Do women talk about politics when men are not around?

Do women talk about politics when men are not around?

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No, they talk about how fat their asses are.


what happens here?

why would someone have a bbq in their apartment?

femanon here
the anwser is no

Do women talk about BRAAAAAPs when men are not around?

Not really unless it has something to do with women or some vapid comment.

Politics, history, war, economics these aren’t things women tend to be interested in

Just like men tend to not be interested in he female gossip that women like to talk about

Separate spheres of interest which is why marriage between man and woman is the norm universally in every society on earth.

We used to understand this but blew t up in the 1960’s.

Luckily we are starting to understand the hard way what we’ve done wrong, but it’s along way back unfortunately

No, they only talk about BIG DICK in BAD BOYS and MONEY in pathetic SOY GOYS.

haha no.

Yes and it's as stupid and vapid as you can imagine.


Women care about:
>Big dicks
>Fuys with High test facial aesthetics
>Roids body
>Career beta buck
>Retarded jew boy bands

Women essence lies on her sexuality and bestial instincts. Never forget this.

according to Sup Forums, black dicks and rapes are politics
so yes

>Separate spheres of interest which is why marriage between man and woman is the norm universally in every society on earth.

no they talk about anything unless they are sad boring cunts then they talk about politics that they have no say in anyways cause we all know women bleed and that makes em irrational and retarded hence why prophet muhammad (SbuH) made women lesser beings in his society.
bitches aint shit but kebab servers and hookah lighters.

No, we come here.

show bob and vagen or gtfo

same dumb thread 50+ times a week. SAGE
Welcome to Sup Forums no leave

I love this dude if he wasnt such an ugly faggot id bounce on his Grum

>Being his dumb
Can you not read

stfu ya slag and go wash the cum out of your husbands robe!


Holy shit lurk more nigger

Men and women are equal halves of the human whole, ying and yang, the earth and the sky, the night and the day.

It’s rife through ancient symbolism and tradition because MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT.

The ideal is for man and woman to form a partnership, master both the outer world (male sphere) of duty, honor, protection and production and the inner world (female sphere) the family, the children, nurturing.

This is vital for a healthy society and has been enshrined in every civilization since the dawn of time.

First day on Sup Forums?

potential porn material

Even the most educated woman talks stupid shit with other women.

You want a personal redpill? I installed a keylogger on my laptop because my girlfriend at the time acted really suspicious. So if I took a shower or walked the dog she used my computer for her shit. She was flirting with some ex, arragnging a meeting in two weeks when he visits, told me she is going to some family event. So I broke up with her.
Never deleted the keylogger on my computer and almost every woman since then who used my computer disgusted me at the end. Like I said, even the educated ones talk so stupid shit with their friends.

You'd be a great motivational speaker at a Mosque in Raqqa

Nice flag to bad you guys lost and didn’t even put up a good fight like so many of your ancestors


Probably if it's just two or three chicks who're kinda/into politics, but overall, women in general won't be talking about politics. Just like most men (unless nationalism was on the rise)

why the fuck is this shit reposted over and over with the same copy-paste question?

shills distracting i quess

>drinking a white russian
so close

Lesbians and ultra liberal women do but it's still never more than surface level deep

My gf told me she and her roommates were talking about politics yesterday. Is that code for tag teaming chad?

Yes and they also have naked pillow fights

I know because I've watched them with binoculars while perched up in a tree

No it just seems counterintuitive to have the basis for marriage be "men and women are different". Makes more sense that marriage would just be ownership of the means of reproduction.

Yes, you're being cucked.

K Mgtow then why would there be literal unending ecleastica discussion about men and women being partners instead of women being nothing but cattle?

I don't know shit about religion, so I have no idea.

Women don't talk about anything other than people.
My exgf spent fucking HOURS just talking about trivial shit her coworkers do or say. I basically knew the life of every one of them without actually meeting them.
One day I told her to shut the fuck up already, I don't care about her coworkers and to talk about something else.
Then she stood there dumbstruck not being able to talk about anything else. Just like lookig at my face for 5 minutes straightand finally recognized she doesn't have any other topic to talk about.
>mfw the next ay she fills me up in the day gossip as if the day before didn't happened

its not my real flag the real one says; "muhammad raped aisha"


Do niggers solve partial differential equations for fun when White people are not around?

Maybe you should start m8

I’m not religious as in i don’t believe in god but I’ve dove into religious teachings. It’ll change your life m8

i hate explaining jokes so i wont.

im sorry

Serious question OP: What is gained by repeating threads over and over?

Exact same threads with the exact same images over and over again. It's like fucking Groundhog Day on this board.

t. fat incel

I understand the attraction but it seems like a meme. I don't think religion has the same benefits when viewed through a historical lens, as opposed to actually believing it as truth. Once God is dead you can't bring him back.

thats good to know

You kill yourself you commie faggot bitch

t. white knight

Women talk only about two things:

1. Men.
2. Other women.

It isn't that I think men are actually in any sense superior, but we are incredibly different from women. Men tend to talk about events, objects, and ideas. Granted, they're often very stupid events, objects, and ideas, such as, "Do you think I can jump that canal with this wheelchair if I put a lawnmower engine in it?", or, "I wonder if I could create a successful web series with videos of me farting?", but that's still rather different than bitching and gossipping about other people. And some of those dumb ideas eventually become robots, spaceships, or BitCoin. So every now and then a great man happens to the world, whereas women just kind of happen.
