Italian General Elections 2018

As you can clearly see,the PD (Democratic Party)It's dying and by 2018 it will be dead due to his globalists ideas that most of Italians dislike,only old men vote for PD because due to their age,lack of intelligence and cuckness.
The Northern League together with FdI (Brothers of Italy)are probably the most based and nationalist countries out there in the italian politics,while CasaPound which are basically the "Third millenium's fascists" has slowly but steadily grown,they might even enter the parliament this time.
Anyway,the left is dead, centrists have been criticised for their incompetence and the moderate right-wing parties too.
Italy's hope are the Northern League,Brothers of Italy and CasaPound.
What are your thoughts about the italian election?Could Italy be a strategic player in order to bring back Nationalism in Europe?,_2018

If in North, vote Lega Nord, if in south vote FIVE STAR MOVEMENT

>only old men vote for PD because due to their age,lack of intelligence and cuckness
Are you saying that women vote better than men do in Italy?

What's the deal with Five Star? I've heard mixed things. I've heard anything from Beppe Grillo is like Trump, to Beppe Grillo is a fascist, to Beppe Grillo is like Sanders, to Beppe Grillo is a far leftist, etc.

Five star movement are screaming monkeys without any plan or political reform,they're being supported because they seem the "Rivoluzionari" while they're some god tier cucks who change their ideas everyday.Look how bad Virgia Raggi manages Rome,do you think M5S could even be able to manage a 70millions people country?
Salvini understands that Southern Italy is the key of succes,without the corruption that region could keep up with the northern Italy and by doing so it wouldn't be a burden to italian economics.

Have a free bump.

>40.8 to 23.8 in three years
wew lad
keep in mind the change that's happened in Poland the last three years. by 2020 Italy could look completely different

My bad,elderls vote for PD,they want to maintain the status quo which has led to this shithole named Italy.
Some parts of the Italian youth support globalist ideas and parties like every italian leftist parties,but most of italians are aligning themselves with the nationalists.
In Italy you can be fascist and no one will report you to the police,I already did several times the Roman Salute in my school and they didn't do anything to me.
I've openly expressed my support towards both Brothers of Italy and CasaPound and many teachers agreed with them,eventhough they see CasaPound a bit too "extremist".
Many are nationalists and pretty much everyone is patriotic.
When there are big events in my school,we always chant the italian national anthem and in the "Aula Magna" there a lot of italian flags and symbols about italian naval heroes of both WWI and WW2.
The director who is based as fuck despite being a woman is clearly a nationalist.

I really like my school.

Beppe grillo was a comedian and he sought the oppurtunity of entering politics and did so,he's probably worse than Renzi Matteo because unlike that cuck,he changes his political ideas every day or week.

I think we’ll get center left/ center right big coalition government.

M5S is literally controlled opposition, Grillo admitted it in the years of Golden Dawn in Greece "look, if fascists will not win in Italy is thank to us"
Their voters like to think they are based because they are against corruption, but most of the "anti corruption" fights are bollocks like "Earthquakes are provoked by fracking"

The democratic party losed so much support because it lied to the italiam people both about immigration and political reforms.
They gave 80€ free every month for the workers and after one year they demanded those money,they saved Banca Etruria (a italian bank)with the public money and Banca Etruria's actionists losed all of their money due to a trick played by the bankers themselves who turned the obligations in actions.
Not only that,Matteo Renzi abandoned his political position last year and now he wants to enter again politics pushing "multicultural ideas and globalist reforms" to basically cuck Italy hard.
Last but not least: the PD wants to give italian citizenship to any rapefugee without them doing many efforts,thus balkanizing the italian peninsula;did I mention that the PD is divided?
They clearly will lose the elections,they're trying to push the "Ius Soli" in the Italian parliament for their own good and to change the general elections's date from May to August.

Center left is pretty unlikely because the last leftists bastion of Italian politics is basically dead (PD).
While a Center-Right coalition is likely, but with LN,FdI and such in there,we could see some good reforms.Forza Nuova is too liberal for my tastes

>if in south vote FIVE STAR MOVEMENT

* vote FdI

fixed that for you

40% was at an European election, nobody gives a fuck about them
It's far more indicative to look at local elections: one of the leftist regions, Liguria, is now 100% right wing, it's like a solid blue american state going red.
The high school council in Firenze (another leftist hellhole) has elected a 64% identitarian far right council.

Right wing will win, Berlusconi+ "muh far right" is already at 35%

Italia is praise-worthy,
I mean, they have quite high IQs too.
They'll be glorious is they choose centre-right parties for future elections.

Centre-right is cucked, but they'll be minority partner in a far right coalition this time

North Italy will go full far right due to the mass immigration,the process started since 2015.
The center is very likely to support LN and such political parties,while the southern region of Italy is what worries me the most.

No I mean PD + FI kind of coalition, like under Monti (pbuh).

Yeah, I figured as such.
I'm actually half Italian and truly wish Italia goes further.

At this point Lega Nord+FdI will have the same votes of PD

They're corrupted as fuck,like 70% of italian politicians lol,but this time like a pastanon wrote it's very likely to see a far-right coalition in the parliament.
That's what matters the most:if you hold the parliament then you hold Italy.

You have houses(a fucking Villa was what I saw) being sold by the government for use(free) by immigrants than homeless Italians ffs.
I feel sad.

The change in Poland didnt really happen though. It's just that once left lost the power and right win party took over suddenly nationalists and far right was no longer persecuted by police and media has calmed down about them. We always were against this shit that's happening, but we didnt know how many of us were out there.
And now we suddenly realize that it's the left that's the minority and that being far right won't lose you your job, your friends and make people alienate you, so masses starting speaking out.
Hence all the marches, open racism, anti-semitism and other stuff happening.

No one wants to co-operate with a unstable a divided party mate,the PD is dead,just look how many votes it has lost in such a short period of time and Italy isn't based like Poland or Hungary

Italy and Greece faced the invasion of rapefugees,both countries have been fucked hard by their governments,EU and globalists.
How's the far right doing down in the hellas Orthodox brother?
I'm half-romanian lol

We have MILITARY BASES occupied by niggers

How about you pizza niggers give us back South Tyrol?

It's all yours if you support Triveneto independence

How about we reach half way and you take the wannabe Germans while we keep the apple trees?

Non dire baggianate,volevano utilizzare caserme diroccate e fuori uso come alloggi per i negri,ma alla fine non s'è fatto una sega ed loro dormono ancora in strada come i negri bastardi che sono.

Well, we're quite safe for now, since we're not that high on population, but, the government is mostly considered bad because of "cuckholdrick" supposedly "revolutionary" political dialogue and behavior and awful "libertarian" choices (you can't hold a fucking family-friendly banner on the street).
People are tired of this and most will go right next time, I'm quite sure, based on the media and 80% of discussions IRL.

Are you still butthurt about Vittorio Veneto?Lmao,get anschlussed by the Krauts and stop being Europe's muslims.
Also,South Tyrol will remain italian territory,you schnitzel fag

kek sei serio? Abito vicino ad una caserma con 1000 negri in rivolta, 200 stanno marciando verso Venezia

>Based on the media
Because at first they supported him blindly but lost many viewers since that was proven bad.

It's good to hear that mate,I hope the best for the greeks.
Do you support Golden Dawn?What about the others?

Centre-right is the best choice.
Far-right is not.
I'm sure you know that, plus, they might be a good choice to expose some political illegal actions but- can't go that far for that.
I do hope a new political party could go up and running ffs, it's bad being ruled by two families

Non lo sapevo,ricordavo che volessero adibire una caserma nel centro di Roma per i negri e le mussulmerde,ma la cosa poi non andò in porto.
Comunque male che vada, chiamate un migliaio di contadini del Veneto e calpestate i negracci con i trattori lol,oppure sparategli a vista,ormai vi siete armati per bene,giusto?
Qui al sud son tutti con le lupare ed gli Ak-47 romeni venduti a 300€ uno

eh ci sono troppi giornalisti dio can

We need based people to fight the leftists and the globalist,this is a very important time for us white europeans.
Far-right is the only choice IMO

By the way, you half-brothers will do fine.
I truly think you'll protect yourselves because of self-respect.

Well, since there can be a conversation (in contrast with leftists), yes, it could be.

I cucks di Libero vi daranno del razzisti e xenophobi se voi doveste protestare contro i negracci.

>lega nord
>forza italia

top kek

Berlusconi just wants to troll for another year or two before dying, Salvini is a cuck.

Still the least shit choice though.

What are you even talking about?
FdI,LN and CasaPound are based as fuck and the best political choice if you want to live in a better Italy.
But if you want nignogs and gypsies assaulting you then please go ahead and vote for the partito democratico

Salvini is far from perfect, but what's the alternative? Casapound is too small

Berlusconi and Salvini have shitty political and
economic ideas

you can't raise the minimum pension to 1000 euros, that would cost us more than 50 billion euros over several years

a flat tax won't work

you can't cancel the pension reform made by fornero, it would be suicide and more debt will accrue for the younger generations

we need a good rightist party:

-one which is anti-immigration
-wants a solid border
-doesn't increase welfare and benefits to people because it doesn't work and it was just a plot to get more votes like renzi bought votes with his 80 euros, gentiloni with his stupid "reddito d'inclusione" which will go to immigrants anyway since immigrants are poorer than italians and berlusconi with his no taxes on the first house and increasing pensions
-which will invest in technology and artificial intelligence, research and education
-free kindergarten for everyone except top rich 20%
-build more kindergartens

and I can go on but i've already rambled too much but if you guys want i can post more good ideas

all houses should be taxed but we should use only a land value tax for starters

also all regular immigrants should first get documents which prove that they have no property in their country of origin or any other kind of income there before being accepted into any welfare program

every immigrant should pay full taxes and full price for any services offered by public money for say 3 years and if they ask for family reunification you need an extra 3 years for every member of the family

no ius soli bullshit, you can get citizenship only after 10 years and only if you are 18 or older


Female immigrants under 24yo only.

too bad m5s has a lot of politicians investigated by police and every party had one elected politician arrested in italy lel

well the right was a coalition in italy and i think the arrested guy was from FI

meh i'm not attracted to any ethnic group outside europe

It would cut most immigration overnight.

As I said they're the least shitty option.

Besides Berlusconi's party the others you mentioned have literally 0 political weight, they will never achieve anything, they are just a niche with the occasional mild racist-ish episode from time to time, nothing more.

Forza italia has nothing to do with immigration or foreigners policies, they're all over tax reform and nothing else.

Look up Erbezzo, in Verona. Last saturday they brought a busload of refuge-seekers in an ex-NATO base there...
They flew into the dark of the night the same day, the mayor saw them on a road and carried on, calling the police late. Chissà dove sono adesso

ln and fdi are the only sane choices but i'm still worried about salvini's ideas of cancelling the fornero reform and flat tax, it would just increase our debt

he just hopes people will bring money back to italy once the tax is lower but i doubt it and you don't even know how much money is hidden so you might not be able to cover everything with just a 15% income tax

berlusconi is completely out of his mind with his ideas which didn't work in the past either. i thought he'd try to actually change in order to make italy better since he doesn't have much to live and could be at least remembered for doing some good to the country during his final years, but nope still the same

Godspeed pizzapeople

li stanno nascondendo, neanche sui giornali e nelle tv avevano menzionato la cosa molto, solo su quinta colonna ma quella trasmission non è di parte e non la caga nessuno che vota

stanno cercando di far sembrare che non ci sono più mettendoli in posti sperduti e solo di notte

hanno paura delle elezioni ma sicuramente dopo se vincono continuerà tutto come prima

a me sta sul cazzo pagare le tasse sapendo che pago la vita per questi qua invece di usare le mie tasse per aiutare altri giovani che non hanno lavoro e fare investimenti sul paese

>my own construction businness
>pay IVA for materials and contractors
>pay roughly 55% of what your emploies receive as salary
>pay 27ish% of net profits every year (actually paying for the profits I'm expected to have the upcoming year already)
>pay roughly 45% when you split profits between businness owners every year

Basically it's like getting raped.

anch'io perdo quasi la metà del mio stipendio ma sono fortunato di avere un lordo molto alto anche se neolaureato solo grazie ad aver scelto una materia ingegneristica e capitato in una fantastica azienda

secondo me le imposte sulle aziende dovrebber essere attorno 20%, non più di 23% e incentivare il reinvestimento del profitto

ma nessuno lo farà, neanche la destra che taglierà solo tasse e si sputtanerà soldi come al solito meglio di avere la sinistra che sputtana soldi e li butta sulla gente ma anche con queste fantastiche risorse africane e asiatiche

Italians are NOT white.

Italy will go full fascist within 5 years, mark my words

Hello pastaniggers, who are the fascists?

i fucking hope, if enough italians are still around to vote instead of immigrants who got citizenship

I hope