>The guy on the right is """superior""" to the guy on the left according to white nationalist.
The guy on the right is """superior""" to the guy on the left according to white nationalist
Bing Bing Wahoo! Make America Greato Againo!
Being a white nationalist does not necessarily male you a white supremacist you fucking bigot
Also sage.
and dont you forget it you wine sipping, shit eating, communist twinkled toed cock sucker
>The guy on the right is """superior""" to the guy on the left according to white nationalist.
no they guy on the right is fat but that is irrelevant, The guy on the left doesn't belong in a white western nation according to white nationalists, he belongs with his own people in his own country.
Don't they teach English in America?
Both men are American, which country is he supposed to go to?
Also America is not a "white" western nation.
haha butthurt fat fuck detected
I would actually let my sister marry the nigger in this case
go back to somalia subhuman
>Don't they teach English in America?
what is your point pastry boy?
>Both men are American, which country is he supposed to go to?
Any number of sub-Saharan African nations
>Also America is not a "white" western nation.
America was founded as a white western nation and only in recent decades has its demographics gone to shit. Also irrelevant from what white nationalists argue for.
White nationalists want an ethno-state, the crux of their objective doesn't lay with race superiority, although it could with certain individuals who also consider themselves white nationalists.
white nationalists don't make claims of superiority
Yes probably higher IQ
The black is presenting himself as a white man.. that's why he looks normal.
OP is a ahmed loving nigger
its quite clear looking around at the world, and history, that a white or european majority nation is the most optimum for the people living there. white or not. this is not a hard concept to grasp.
i am white but i dont feel i have the right in any way to tell others what to do, even if i think im superior. that being said i dont want to live in a spic or nigger majority country.... does anyone? look around.
the nigger modeling the suit is probably more brain dead than the MAGA cringe fuck, 2bh.
Amerimutts are inferior by definition
>appearance is the only thing that matters
Using your logic, a statue or mannequin is the superior human.
What the fuck? No. Do you really think the guy on the right is superior you disillusioned fag?
i've been in the city too long and recently went back to small town white america and it is possibly the nicest place you could ever want to live. everyone is cheerful and friendly and just in awe of "what a beautiful day it is".
I bet the guy on the right could build a better wall
Let's see what MakeApp has to say about this
>no job
>no charisma
>no social status
>no skills
Uh huh.
Of course, a statue can be however perfect you want, and statues never betray you. Marble > disgusting fleshy pigs.
oh hes in a suit so hes insta better, ok nigga.
nice cherrypicking
at least the guy on the right has an iq above 85
>iq above 85
Pay attention to the pic in the lower right
femanon here
black guy is still better and sexier
>White Nationalism: A Degenerate Movement?
>Racial purists often claim that their intellectual opposition to miscegenation is merely a healthy “instinct.” They also claim that there is something biologically sick about the instincts of miscegenators.
>Spengler thinks that the exact opposite is true. He would predict that those who intellectually oppose miscegenation and advocate racial purity and preservation would be, on average, less virile, less fecund, and less mentally and physically healthy than the average person, including the average miscegenator.
>Based on ten years of experience in the American white nationalist movement, I have to say that Spengler’s prediction is absolutely correct. White nationalism in America is an overwhelmingly degenerate movement, and I do not exempt myself from this judgment.
greg johnson
>from organizing themselves
lel this place is unorganized 90 percent of the time. Most of the content is memes, shitposts, and rage inducing threads. But whenever the majority of people decide to rally behind something no amount of shit posting can halt the autistic resolve.
both are r1b probably
If you're not white, you can't be American.
Same D&C thread every fucking day
>Same D&C thread every fucking day
Same D&C thread every fucking day
>Same D&C thread every fucking day
Same D&C thread every fucking day
>Same D&C thread every fucking day
Same D&C thread every fucking day
>Same D&C thread every fucking day
Same D&C thread every fucking day
>Same D&C thread every fucking day
Same D&C thread every fucking day
>Same D&C thread every fucking day
Same D&C thread every fucking day
>Same D&C thread every fucking day
Same D&C thread every fucking day
>Same D&C thread every fucking day
nice cherrypicking
>GRIDS Johnson
Very simple concept. Believing that races are different by general aspects and live more harmoniously overwhelmingly amongst their own kind because culture is virtually inseparable from race on a group scale does not mean that you think niggers are subhuman or that you're in any way better just because you're white. Ethnonationalism was the way of the world until colonialism.
Divide and conquer
You know the drill. Tits or gtfo
only true BLACK TURKS can breed
wh*Toids needn't apply
>This is what Hitler envisioned
wew lad
Stop trying to explain shit in a bait thread. You autist. Sage.
God, I hate Mississippi.
every one of them gets the bullet.
never understood the racial identity obsession, 90% of white people are degenerate fucking scum.
if theres ever an ethnostate they must have dna screening, strict health controls and mental competency tests for entry.
I bet the guy on the right has superior politics or are you the kind of guy who likes hostile black nationalist who want to expand the state and tax you for their benefit.
In all likelyhood the man on the right has a better wit, higher intelligence, could endure hardship better, and easily best the black in a match of strength. Additionally, even though hes wearing a maga hat, he would likely be alot more fun to hang around.
i'm looking for an argument but can't find one
Nationalism is about looking out for your collective interest, and is not a beauty contest.
i never mentioned anything about beauty, i said health and dna screening.
if the man on the can prove he gives any sort of shits about his own well being then hes ok in my book, otherwise hes a waste of genes
man on the right*
man on the left can #blaxit
The guy on the right can have white daughters the other cannot.
ironic how the a black guy with caucasoid features suddenly becomes attractive because he doesn't look like a stereotypical nigger
duh, he's white
norwegians are fucking stupid