5555). What's your pick?
Other urls found in this thread:
Deltron 3030
>Spice&Wolf Season 3 OST
Dark Side of the Moon. Actually I'll be a surprised if someone hasn't made a whole AMV to it at this point.
Fuck you, The Wall was better and ACTUALLY kind of sort of has a musical film.
Take your meme album and git.
My niggas
Obviously. The man pretty much already is an overpowered MC.
The Antlers - Hospice done by KyoAni
Time - Electric Light Orchestra
Have it go full 80s scifi nostalgia
Did you not watch the opening to Daicon IV?
>See pic
>CTRL+F "mugi"
>Zero results
easy choice
>Tim Hecker's Harmony in Ultraviolet
Something about humanity's history.
>Rainbow Blood
Hunter-gatherer humanity.
>Stags, Aircraft, Kings and Secretaries
Would be a flash forward - early societies (from the Agricultural China, Egypt, India...)
>Palimpsest - Chimeras
Ancient Greece and Rome, plus the beginning of the Migration period
The formation of the many tiny countries after Migration Period, with them warring between themselves and whatnot
>Palimpsest II
The period from the Ninth century to the fourteenth, flash forward
>Spring Heeled Jack Flies Tonight
Some of the Ottoman Empire + the Renaissance. Exploration galore.
>Harmony in Blue I-IV
The Little Ice Age
>Radio Spiricom
Late 19th century to the 1910s
>Whitecaps of White Noise I
WW1 and WW2
>Whitecaps of White Noise II
post-WW2 period to 1989
>Blood Rainbow
the era we live in
ESL, sorry for not going into more detail.
By Kyoani
Well OP did say musical film from a whole album. That was just an opening.
I don't know, I find this album strangely depressing.
To Gainax's glorious career
It's like poetry, like, they rhyme
Great album, great digits.
actually yeah Makoto Shinkai would be perfect thinking about it.
What would an anime adaptation of this be like?
Nas - illmatic please.
Sasuga, you have shit taste in music as well as anime.
Guys, come on.
Huh, reminds me of that guy who did the album covers for Mayoiga.
Sort of cheating I guess since I found this album through the DBZ dub but fuck it. The whole thing is a murder mystery wrapped up in reincarnation and psychic dreams, it's a narrative all on its own.
Autechre - Exai animated by tsukumizu
Interstella 5555 is technically an anime.
Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory. Of course, in edgiest way possible.
Naxatras - Naxatras
It's the 80s, and a 21 year old guy in Greece decides to start a band. But he can't play for shit! He buys a guitar, and starts practicing - all alone. He doesn't show off his "skills" to anyone - he plays at his home.
His neighbours eventually notice that, and luckily, there's a 35 y/o guy who used to be a drummer - but his carreer wasn't so good, so he eventually gave up. He rings the bell to the guitar lad, with a bottle of ouzo in his hand - they don't really have to have a special occasion to drink together! The drummer neighbour slips out the fact that he was a musician at one time, and the Guitar lad (I need fucking names, this repetition sucks) jokingly says to the guy to go fetch his drum and go back here, so they can play together.
After searching far and wide for it, he finds it, and comes back. The history.
He hears somebody playing the guitar, and tracks the sound down to the guitar lad's door*
I unironically enjoy Hybrid Theory
I blame nostalgia
This could work.