
Now that the dust has settled van we all agree this was the blandest set of main characters ever?

Orihime a shit.

>Now that the dust has settled
Fuck off.

Wasn't this the chapter with the latin letters forshadowing the sternritters and that SS was ruled by Quincies in the past?


>Chad became irrelevant
>The only development Orihime had is in her tits
>Ichigo has zero character
>Ishida still a gay nerd
Kubo can't write a character for shit honestly

>Now that the dust has settled

Tell that to the shippers

Kubo should pair up with a proper writer to make his cool designs shine because he cant write for shit.
But hes in such a high horse it might be impossible.

Ichigo was pretty decent until he went to Mexico.

Ichigo is a lucky guy.

Ishida and his family were way more interesting.

Chad should have stayed one of Ichigo's friends who had a power and could be called up whenever Karakura was in trouble but shouldn't have been part of the main cast.

You missed the point of Chad's character completely.

So did Kubo. Not that anyone really cares one way or the other.

>It's another "author doesn't understand characters as well as the fans" episode

Let me guess, you ship IchiRuki.


>it's another "anyone that's critical of Kubo must be an IchiRuki shipper" episode

"Kubo not understanding his characters" seems to be the headliner for IchiRuki posters these days, so you're not exactly proving me wrong.


Aizen was easily 100x times more interesting and entertaining than Ichigo ever was, and Aizen was just Le Evil Meme Man of Keikaku.

Rukia was super interesting. It should've just been the Ichigo and Rukia show the entire way

There is a such thing as an author being inconsistent with what he had previously written.

Does Aizen moan loud when he cums or it's just a silent sigh?
Asking for a friend.

It should have just been Ichigo and the Soul Society characters. No one gave a shit about Ichigo's human friends aside from Uryu.


Damn those IchyRookis! They're literally the only ones in the whole world that think Kubo fucked up! I hate them!

Are you upset?

I still dont understand how Bleach made it.

I'm fine actually. It's funny the only defense you have for Kubo's shit is calling people Ichiruki shippers.

I mean I kinda liked Chad. But that was because he had boxing powers and was stoic. Oh well.

>Now that the dust has settled

Can you guys please stop with this shitty meme.

That said the characters were far more lively and likeable in early Bleach. It was somewhere around the Arrancar arc that everyone became super fucking stale

>Now that the dust has settled

Literally And you're retarded Sup Forums

Was that because SS had better written characters or because Ichigo's nakama just got too weak? Feel like catering to the SS characters is what made Ichigo's pals irrelevant. Because the Captains had to maintain a certain level of gravity, Ichigo's friends had to remain at a certain degree of weakness so they could be beat up by bad guys that the Captains could later curbstomp.

Always seemed like the main gang had good personalities and depth, it's just that because the plot made them so irrelevant every panel with them felt like filler and their chances to shine as characters really lessened.

I'm not defending Kubo, I'm asking if you're upset.

We need more Eyeshield 21 threads and less Bleach.

That's not very on topic faggot. People tell you how stupid your argument is and you go straight for the troll route haha.

I was going to disagree solely because of Rukia, good thing she isn't in the picture OP posted.

>Feel like catering to the SS characters is what made Ichigo's pals irrelevant.
Basically this. Nips didn't care that much for the humans, which is why Kubo brought a ton back during the FB arc when it should've just been Rukia and Renji, but of course he threw in fan favorites like Toshiro and Byakuya.

Orihime got the best treatment out of all the human characters tbqh, right after Ichigo.

You're doing a great job proving how not mad you are. Also not on topic. Keep posting.

rukia got boring too though. shes basically a mix of female toshiro and byakuya with a bit more personality.

Rukia was good but she stopped being a main character after the SS arc


Aka exacty when Bleach went to shit. Gee, I wonder why


I thought it went to shit because Kubo ran out of good ideas and rehashed the same shit over and over?

It went to shit because kubo had one good idea for a two arc story but for $$$ decided to carry on and ended up repeating himself because he had no fresh ideas. Rukia was just lucky that he'd finished writing her story by the end of the SS arc so she was written out of a lead role and wasn't featured enough to get fucked up like all the other main characters.

>Aka exacty when Bleach went to shit
So if Rukia got more screentime that would've saved everything? Even the awful final fight? Even the missing characters?

Spoilers when.

No we can't. Fuck you.

>was a massive fanboy back when i was 14
>stopped watching bleach after the aizen thing
>rewatching the old episodes now out of nostalgia
sooooo fucking mad about Rukia and Ichigo being thrown out of the window for this bland characterless fat tits. The first 20 episodes should be reason enough for them to end together.

Also, not enough Chad action and also bleach is really not a good show objectivly. Still gonna rewatch it.

a friend told me that the SS arc is one of the best if not the best arc of all time in shonen jump
is he right ?

They were pretty interesting characters back in the Huedo Mundo arc, however that was ruined once Orihime forgot about her Stockholm Syndrome, and when Ichigo went from I am willing to sacrifice my powers to I WANT MUH POWERS BACK. DADDY PLEASE HELP ME!!!

now that the gauntlet is down

>Stockholm Syndrome
She never had one. What are you talking about?

I dunno I'd have followed a story about Uryuu and Chad, it was Ichigo and Orihime that weighed the cast down the most. Them and Renji beyond his role as rival/villain. Same with Byakuya; past his actual fight with Ichigo he was just deadweight to the plot. And Hitsugaya.

this shit? that's a hell of a stretch


>Orihime got the best treatment out of all the human characters tbqh
Hueco mundo and
was blatant character assassination.

This. I've never seen a character go from loved to hated so quickly.

Don't bump this thread.


>overhyping Orihime saying Ichigo's name

Why do so many people do this?

>The first 20 episodes should be reason enough for them to end together.
>The first 20 episodes
Ah, see now there's your problem. You have no idea how much the anime staff changed to overhype Ichigo's relationship with Rukia and underplay his scenes with Orihime.