Austria: Migrants complain that the local women want too much sex

There is a growing trend in Austria of middle aged or older women enticing young male asylum seekers with favours and money for sexual gratification and making the young migrant men dependent on them.

During the course of the migrant crisis, a vast majority of the migrants who came to Austria were young men, many of them travelling alone some of them targetted by Islamists, drug gangs and now in Austria, older sex-starved women.

A new report claims that the trend is steadily growing and now many young male migrants depend on these so-called “sugar mamas” for their financial benefits in exchange for sex OE24 reports.

Vienna magazine Biber and Austrian broadcaster ORF both reported on the growing trend claiming that while many older Austrian women have gone on “sex vacations” to African countries in the past to have sexual relations with men there, having sex with asylum seekers in Austria is a new phenomenon.

Some migrants even complain that the Austrian women want too much sex. An asylum seeker named Hasan told the Biber magazine, “She wants sex with me four times a day, I am a sex machine for her, nothing more.” Hasan said he wouldn’t leave the woman though because he had become accustomed to his new lifestyle.

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Women want men they can exploit.

>Hasan said he wouldn’t leave the woman though because he had become accustomed to his new lifestyle
Literal fuckboy subhuman

And you laughed when i told you the roasties want retarded men so they can feel smarter and make their mindgames work,because whites had enough of their stupidity.

nix fickificki, du leckilecki, kanack
>mfw shitskins get raped by our catladies and expired roasties


Hahahaha really?
>You should be OUTRAGED at the migrants!
>You won't believe what happens next!!!!


They used to write about this back before the days of SJW-pc culture.

>old women want to fuck niggers

We bring them to the west to do the jobs that we don't want to do... Prostitution, for example.

they truly are a different race

And they destroy our society for what, for some old hag to get her pussy culturally enriched, its disgusting.

How can you have sex with old wrinkly women without vomiting

Or fat ones.

Fucking lol as women find their version of Eastern Asian girls with Anglo grandpas.

>austrian women
It's old dry austrian feminists getting themselves a fuckslave.
It's the same in sweden, they don't give a fuck about rape or crime they want their primitive tribal fuckboy, they write books about /rasiamasculinity tier shit and nigger dicks.

No loss

giving women political say in anything
what a fucking mistake

>tfw they're fucking the refugees to death

somehow this is like the bizzaro world 2017 version of assemblywomen written by the greeks 2000 years ago

wait, so I can go to Austrian and pretend I'm a migrant and get raped by a milf?

That... doesn't look human.

This, you can see it when it says middle age women in the article
Remember the same scandal with swedish social workers?
They literally prey on refugees to control via mental game, and if they try to get out, they get fucked by the ss, the ss also made some walk away after raping regular women by victimizing them and demonizing the girl, these people are toys for them because they realized western man have standards and wont degrade themselves out of some ugly bitch kink


This is the same shit going on in Sweden. Middle aged hags are the biggest supporters of asylum seekers.

>african niggers and dog shit arab muslims come to seek gibs and young pussy
>young women don't want shitskin dick
>only cat ladies and whored out roasties in their 50s go after the muzzie scum

Hilarious if true

>Women want men they can exploit.
got it in one

from last year

It only sounds worse than it is.

>Having such an incredible tingling between her legs she fucks every man on her front regardless how dirty or illiterate they are

Why dont they do the same thing with frenchmen or random tourists? I once tried to play the victim card but gave up because it sound and it is pathetic. How come this fuckers do it?

Maybe female genital mutilation isn't such a bad idea after all...

Because a 50-60 year old woman isn't likely gonna get a 20 something guy (who's not physically disabled and normal looking) if there's no dependency involved.
Also I believe for a white to abuse another white is harder to stomach than for a white to abuse a nigger/shitskin.
Those women would probably look at 20 year old natives like they are their sons or something and wouldn't even think about it.


European women are a million times sluttier than American women

Fair enough, in my own rant i forgot what i was ranting about. When i did such pathetic experiment i was with my high school girls.

and now you know what the pussyhat is about. its a granny sex cult.

Damn, imagine coming to Europe, young syrian with couple of cents in his pocket and jihad in his eyes, only to discover that you have to pleasure some 50 year old whore with cunt that looks and smells like fish left in the sun for a week.

So... you are telling me it's a bad thing that local old whores use refugees as sex slaves? In that age they won't get pregnat that easily anyways or abbort so it's not such a big deal to be honest. Maybe they will get killed by Strache's Burschenschafter death squads tho. But who cares lol.

nah I wouldnt say a million I would say 1.1- 1.3 times sluttier, 1.3 being finland (confirmed statistics)


Let's have a beer together brother.

>Gets promissed 72 virgins
They are all old and ugly
>Disapointed, goes on a rape and killing spree

>And then gets arrested and sent back to Syria with his whole family

Holy shit this couple is from an American show called "90 day fiance."

The guy, Mohammad, divorced the her because she demanded so much sex but he wouldn't do it coz her pucci smells. It was fucking hilarious. Too lazy to find link but surely it's in Youtube

>Migrants waste their seed on dried up old cunts
>Dried up old cunts stfu because they are finally getting attention again

Sounds like a win-win lads

you get what you deserve

>Applies for refugee status again and gets moved to germany or sweden

Does anyone have the german pic refugees are welcome here (inside a german antifa pussy)?

if by milf you mean mary beard tier catlady

>finally getting attention again

You should never feed the troll


>There is a growing trend in Austria of middle aged or older women enticing young male asylum seekers

Ofc there is. Sad fat single middle-aged women get fuckpets to brighten their lives up. This is how empires fall.

Older white men do the same -- chasing after non-white and white young women. These women sure aren't attracted to lardo bodies and shriveled junk.

In my area, there was a mid-50 yo divorced guy who hung around the local college until he snagged up a 20 yo who was looking for a sugar daddy. Same thing...ugly and fat with money,


I know womynz are failure (a priori).
But how low austrians can get ?

It's differant because men are constructive with those relationships. A women past her 25 y.o (being gentle here) that doesnt have a partner is a loser and should be ousted of sexual market because they only bring degeneracy due to their natural selfish nature, only exeption are widows
On the other hand old men in such relations have their personal reputation ruined by jealous women, yet they are some of the only ones nowadays that can tame a roastie (at the peril if being tamed themselves)


I dont see the problem with this. These old women are worthless anyway, they protect the younger ones by controlling the rapefugees.

So what? A bunch of old crusty women want loads of is that surprising? Just do whatever the fuck you want. No one cares anyway when you're old

Disgusting these people will fuck anything

They protect the rapefugees not to lose their toys, even difamating little girls victims of rape. They also use them to enact violence on people like murdering their husbands, see sweden social services sex scandal




It’s okay, it’s probably not anything worth your envy.

That’s exactly why the Anschluss won’t happen again.

>Dried up old cunts stfu because they are finally getting attention again
except they don't shut up, since there's still a chance for deportation and/or the slaves getting bored of them, so they'll keep lobbying for more nigger cock until the day they die

>invent male sex-bots
>market them to middle aged and older women
>political support for open borders collapses

It is there’s also a younger equivalent with a Moroccan guy. This ones is funnier though.

So this is how whites go extinct...

They are all far past breeding age.

Are they?
Use bing translate, im on the phone cant do that
>Grandmother will bear her daugthers children

Getting your country collapsed because becuase of horny woman. Empowering women more is the answer.

I am too so can’t do it either, but I’m pretty certain they are.

And they probably are. Most women become sterile at menopause, but the same way a teen can either get her period between her 13-18 she can get her menopause between 40 to 50 or even latter
And with today tech they can be artificially seminated while many here sigh about robo waifus and artificial utherus that will only arrive when we are dying of old age

Is that an albino abo?