Woman in Texas says she wont remove the horrendous message about the President.
Fuck this bitch...
Woman in Texas says she wont remove the horrendous message about the President.
Fuck this bitch...
Other urls found in this thread:
>want to have an opinion about murica and freedom
>forget 1st amendment
>pissing Calvins are outdated
Freedom of Speech.
It's not about your feelings,or theirs.
It's about the freedom to say what you want and it goes both ways.
Who cares.
She got arrested yesterday. She had a warrant. Typical democrook.
The dumb cunt got herself so much attention from this bumpersticker...it got her arrested from a past warrant for fraud.
>pitbull owner
coalburner confirmed
It goes against public decency and if I'm not mistaken there is a law for that
Who gives a shit? Freedom of speech.
Truck nuts, on the other hand, are obscene and should be banned federally.
valuing freedom of expression is what separates us from the left
not letting her merge though
Wonder how many times she’s been pulled over
Pretty sure the supreme court of Texas has allowed profanity of this form along.
The supreme court of the US has ruled that you can flip of police officers too.
Pretty degenerate but this is the state of affairs in the US now.
Pics of haggard bitch please! It will be a sight im sure of that. Hairy knuckles
Too bad the guy that made that stupid middle finger in ms paint didn’t capitalise on the rights, jesus christ
>I love my Pitbull
Came here to post this.
she was arrested for fraud, her bail is 1,500 so shes being held on 15,000
I blocked my sister from going on a date with a shit who had truck nuts.
Ugh. Those things are vile.
MakeApp was a gift against the satanic kike feminism. These tricky cunts are eternally BTFO.
>ive had enough of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS! it's time we started SPEAKING OUR MINDS!
>they said "fuck trump"? OMG! strip them off their 1st amendment rights! how dare they!
why are trumpcucks such snowflakes?
Does this mean I can have a decal that’s says, “Raping women is Fun!”???
Okay. Well I'm offended by crossed, nativity scenes, and golden arches. What do we do?
She’s married to a spic. Her last name is Fonseca.
You wouldn't be having this reaction if it said fuck obama and it was 4 years ago. Move to bitbongistan if you dont like freedoms.
>put pro trump decal on car
>go to home depot
>shares parking lot with starbucks
>come out to a freshly keyed car
>have forward and reverse dash cams
>hand it over to police
>car keyed by 2 numale 120lb. fags
>cops still looking
Gotta be careful how you show your support. These people are devious little cunts who show no respect for personal property.
Fuck niggers and fuck white people.
Nothing against freedom of speech, but people should have more class then that, kids can see that shit and you're going to give them a bad example. We really need more moral decency laws
What law? Preach.
trumpcucks deserve to be in labor camps. you parasites have squandered enough yankee cash on your shithole communities and stagnant excuses for "economies".
>trump on tape saying "grab them by the pussy" and generally degrading women
>people should have more class than that
kill yourself
Please have sex.
Yup, she got arrested for fraud.
>We really need more moral decency laws
At the risk of a logical fallacy, isn't that a slippery slope?
If you vote for moral decency laws today, do you really want the Mexicans out populating you deciding what is morally decent tomorrow?
No. Being crude should be shamed publicly, but it shouldn't be illegal.
Except truck nuts. Bury those motherfuckers under the jail.
>pitbull owner
nuff said
That would open the door for anti free speech laws. Who knows where it goes from there. Don't open Pandora's box. Just calmly explain to your kids why it is distasteful and that the owner is an antiamerican faggot.
Fuck Hillary you racist, nazi, homophobic, transphobic, islamaphobic, facist.
tolerant left
No, we fucking don't, and fuck you for suggesting shit like that. Don't like it? Go to Canada, where you can get fucked in the ass for misgendering people. I don't like this bitch and think she's a whore, but freedom is freedom and must be preserved at any cost. If you want people to have more class and moral decency, start by being that way yourself and teach your kids and raise them well. But the state and nobody should be telling you how to do so, so go fuck yourself.
Who cares.
Literally, who the fuck actually cares?
She's got an opinion, let her share it.
Sure. Then you can drive through my area. Freedom has consequences, but you can do it.
Why the fuck do you care quit being a bitch.
she is a true patriot and hero for standing up to putin's puppet
she's scared Trump's going to send her illegal hubby home
Do not be triggered, for triggering is what you now do complain.
>I heart my pitbull
nigger detected
Nah. But I wouldn't be above following them into a store or whatever, lowering my voice and saying "Fuck your dirty mouth. There's kids out there who can read that."
I have a bad mouth. I would never put a cussword on my bumper so somebody's little kid could pick it up.
>caring this much
liberal shill. Fuck off.
Maybe they are the same people that got assaulted at Trump rallies.
>Fuck this bitch...
Don't make societal or legal precedents you don't want to live under.
Don't ever complain about people hating on Trump voters or whatever.
Worst case scenario they should censor the word fuck for public decency purposes but otherwise freedom of speech.
It's okay to vote Trump
Be a shame if a brick found its way through that window.
Honestly this. This shouldn't be news, and it makes Trump supporters look like whiney brats.
She has a hyphenated last name, so you know she's a cunt
I'm getting the same thing done to my truck. It's awesome to see America stading up to this rapist traitor. Fuck Trump in his ass for life. Fuck him and fuck conservatives.
They will def be assaulted if I see them again. Paint jobs aren't cheap.
the artist of this is a flaming shirt lifter I assume
Coincidence? We the jews nao
We should grab them all by the pussies and talk to them. Then the kids will feel better.
lotta same responses, did I trigger you?
Its amazing how triggered you faggots get from anti Trump rhetoric, you would think you'd know better by now
We're watching you Trumpcucks. Commit acts of vandalism, take a brick to the side of the head.
>spiclets getting butthurt about Trump
I'm lovin it
People like her are cementing my vote for Trump. I didn't vote for him before, but I rather like a lot of what he's doing and well, spite. Vote Trump 2020!
She's been arrested for an unrelated charge
No, I just disagree with you. Also I disagree with trucknuts.
How has Trump not been arrested for fraud? Remember his university, bankruptcies, not paying contracts or employees?
If it was about Shillary and she had won everybody here would be cheering the truck driver on.
>>think about what you're asking
Is it for the (you)s?
Yeah, for fraud. Who knew a Hilary/Hillary voter would be willing to lie?
How are you going to vote for Trump? After his trial and impeachment? When? Best prison inmate? Is that the vote you will cast because we all know Trump is 100% fucked and finished in the United States.
This user was victim of vandalism. You are an idiot that can't read. Also probably the owner like a bitch cause you suck Hillarys dick
Works good taking cakeup off. It can make bare skin look worse.
lol stay mad m8
That's tacky af lmao
2nd amendment, you fag. That fatass texan is gonna die in less than a decade anyway. Only snowflakes give a shit about that decal
Trumpcunt HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
You are a TRUMP CUNT MORON! How does it feel dipshit? It doesn't get any worse. Trump is the world's biggest dumbfuck and there you are...
Just let them dig their own grave by keeping down the path of moral absolutism, elitism and violent extremism
How will flump ever recover?
Not your personal army
>people should have more class then that
one or the other
Fuck off to Canada or some cucked European shithole then. You won't be missed.
Im sure you guys were crying when people were knocking over trump signs?
This left and right spy vs spy is getting stupid now, both want the same thing for different groups of people
or center Trump. It genuinely looks spic level
What would win in a fight? $50 decal sticker or $1 potato in exhaust pipe?
Darnel Grumfph is finished after this
Leftists are retarded children. If this sticker said "dump trump" nobody would care. "Muh free speech" does not protect yelling fire in a theatre or public decency laws. I can't tell at this point if leftists are extremely lacking in critical thinking skills, or are incredibly disingenuous and manipulative (or both). Either way, I fucking hate these leftist fucks.
Yeah, local pd aren’t happy about it; She’s been a bitch at HEB too....Parker in handicap, put her basket behind someone else’s car, and just left it there as she left
>should WE intervene?
>1 post by this ID
This is what b8 looks like. Same thread keeps getting posted. The only thing to come out of it is; fuck your feelings the Supreme Court ruled in the 70’s that this is protected speech.
Quit acting like retarded liberals.
As much as I despsie the message it's her right.
So stop bitching you utter faggot
There’s city codes you nunce; Kids see this shit too, it’s a public indecency and disturbing the peace case waiting to explode on her