New Batch of JFK Files
Watch this thread 404 then tell me we should CBTS
New Batch of JFK Files
Watch this thread 404 then tell me we should CBTS
Other urls found in this thread:
God damn, how many of these are there?
>only website where people would actually collectively read and document this
>only time these are being released
>only time there is a schizophrenic thread series distracting everyone
>document these events as they happen
>Larp clue keeps series alive for 10 more threads
Come on this is the real stuff
the more you hate on it the more you look like shills.
Seems like this thread needs an AWOO !!! bump
More newly released today?
Is there still more of these docs to be released? they just keep coming out.
We've gone from 10s of thousands to hundreds of thousands of documents. If that, in and of itself, isn't enough evidence to imply a fucking coverup of some sort, then what is? Seriously, how many pages of "evidence" do you need to realize that JFK was killed by your own government institutions with the help of (((bankers)))?
Just think about that for a moment. How many pages??
So much info!
Here's what I know.
Trump hinted rafeal Cruz was part of the JFK story.
Ted Cruz was furious and said his father was part of an antibiotic Castro group.
JFK files say anti Castro group worked with Jewish financiers to take out JFK for LBJ, or to install the friendlier lbj.
Rafeal Cruz was part of it all after all.
Fkn autoC. Anti. Not antibiotic haha
Damn , this threads gettin no love
Is there a way to access these without using a .gov website? Not on my own rig and don't want their filthy cookies on my phone.
Because Operation White Rabbit has been a huge success at containing our most dedicated researchers on a snipe hunt for a bird called Q. Very very successful. Probably the biggest pied Piper psyop ever seen here.
We attracted the attentions of real pros and now we can't get shit done.
CBTS could only fool /ptg/, boomers and old cat ladies.
We used up all of our weaponized autism looking for some dumbass flag that we forgot to save some extra for a follow up. It's like if the cold war happened but everyone forgot they didn't actually have any nukes.
Does it matter? Anything you type on your phone is sent to the NSA.
Bump for real shrike autism
>It's like if the cold war happened but everyone forgot they didn't actually have any nukes.
You have no idea how right you are.
bump with pic related
This is from three weeks ago with no changes, I just recall seeing someone post an older iteration of it.
This is what I worked with. It feels like part of a script to an '80s comedy with John Cleese, I can't decide which of A fish Called Wanda or Clockwise would be the closest.
Here a small collection of stuff I saw so far in the older batches, im sure there is more to it
Russia says Johnson killed Kennedy, Page 5
30 pages missing as first pages mentiones 33 pages while the PDF only has 3
Tippett meant to kill Kennedy and be killed afterwards, Page 3
Tippett together with Rubenstein and possibly Oswald, Page 2
Multiple shooters and bullets
Cuban exiles apparently planned on killing cuban government officials
Frankly, I think both might be important and highly interconnected, if they're serious at CBTS they should really start digging in these files.
Do the JFK files trigger the subhuman or something? Every time people talk about them we have a shitload of "white girls like brown men/South Europeans are not white" bullshit in the catalogue.
Came anything new out of the files yet?
Yes, transfestites are homosexual.
I'm not one to go "REEEEEEE teh janiturs need 2 delet" but that CBTS bullshit is annoying as hell and I'm sick of seeing it shit up the boards. They're almost up to thread 400 now.
>real pros
There are no "pros" in CBTS threads. It's a bunch of newfags from other websites. The worst of the worst>
I honestly think someone brought them here on purpose, because it did a damn good job of stopping all discussion of anything for awhile. Now an insane group of boomer conspiracy theorists have a foothold on Sup Forums and are starting to infect other threads.
They're even signing their posts with signatures, wtf
Q is a Russian troll
>implying the hivemind can't handle the load
>implying those threads haven't been fruitful
>implying nothing is happening
shigdig famlam
bump for humanity
why did they keep and classify so much useless shitty information..?
Finding a needle in a haystack is no biggie. Finding a needle in a needlestack is though.
Bump, what's in this new batch lads?
feels like we will need to find a bunch of needles in there to make sense of anything
so... did Castro kill JFK?!?!?!
Bump Israel killed JFK
I'm seeing a number of files from MI-5 in here but nothing of interest in them so far.
Shills really don’t want this thread alive but it’s the best one
Bump for followup
These new files will take weeks to go through and piece together. What about the previous releases?
Tell me user, where do i go to see what people have put together based on the previous releases. There are people out there who have done nothing but JFK research for decades now - much of it extremely detailed - tell me what boards are they on as they have been digesting the material released over the past month
No, he's a 100% US troll working for the glow in the dark niggers
It won’t take weeks if there’s a ton of people doing it. Too bad there’s the CBTS LARP which is constantly bumped
Stop you people are stupid. They are Jewish shills. They would get triggered when you named the Jews in there
Ok so this says that the military industrial complex killed JFK
so which is it - LBJ, the bankers, or MI?
Do you guys see how many random bs threads there are like rehashing Vegas and this thread telling people to find a submarine. Shills are giant faggots
They all benefitted from it but Mossad agents killed JFK. Israelis
Everyone hated JFK. The Jews (US and Israeli), the Fed, the Deep State, the CIA, the Italian mafia (JFK was aligned more with the Irish mob), Cuban dissidents who were upset he wasn't helping the CIA to get them back in power etc.
All of them were involved in some way.
Makes sense but do we have conclusive evidence in these documents to prove it without any doubt and also show how they all colluded with one another to accomplish it? Do we have unquestionable hard evidence showing who paid the gunmen? If we can get those things, we can get news coverage. The normies need to see the aforementioned for this to go anywhere.
They're released 31,134 documents on JFK, and they are still not done?
That kind of smoking gun evidence won't be found in these files, they would never release that kind of thing.
The public is stupid and a large portion of them will never wake up, not much you can do to change that other than save who you can.
here is a list of the new docs URL
Weird report on Frank Sinatra's people potentially taking bets on when JFK's assassination would happen. These stories come months before his assassination.
Fuck off with ur blackpilled attitude this is better than the rest of this board with this Q LARP bullshit.
>In the fifth public release this year, the National Archives today posted 10,744 records subject to the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (JFK Act).
All of the documents released today are from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Of the documents released today, 8,336 documents are released in their entirety and 2,408 are released with limited redactions. Also, this is the first release for 144 of the documents. Released records are available for download.
The versions released today were processed by the FBI and, in accordance with the President’s guidance, are being posted expeditiously in order to make the documents available to the public, even before the March deadline established by the President on Oct. 26, 2017. Any information that has been redacted from the records in this public release remains subject to further review by the FBI and the National Archives in accordance with the President’s direction.
Have had a look through the new releases, defo seems to implicate multiple shooters. The new documents show investigations into a number of other individuals. I hope someone who is namemapping will be able to highlight the links between different institutions / people.
However, this release demonstrates that the FBI were carrying out an investigation into MULTIPLE guilty parties - shooters or closely related suspects.
Also new information are big links to the UK (and Canada) - eg/ suspecting Osborne: a potential UK asset. Seems to hint towards big powers involvement.
We know ""(((they )""") had a motive. But whither with these documents? Do we use them to highlight multiple shooters at Vegas? Highlight the internal war between arms of the US intelligence community? To sow distrust in the government / institutions?
Just use the LARP threads to spread real information. You Sup Forums is a pool of chaos right? If you do not offer truth in the chaos then how do you expect the lost to navigate it?
The goal should be a simple flowchart from JFK via who pulled the triggers two those who pulled the strings. Everything else is mission creep.
Robert David Steele is a disinfo CIA nigger
Suppliment that statement faggot. Because he has laid out the groundwork for an open source society. You are the disinfo NIGGER
#388 formerly withheld: in full
Pic related
#1514 formerly withheld
Not sure why this was withheld...
On mobster Gus Alex
A recipient of money, but no sender.
What is the relevance of this
why is this stuck on page six
It was Oswald's mother.
It's about a woman that typed letters for a living.
She typed one about Oswald's mother receiving $.
I think he meant the post about Gus the Greek, probably a mob mook they just doxxed to add hurdles. Why they withheld it, God knows.
No cbts is just garbage. Q said indictments were imminent and nothing happened
Lots of sealed indictments going on though
>report a bunch of off-topic/bait threads so this thread doesn't get slid so fast
>nothing happens
is there even a point in discussing it over here than on inf chan?
So what?
Re: formerly withheld docs...
On p. 79 now
So far, some about Mexican and/or Cuban nationals. Others about Italian or Jewish sounding names in Ottawa, Canada, New York and elsewhere.
Most content is gambling related... So those prob mob related.
It's no secret that jfk had mob contacts.
Coordination would be helpful with so many files to look at.
Somebody take pg 1-5 and report.
Next person 6-10.
So you said no indictments happened
Whether or not CBTS is a lap, just what the fuck are you going to do with any information you find in these files? Say you find the most damaging, incriminating piece of evidence that absolutely fucks the CIA, proves they had JKF killed... What are you going to do? Call your Senator? Protest?
rip thread
not on my watch
Bump for good thread
(((they))) killed him, goyim
cant access the archives via my pc. i can only open it on my mobile phone... fucking heiko maas force