ITT: characters who fuck on the first date







Fuck off.



It's true though.

Every Keion ever.

There's proof even


Thy would even do each other, when they have no date.



This is probably true.

She'd not only put out but probably be up for any weird shit you wanted


B-but I don't want any weird shit I just want hugs.

NO. mugi is pure.





get out of here with your non canon wet dream you cuckold.


She would probably get pregnant before the wedding as well.

Accept that she likes to burn the coal.

I love when a doujin hits so hard that the character is forever ruined by it. It's just glorious.

If anything, she's the bull

Mugi's family invests in alternative energy.


I don't think Mio or Azusa would. Yui and Ritsu definitely. Mugi maybe.


I think Azusa would too, Yui maybe, because she is stupid and propably get tricked into something by a douche.
I agree with you an Mio, she is the purest of them.


we've canonically established that Ritsu is the slutty one

Because in her big forehead is more space for semen.


I feel like it would take some serious convincing for Azusa to allow you to penetrate her.

Only if your name's Haru.

>being sora
>coming home from school
>seing haru betraying you with your father

Telling her that all the cool grown up girls do it could work.
Pointing out slutty celebrities, especially musicians will ease the way to her pants.

How would sex with her be like?

Wow, you're a pretty smart guy user!

She'd be really quiet at first but then slowly get really into it. She'd probably make you dinner afterword too.

She rapes on the first date.

Desperate slut.




If she chooses to date you, you're basically already married, you just haven't been told to propose to her yet.

You take that back, she's a pure snowflake at heart.

Kyouske literally had to date her for two years before getting to tap that.

How has she not been posted yet?


Because it doesn't even need to be a date with her, just bring her to your room.

>Gee Popura, you sure are looking tall today
It's almost too easy.







You could do anything with her on a first date, she's so clueless she'd just think that's how a date normally goes. Also because she's just a dream.

Nice meme!

This one, however, would hop on your dick before the door was fully shut.


Easy answer.

I'm sorry user, but Ika is 100% pure. I don't think Ika has ever shown a hint of sexual attraction towards anything besides shrimp.

If that's a metaphor I feel bad for the guy.

She my be not attracted to filthy humans, but I live under the sea and in fact half shrimp, half cucumber.


That's only because they're childhood friends though

I thought it was implied they'd been fucking the for awhile.

Didn't really follow the series though, so could be wrong.


No. He essentially dated her for 2 years but they never called it that. They did do 2 official Christmas dates and 1 "fake" date before they fucked though.



She's a lesbo, man.

Mirage is pure!


underrated post

They held hands.


There's nothing wrong with fucking on the first day


They weren't dating until the one at the end where they fucked. Going shopping with your sibling isn't a date. They fucked on their first actual date.

Either the first christmas one or the "fake" one counts for me.