Nazis in Norway during WW2 treated norwegians with respec-
Nazis in Norway during WW2 treated norwegians with respec-
>a group of people walking
oy vey
I only see people walking in the photo and the file name can be changed.
literally a group of people taking a walk
for all we know these are factory workers going back to the factory after lunch break
They did. Lack of respect for norwegians came after, from the norwegians themselves, when they were in full oost-war cuck mode
Romanians are the real NatSocs
To Norweigens, your fucking welcome
lel you were dreaming of taking them over too you beady eyed demon
>literal niggers in the crowd
Not true, it was an act of selflessness. Sacrificing our own men to free a small countrie like Norway
>camp for women
the nazis truly were the most based people to ever live
if you're not german then your nazi sympathizer fantasies are just cuck fantasies
admit it you just wanted their blood
kek stop LARPing britbong. Your kin are faggots and smoking degenerates.
it was 100% out of protection for your own interests. london got bombed.
>the file name can be changed.
your face when millions of Amerifats are alive because of one Romanian.
>Known for Discovery of an antidiabetic hormone released by the pancreas, later called insulin
No we didn’t, we wanted to give them freedom, freedom is our countries most important value
That’s not true. We are well mannered and socially conservative, we inherited these traits from our Victorian forebears who inherented then from there Puritan ancestors.
It was against our interests to send our own fighting men to free Norway, it shows how much we care.
you're on pol not fb you stupid fuck. Muh freedom doesn't have the resonance you think it does.
Read the article. Post-war internment camp for women who were suspected of having relations with Germans.
Wrong. Your plans to violate Norway's neutrality in order to harm Germany were exposed and dealt with.
You Yankee halfwit mutt, you have no right to comment on European affairs, traitor. Go to hell.
In war you plan for everything and anything, it doesn’t mean you go through with it, Hitler used this as an excuse for invasion.
1 choice
wtf, the world turned into black and white because nazis were so evil all of the color disappeared from the world!
Hitler let you live in Dunkirk and for most of the rest of the war you were cannon/bomb fodder.
You get credit for nothing.
I said European affairs, Yankee.
He had a fallout with a general, mutt.
Nice meme, nigel. You were found out and beaten to the punch by a week. No need to lie, this is the official history.
German arrival: April 9
British arrival: April 14
Not true, Britain was never going to go through with this plan, Germany used it as an excuse to invade, Britain got involved as a response to the German invasion to liberate our norweigen friends.
Get fucked
Romanians were hardcore as fuck at killing people they deemed inferior. Unfortunately for them their army hadn't improved since WW1 where it was overrun in a month so when the Soviets reached their border they instantly collapsed.
Norway was literally telling Britain to fuck off and respect their neutrality because everyone knew about Britain's plans, but hey. The German invasion was a counter to the British navy's intrusion and mining of neutral waters by the way.
Get it through your thick skull.
>Germany invades Norway
>hurrrr we had to! Britain wanted to do it too!!!
This is not a valid justification, Yankee.
Britain had already started. Germay landed troops in response, just a week before the British troops, sent to follow up Britain's opening move, arrived. What is your argument?
Royal castle Oslo 1940
/Pol Party at the Colloseum cinnema , Oslo 1940
That Germany invaded Norway and Britain liberated Norway, stop defending nazis, Yankee scum.
Norwegian lecture, nice boots
Som unknown history. After the "Liberation of Norway in 1945" Patriots were still figting for their independence fron the Jews of A. Translation: Terror wave in Oslo, 19 shot in 2 days.
They're just rounding up Sami People for sterilization; something Norway continued to do until the 1970s.
>They're just rounding up Sami People for sterilization; something Norway continued to do until the 1970s.
She looks nothing like a Sami, I guess they succeded. Samies are mongol nomad retards.
This, Sami are just Ching-Chongs with blonde hair who contributed nothing worth remembering to the world
Churchill is the man who sold Europe to the kikes
war until victory
They look so weird ,like blonde swedish mongols
Post more old scandi nazis
After many hundred years of being killed by various germanics such as swedes, danes and nazis we still ended up as the best country in the world. Damn we are good!!!
Nah that is like a picture of individuals who have lived a very hard life with scarse food in a very cold climate for a long time.
Nowadays sami is like the blond woman picture a few post above and genetics shows that sami could actually be the first europeans.
Fuck you you piece of shit anglo scum.
The only reason Germany even invaded us was because YOU kept breaking our neutrality, putting mines in our waters and being a beedy eyed jew.
Germany wanted us neutral so we would be a buffer. We wanted to be neutral because the war had nothing to do with us.
And then when germany had invaded, they did so relatively peacfully and you fuckers killed wqay way way more of us while being our "allies" then the invading Germans ever did.
You even bombed a children's school while there were children there, over 120 children dead by your bobmers, and for what reason? We still do not know, since there was not even any germans in that area.
>You even bombed a children's school while there were children there, over 120 children dead by your bobmers, and for what reason?
They were trying to hit the north atlantic submarine base which the germans had built close to where people lived.
>We still do not know
you didn't know, you know now
>since there was not even any germans in that area.
it was plenty of them there and those german submarines probably killed 7.000 norwegians
Memorial build in Denmark to honor the danes who died fighting on the east front
Danish recruitment centre
More pics of this, desperate please
Danish NatSoc meeting
Here is a closer shot
Also fyi the (((freedom fighters))) blew up the memorial after the war
That's not norwegians, that's commies retard.
Christian Frederik von Schalburg's Black Battalion
Real interesting guy, read up on him if youd like.
Dear inbred island scum,
Thanks to you and your (((politicians))) Norway had to be invaded instead of joining voluntarily.
Yours sincerely,
Norwegian in Holland
PS: Fuck you
PSS: You really deserve whats happening to you now.
Imagine being named Johan Fredrik fra Odense.
Nazis stole my Grandads dog. Then returned it at the end of the war, it had been terribly abused.
you and your children are subhuman gold stealing krauts that need to be sarin gassed.
Fucking little bitches even remained neutral, switzerland is a true country or weak numale ""men""
I love how this is coming from a guy who is inbred and whose country in the future won't even have inbred white genes, just the inbred brown ones.
imagine being so autistic and mentally wrecked you're sterilizing some goat herders who don't even bother you
Germanics are really insane people, you're more like robots than actual humans
even this SJWism of yours is just because you're told to do so and virtue signaling
you, like niggers, don't have empathy
Are you of asian origin by any chance?
>walking in lines is disrespectful
Latino then. Why are you scared of white people?
>Germanics are only white people
Brits torched the home of my 3 year old grandmother and her parents near Narvik. They suspected they were German spies. Her infant sister died of exposure that night because the brits refused to drive a young mother with her 2 kids to the next house (over 20km)
Get fucked you bucktoothed british scum!
>automatically a german spy
Happened so many times.