This Man is a Legend
>irl shitposting
So this is the power of the US Navy
Cumtrails confirmed
Yes look in aww at the power of our sky penises
Of course it was the navy.
Great story. Too bad they're coming down hard on those airmen.
This just in: Normies have no sense of humor and are willing to eat each other alive over stupid bullshit while virtue signalling about charity and kindness.
Wow. It really activates my evening news.
hahahaha!!! promiscuous humour am i rite guys? xDDD lee so funny hehehehhe!! BASED!!!
Honestly my favorite part of this is that if you look there is just ever so slightly a head to it as well where the pilot banked out slightly before making the turn. Attention to detail.
But where’s bobs and vageen
It is funny. Anybody getting assmad about it deserves to die.
holy fuck. that is great
We need to start a petition to save the air crew from disciplinary action.
oh cock
What aircraft did this? F18? Pretty impressive actually.
>be aloha snackbar
>hear scary sound
>look up, sky peen
>last thing you ever see
How horrifying. Will Trump denounce?
I'm in. This could be a penal offense.
do you think he did it alone
or did he have a cockpilot?
EA-18Gs are based out of whidbey.
Don't know, but he was definitely in the cockpit at the time.
that´s gods cock.
you may not like its appaearence but thats what a godly cock looks like.
>beware of the signs in the heavens.
>this is too offensive to be shown on TV
goddamn normies are pathetic
children would have just innocently seen this as a sombrero or two-footed animal or some shit.
any innocence being shattered wasn't caused by the pilot, it was caused by the newscasters and mothers clutching their pearls and shrieking from the hilltops. the shrieking is what made the children second guess their first interpretation and think it could be something bad instead.
the parents here are entirely responsible for any filth entering the child's mind, not to mention planting the seed of thinking penises are bad, opening the doorway to falling for LGBT shit and chopping their dicks off in ten years.
ironically these mothers are precisely the same whores who had a copy of 50 shades of gray sitting in the bathroom at all times for their child to stumble across.
guilt-ridden degenerate dumbfucks who are too cowardly to own their degeneracy LOVE having an excuse to point the finger at someone else to temporarily relieve themselves of the guilty feeling
This is no time for jokes you dick.
>when US marines draw a dick in the sky Sup Forums says its a hilarious joke
>when innocent muslims crash into a couple buildings, all of a sudden they're the bad guy
The hypocrisy of this site...
This is the best news story I've read all year.
Are you two retarded? Do you think the military is actually going to think "well some retards on the internet raised a bunch of money I guess you're free to go"
pilot confirmed /drawfag/
Why is it circumcised :(
kek, obvious bait
12 year old steals dads plane. Guess what happens.
thats it, blumpfs finished!
Fuck off nigger
Im in as well.
THIs site has fucked me up I saw a Jew nose and eyes before I saw the penis...
And now fat feminists are gonna whine and bitch that the air force is oppressing them.
No one died because a pilot made a skypenis.
HIs name is Hugh Mungus.
Russian hackers hacked the jet and madd a sky penis blumpfffedeumpbbf is finused.
I wonder if this could be pulled off with a drone and flares over berkely.......
Looks up and sees allah
The Navy really is the gayest branch of the military
>You will never get paid taxpayer dollars to dickpost in the sky
Why even live bros?
They will probably give the guy a Letter of Reprimand or something. I guarantee you can't do anything about it though. There is basically a no fun policy in the current year US military. Unfortunately, an LOR is a big deal for an officer.
Here's hoping the guy just gets a slap on the wrist... drawing dicks is military culture in it's purest form, just check the latrine stalls in any deployment location. I've seen a few choice pieces in my time, like the Flaming Winged Titty Dick of Al Udeid, but this is the Sistine Chapel of phallic artistry.
A fine job from a perfect gentleman.
haha benis :DDD
>she was upset she might have to explain to her young children what the drawings were
boohoo just lie you dumb bitch.
Thats fucking funny.
And its because of ass hats, like these fuck wits, that we have sexual harassment breifings. Almost monthly now.
Franken shoop in 3...2...
Can confirm, made a whole folder of port a potty poets and their work.
BIG dick.
Chemtrails shaped like a dick to prove how bad the government is fucking you and you can't do anything.
Agree. I'm a girl and I think it's hysterical. I'm proud of the flyboy that did this!
>In b4 tits or gtfo.
I really hope they don't do a LoR. Just do a field grade level counseling session and dressing down. Nothing was damaged, equipment was not seriously misused. Just flown in a penis shaped formation. If anything, this shows good flying chops.