How did you feel about this scene
The garden of words
>Not start to lick her feet
What is wrong with him?
pretty intense scene.
Fueled my foot fetish.
it made me a footfag
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of shoe designers had a foot fetish.
Foot fetish is elder god tier
Like I was watching some softcore foot fetish porn.
I'm a footfag now. Thanks Shinkai.
Wtf I love feet now
It made my dick doki doki
I wish Shinkai could remake Hoshi no Koe with this quality
I'm no footfag, but it made my dick hard as diamonds
It's like he was jerking off her foot but too focused on his faggy shoe design to notice his stroke of luck.
Shinkai does it again
Hard as diamond.
I have not nor will I ever watch this movie with anyone else in the room due to potential misunderstandings.
Aside from being hot, it's also cute. It feels intimate.
forced me to come to terms with liking feet.
Never noticed it until now, but the hottest part is when she stands up.
This, but only 2D feet.
This movie is pretty great. Really great. It made me a cake fag, a foot fag and really sad all at the same time.
strongly and erotically
That movie was too beautiful to be as mediocre as it was
If by mediocre you mean shit, then yes
Cake feet look delicious
What the hell? It was good.
Cheesy melodrama, romantic longing and waffling philosophical voice overs.
The story stretches for the profound but ends up wallowing in it's sentimentality.
The voice overs were annoying, but I still liked it.
>Cheesy melodrama
You have to explain what cheesy is for you, because they made a good drama, the teacher suffers because she is a Christmas cake.
nice copypasta
Yeah it was good, but there was nothing interesting in it. Shinkai's animation is top-notch, but it didn't benefit anything when the story is too simple but acts like its the deepest shit possible.
Hell, She And Her Cat had a deeper story.
>the story is too simple but acts like its the deepest shit possible.
Maybe it's because the author wanted to make a comfy movie with some drama at the end.
Fucking please. Shinkai always tries to make pretentious shit. Sometimes it works (the themes of "life goes on" in 5cm/s or "distance" in Voices of A Distant Star), but often it doesn't. The Place Promised and Hoshi O Ou Kodomo are both evidence of his writing falling flat.
Enjoyable movies if you're one of those idiots who can turn their brains off, but I prefer keeping mine on.
I was thinking about how Sup Forums would shitpost about it.
>Enjoyable movies if you're one of those idiots who can turn their brains off, but I prefer keeping mine on.
You can enjoy stuff even when you acknowledge it doesn't have any deep meaning you know.
the scene you posted is cringe as fuck
>but it didn't benefit anything when the story is too simple but acts like its the deepest shit possible.
>Shinkai always tries to make pretentious shit.
Watch it drunk. It's like watching cheesy shit that only hits home when you're inebriated.
You're cringe as fuck.
I think it's beautifully animated, and it wasn't until Sup Forums pointed it out that I started seeing lewd things behind this scene. I guess it'd be a nice way to express some low-key sexual tension?
Also, not even a footfag but Yukino has cute feet.
That retarded drama at the end there ruined the film for me. How entitled is the fucking retard?
He never even asked her anything.
It was a little like visual ASMR. Feels good man
>How entitled is the fucking retard?
That's the problem. He felt like he was being treated like some dumb kid rather than someone she could take seriously. She never told him anything about herself and that hurt. I know it's THE CURRENT YEAR but being angry over being treated like a child is not the same as feeling entitled to anything. He felt like he was being led on.
>that cheesy conclusive hug where the world aligns and fate triumphs, crying, lots of crying, and the dramatic pan out
REEEEEEEEE. Shinkai must be that guy that shares cringe and rants love shit in social media.
Will they meet again on some sunny day?
I hope the keiki dies alone with her cats. 'tis the fate of the anime christmas cake.
But why?
Whenever I asked footfags what exactly they found erotic about feet, they'd always get mad and not want to explain it.
Why didn't they just show this? Now I've got a semi and a new fetish
Dropped harder than gravity.
i feel like quentin tarantino in a women's shoe store
What next? "Fun is a buzzword"?
It's not what he said.
If you're looking for "DEEP" in anime, you've failed as a person. Stop posting and go take a long hike instead.
actually laughed
I don't know. Some anime really made me think.
So people should watch anime only for waifus? Is this your idea to keep anime away from casuals?
>>if you're not a complete loser like me, you have failed as a person
You're a fucking retard. The guy said that there is no point in looking for "deepness" in anime, and he's kinda right. Some movies might have the "deepness" that guy wanted, but in TV anime, you're not going to get anything. "Deep" anime doesn't make money.
He literally didn't even ask her, then suddenly he sperged out about it.
>>Deep anime doesn't make money
Eva is kinda deep, and it is known worldwide desu. To such a point that it is getting remade into movies which are basically the same thing
Cutest keiki feet on TV ever.
Nice samefag dumbass
>>all these spergs arguing about shinkai on a foot thread
Why don't we just accept that shinkai is unstoppable and our favourite artists will never be that well-loved? Let's just accept him as our lord and master and savior
That's a defeatist mindset.
I'm not that guy, contrary to your belief. Any anime that tries to be "deep" often ends up as a clusterfuck.
shinkai always try to be deep. always. look the fucking voice-over. the boy barely knows the woman and is already talking like a shakeaspeare character.
Fucking footfags
The reply you posted is cringe as fuck
wtf I'm a footfag now: The Anime
>tfw Shinkai will win an Oscar
I can't wait.
So you wanna know how foot fags came to be
Well gather round bambinos
Where is the lowest part of your body?
Thats right the feet!
What do you think of when you think feet?
Dirty? Filthy?
In many countries showing the bottom of your feet to someone is considered very rude!
It is as if you are telling that person You are lower than your feet!
SO when someone is a footfag what does this really mean? It most cases it means they love the person so much that they even cherish their "filth"
Stay tuned for next time when we talk about armpit fetishes
Wow, it's like feet don't look cute or attractive or feel soft or anything.
>Dirty? Filthy?
But that's wrong.
Sauce please.
Prison School.
It's never the actual foot itself. It's the situation and circumstances that surround it.
Do non-footfags even find feet cute?
The brain sector for foot sensation is right next to the sector for genital sensation, this tells so much about the genesis for foot-faggotry.
generally interested
Made me sad I will never have cute girl feet.
The sensory homunculus will explain.
i love feet
when are we gonna start drilling holes into our brain to stimulate our cocks
My favourite theme in SF. Though I'd rather go for all five senses VR.
Correlation != causation.
Footfags are pathetic. At least there are pheromones leaving the armpit, making armpitbros acceptable.
When you've been shitposting in literally the exact same way for more than a year, you know there's something horribly wrong with your life.
What do you mean?
I like both, shut up.
10/10 would sniff
Well, they're next to each other, so what? Doesn't explain anything.