Germany has been nearly two months without a government

Status update plz

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gouverment can't decide dumb shit.
Basically best thing that can happen right now.

Will you get stricter immigration?

Any chance that the black-blue-green-yellow government will collapse? Status on family reunions and how is the AFD doing? Have they spilled the spaghetti yet or is the media still trying to paint them as literal evil nazis?

so basically it regularly takes 46 days(on average) to elect a government in germany

right now the CDU/CSU Union is in talks with the FDP and the Greens (the only possible coalition btw.).
This ''Jamaica'' doesn't really work out though, because the CDU/CSU is a former conservative party, which then changed to cuckservative under merkel and now after being faced with worst amount of voters ever, has decided to go on a conservative course again.
The FDP were almost dead but not quite, is a party of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs and rich guys that wants to get rid of high taxes for example.But there isn't much besides that so yeah.
The Greens are basically massive faggots that want to take in every r'fugee worldwide and thus cannot agree with the CDU when it comes to said fugees at all.
The CDU wants to limit the amount of people that can come here, the Greens don't want to even hear about any limitation etc. at all.

I wasn't even 18 years old back in September and thus couldn't vote but i even bet on a new parliamentary election back then.

If this holds, i'll be able to finally submit my to crosses for the AfD.

oh i'm a german-turk btw. xD
inb4 roach in germany

oh yeah it has been 54 days since the election already

Captain here: AFD is isolated and infighting. CDU,CSU ,FDP and GRÜNE will probably bite into the sour apple and build a coalition but they all hate it, mostly because the conservative CSU and far left GRÜNE can't get along bc of the differences for immigration between the csu and grüne paper.s

Will the coalition hold? And what about family reunions?

Sounds like the fourth Merkel government will barely be able to govern. Excellent, that should block Macron's delusional plans for a federal Europe

>Germany has been nearly two months without a government

And yet they're currently complaining about how our government is in chaos.

Its not that uncommon desu. They work out an agreement and try to work off issue by issue during their legislation period.

after the holocaust it's Germany's duty to take in thousands of muslims and pay for all the costs, germany MUST be diverse and more black

If they actually agree to do a coalition it will probably hold because it has to hold. Maybe new elections will be arranged but none of the coalition parties like the idea (the longer there is no government the more % votes they lose. GRÜNE wants unrestricted family reunions which CSU is completely against. Both don't want to yield. Grüne because thats their ideology and CSU because they got basically raped in bavaria with their election results. they fear that if they don't get normal conservatives again they will lose a massive amount of voters to the afd. Which isn't even that wrong but i still prefered to vote for the fdp instead.

The old one stays in power provisionaly

baby steps

CSU is only against that up to their elections in Bavaria. I don't see them holding that up afterwards.

It's not even formed. I don't think it is going to happen. CSU can't agree on family reunion because it will break their neck in bavarian state elections next year.
Greens just want it for delusional fugees welcome.

I would prefer a minority government without the greens, it would be perfect. AfD would go with most stuff I think and for the rest there is the SPD.
But I think Merkel just wants the Power and will even make large concessions to the Greens. Only FDP and CSU seem to be remotely sane in the current context.

Basically what said.
I would like to add, that its probable, that CSU will get their will. FDP is on their side and the Green Party has a very bad stance, since disagreeing and putting the coalation at risk would have the worst effects on them. A new election would mean further loss for the Green and maybe loss for the CDU, since Merkel has become disputed and there were first calls that she should resign...

Where will the dissatisfied voters go next? SPD/Linke or AFD?

fucking boomers

I actually think they will try to continue with their new path because they actually see the afd as life-threatening in some way because it basically creates a big bubble for all the right wing views (conservative, centrist-right wing, neonazis,...) since cdu isn't a conservative party anymore. Mutti Merkel shifted the party from middle-right to middle-left which was her way to get easy votes from the spd and grüne. since there is a vacuum now many people turn to the afd simply because there isnt a real alternative.

I was raped twice this week. Pretty big improvement

Linke and afd. Grüne have their own niche but they arent really well received right now in germany because (lets face it) : they are fucking idiots who set idelogy over reality.

Depends how much the FDP will be relevant in the Jamaica coalition (Union, FDP and the Green) if the FDP and CSU will get more relevant posts like Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs the laws will get stricter if not nothing nothing will change.
Right now the old gouverment proceds with administrative functions but isn't allowed to do gouverment stuff.
Options are most likely Jamaica Coalition (CSU/CDU, FDP and the Green) also AfD is mostly ignored right now, and with good intent, if they fail to establish a gouverment there will be new elections while everybody will most likely be fed up with this the AfD will get even more votes and a higher percentage.

Indeed. At least we got no more green party in parliament now. They are so butthurt it is making me ecstatic.

As long as Schulz is still in place they won't get too many extra votes
> Linke/AfD
AfD will possibly and hopefully drain CDU and FDP voters. Green voters are harder to get. Their majority will keep voting Green and some might move to Die Linke in protest

Don't know much about austrian greens, but in Germany they are the worst scum ever. Even the left party isn't as delusional as the greens.
Merkel feared them and basically stopped nuclear power generation which effectively raised carbos emmission and now they are bitching about that and want to stop coal plants. They don't even understand the easiest mechanism, they are like children.

I read somewhere that piltz got kicked out? So his party is still in the parliament correct?
I hope you are right. The thought of AFD bleeding votes are keeping me awake at night. They haven't sperged out in parliament yet?

AfD or some small insignificant protest party. Linke is dismantling their only good politician
(Sarah Wagenknecht) and is for open borders. That shit isnt gonna fly anymore.

This doesn't really show young people being more right wing, it just shows moderate left bleeding to the far-left and moderate right bleeding to the far-right with younger voters
A new election with Linke+AfD surge would be absolutely hilarious. I hope it happens

>AfD or some small insignificant protest party
We want to change that.

So AFD will grow and the establishment parties will continue to bleed votes? Good.

Post-election polls

If only CDU would get rid of merkel, would get conservative again and do things like it should... then we wouldnt have to rely on protest parties like linke or afd to change the path of the country... I seriously would love to vote cdu but i cant do it with leftie merkel ruining the csu by watering down the cdu/csu program.

There is no difference, the soulless drones are still buzzing about.

Isn't she wearinng the pedo young boy symbol?

If they did that, there would be no more reason for the AfD to exist. CDU literally created the AfD by moving to the left side of the spectrum

Minority government without Merkel and with AfD as support would be perfect.
It would both tame the AfD and bring the country back ond board

Holy shit so it is!

NEVER gonna happen. Trust me. They would never do that.

That would be my assessment, yes.

I trust u bro I trust u

Fuck the afd man. I mean i see why it is needed but the afd is destined to destroy itself with all those differing opinions and infighting. I hope they take at least merkel down before they kill themselves off. I want mah conservative cdu back

I know, but it's retarded. And if AfD wouldn't comply it would expose them to the voters. If it works, even better. Conservatism on the rise again

A nationalistic Germany is beneficial to Europe as things stand currently.

what was the cdu pre-merkel like?
how was their relationship with Poland?

>A new election with Linke+AfD surge would be absolutely hilarious. I hope it happens
My dick couldn'tbe more ready

>If only CDU would get rid of merkel, would get conservative again and do things like it should...
The CDU hasn't been like this since Kiesinger, so I dare to doubt this will ever happen. This party is done. That's why the AfD isn't actually a protest party. It's what the CDU has once been

Sounds like ours.
Funny that you mention that. Pilz left the green party and made his own, and his party got into parliament while the greens didn't. Then, a few weeks ago, some broad accused him of sexually harassing her like 20 years prior. And because he is still a green feminist cuck who always believes the woman in rape allegetions, he decided to not take his post in parliament. So he will not actually be the head of his own party, instead some no name he took on board will. It is ridicolous.
Doubt that it is intended as such, she is a carpet muncher "married" to a fat latina.

I hear you.
But consider this:

The AfD is needed and very important.
The current political stance of germany can not go on like this. A state that does not control its borders controls nothing!

So the situation is going to get worse here. People will notice it. All the Mudslimes and the FACHKRÄFTE will drain this countries social system. In addition to the ongoing automation of industry we will have wellfare leeches far and wide.

So think about it: If the CDU doesnt get scared by a right wing party into resuming their original center right position,its going to get worse.
And in four years youll wish back for the AfD, because even if the AfD destroys itself by then, what follows will be much more extreme...



Will Piltz list function as a Green party then? I remember reading that he wasn't as insane as other Green candidates especially on imigration

The CDU was always facing to the West, the SPD to the East. SPD was healing the relationship to Poland. CDU was working with the US. CDU is basically a vasall to the US - always has been, always will be.
If they would read the signs, they could now muster the courage to open negotiations with the far east, ie China. Great economic opportunities would await, but CDU will always stick with USA-Bro

Yeah, he is less insane, he pretty much focused on exposing corruption in the big parties, spö and övp, and their shifty deals.
Noone from the green party actually followed him, his party is made up of political newcomers, primarily some random academics from the Uni Vienna.

At least they werent a light version of the retarded american democratic party back then. Honestly merkel didnt do a bad job like seven years ago but she fucked up the whole immigrant thing COMPLETELY. she should have resigned 2015 on her own already. it was just a disaster.

imagine a mix out of libertarians and republican conservatives slowly turned into the american democratic party. yeah.

Hmm interesting. I was curious about Poland bc I am polish (inb4 flag, 56%, etc I don't need to explain myself here)

So you're saying I am supposed to like the commie kike Schulz party? Why can't Germany be normal and not antagonize it's neighbors and just be good neighbors? I want to like you Germany and I pull for afd and a Conservative party in your country to fuck off the leftist scum (I read your papers...they are 5x worse than us') but you make t so hard...

It's one month and it's not like this state was working when someone was in charge, so...

You can stay.

No. Definitley DONT like the SPD.
Their days of glory are gone and will never return.
It was big, when Schmitt and Brandt were there.

Germany is fucked, friend. There is no way around it. Ill move away from here soon. Current goal: Norway. Are there anons from Norway here? Any feedback to my plan? How is it up there in the north, politically i mean.


CDU is a party created to look after Germany in allied occupied Germany. SPD had infighting whether or not they should go commie or Socialist. Their stance on GDR shows this rather well

doesnt norway has the same problem as sweden? if i would be you i'd think about austria. same language and with kurtz at least a sane political leader.


Austria is fucked because it is a member of EU.
Vienna is Turkistan already.

And no, as far as my research showed, norway is much stricter with immigration and has a solid stance on religion - meaning its REALLY secular and doesnt want to get fucked by islam.

Also Norway is NOT in the EU, it has many contracts that allow to enjoy the perks tho.

i like how all the maps in german television are always centered slightly to the east as to include the german east.
Hopefully on purpose

Fahnenflucht aside you should consider Lofoten its absolutely stunning.

Thanks lads. I guess the conclusion a pole can make is that there is no good conclusion for a pole when discussing Germany

I am from Wrocław and I certainly do NOT like those pics!

From what i heard norway is as pc as finland and sweden. it will get cucked sooner than later. it didnt get the whole brainwashing a la 1950 germany that "thats racist" is basically the nr. 1 trump counter for EVERY argument ever but oh well...


You have to remember that 14 million Germans lived there before they where cleansed after the war. There where some movements to restore the German borders but they where forced to retract their claim in order to reunite with East Germany. Its mostly a meme now

I hope they'll fuck up the coalition talks and there'll be new ballots. Again and again. And Germany is not without a government, it's just that the old one is still more or less in place until there's a new one

Thanks, ill really consider it!

Lebensraum traum?

I've asked the questions and got my answers. In an effort to not derail the thread from the topic of current German politics any further, I'm not gonna say anything about your reply if you're claiming what I think you're claiming

So let's toast! To it being a meme today and for the rest of days forever and ever, Amen!!

Complaining is what we are best at

It got the world largest Moskenstraumen and it only gets down to -3 degrees in the winter. The northern light is ridiculous as well. Nice fishing villages with fresh fish and cheap to cope. Also Mountains. Germans love Mountains

I heard the exact opposite.
Well... If thats out, then the world is completely fucked. What else is left??

status: Weimar reloading

After the crimes of colonialism and the brutal colonization of PoC minds, the UK has the moral duty to accept sharia and offer all of its women and children to the mercy of immigrants

Wait, why the fuck does Germany had no government?

no coalition has been formed yet to effectively rule

It DOES HAVE a government. The old one. The new one is not in place yet.

fuck'n state of krautcucks

I just read a quick rundown.

So I guess after AfD joined the parliament, Merkel doesn't want them to get to work till they agree to make that coalition you were saying.

That's a poor way to block right-wing actions, if you ask me.

how are the rapegangs going anglo ?

Didn't you hear Karl Lagerfeld on french television, inviting the worst enemies of jews after killing millions of them was a grave mistake by merkel

EVERY party ignores the afd for obvious reasons. cdu, fdp, spd, grüne, linke,...

>mentally retarded Europeans and Australians and Canadians always have this idea of teaming up with China to try and fuck over America

I swear it's like you people want to be nuked off the face of the earth.

Concerning the greens the most important thing to remind as many people as possible of is that ALL parties care for animals, health and the environment, and what they are actually voting for is the destruction of values.

Did you know that Willy Brandt (former SPD chancellor) literally worked for the CIA?

Fuck off you dirty roach

You can settle in my kitchen, just don't breed.

>anglo education

The old government is still at work until the new one is built.

Here's one i always liked, that I first saw in a history book about west germany.

i'm afraid that is not possible

>status update

>It would both tame the AfD
Why tf would you want another cuckservative party? If anything we need a party much further to right and much more illiberal than the AfD.
If we don't kick out all the filth that's running around in our country in the next few years then we will never be able to do it. Just look at the US. They will never be white again. The 62% cannot get a majority for that, there is a certain amount of traitors among whites that you have to acknowledge in your calculation.

Status update?
They created their own problem which won't be solved quickly, maybe not at all.
All parties decreed not to work together with the far-right AfD. Merkel is thus forced to form a government with small 10% parties that have pretty much opposing points of views of everything: The Greens and the Liberal-Democrats.
In short, Libs want to grease business and economy, Greens want to prevent that because it hurts endangered birds and the environment, and Merkel just sits there and lets them fight with eachother.

Everyone is playing political games right now.

>CDU for now is still completely under Merkel's thumb, but it may change if circumstances change
>Merkel wants the current coalition talks to succeed by all means cuz reelection means she would get removed
>Seehofer/CSU needs to pretend they are far right in order to not completely fade away in next autums state election
>Greens figured out they are the only lefties in the boat who can easily just sink the whole thing; their goal is to get as much leeway from autistically screeching about famly reunions - in the end they will settle for some compromise in exchange for more political capital
>FDP roleplay as the enlightend centrist who wants to bring everyone together, but actually just want their main guy to become secretary of commerce/economics

there wont be reelections, everyone in parlaiment will laugh their way to the bank the next 4 years, AfD will be heavily bullied and not given any chance to proof themselves to the voters and we will probably see some form of delayed family reunion