What does Sup Forums think about the 1980s? Was it a good time or degenerate?

What does Sup Forums think about the 1980s? Was it a good time or degenerate?

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It was a sexy time

That photo is from the early 90s and yes, it was good times.
>Cold War over
>based music
>decent economy
>boomers hadn't destroyed everything yet

let me think
Reagan president, worst music since cavemen, birth of wall street culture and supremacy, birth of clubbing culture, birth of truly degenerate pop culture and worshiping of looks over substance/meaning
Humanity died in the 80's

80s were even worse than the 60s.

We all did lots of drugs, in the UK kids took LSD at the age of 10, really wild times. Although people acted more human.


No sunscreen, played touch football in the street: CAR!!!!!, lawn darts, bike ramps built from plywood and bricks, parents smoked around us, never wore seat-belts, walked to school, music actually played on MTV.....et al.

>Decent Economy

Why do people forget that in a great economy right now?

It was a great time and if I had a time machine first thing I'd do is go back and go down on that chick in the middle

this guy gets it.

If /po/ thinks there 1960s was degenerate, then they'd be stupid to claim that the 1980s wasn't even more degenerate.

It's been a downward spiral since 1967

Jamie lee curtis' titties

I didn't live then but to me it just seems so happy. music was joyful rock and disco,everything bright and colorful,movies were pretty positive too
today its all depressing nihilistic. There is no more of that cartoonish innocence

Totally agree.

The rock scene got rekt in the 80s.

I dont know if sweet dreams and sun glasses at night are 80s but that type of music was good imo

The beginning of the end.

best p0rn


> posting Madonna

Queen of making sleeping around cool for girls

In the 1980s the symptoms of social decay were already very visible.

it's been a downward spiral since 1945

>good time or degenerate?

I turned 16 years old in 1984. It really was the beginning of degeneration, but not terrible. It was fun. Very little to care or worry about. The music was decent ( for the time). The girls were hot, not too skanky. There were jobs everywhere, and not asany niggers. No Indians or Packy's or any of that bullshit running around. It's truly was the best times I can remember.

>I dont know if sweet dreams and sun glasses at night are 80s but that type of music was good imo
80s synth music is just the best

It was already in full swing by the '80s, and at least we got some sweet music, and some good films.

Degeneracy to the core.

The time of idolizing fags, whores, gobbling up filthy food, and buying cheap plastic shit.

I guess I had a good time in the 80s even though I was six when they ended. We had some cool toys. I can certainly remember that much

About same age. Music was groundbreaking with new wave! Not everything was fucking rap shit like now.

Boomers? Are you sure you didn't mean (((something else)))?

It was the best of times, safe and easy going with opportunities for all. I was a teen in the 80's but yea, Today is a shithole compared to the 80's.


>great economy right now?
It's not the current economy, it's that my career has spanned two of the worst recessions the country has ever seen.

The decade that gave us this magic. There will never be music like this again. So sad.


Ruined by Jews. Neoconservatives like Richard Perle came to power during this era, and funded al-Qaeda. Former Marxists, they turned against communism once it was bad for Jews, who had become refuseniks


Opinion discarded

The 80's were pretty awesome

>early 90s tanlines showing you what doesn't see sunlight often
I used to cum soo hard to tanlines when i was a kid.

I think people actually around for the 80's see it as the last truly hopeful time. We still had bright ideas about the future. We still lived with wishful optimism in our hearts. We still dreamed and we dreamed of something better. By 1987 the dreams started turning dark and by the 90's all we had left were nightmares. Then people started running away from their fear. Some people started taking pills to sleep dreamlessly and escape the nightmares. Other people stopped sleeping all together staying up forever glued to glowing screens and losing their motivation, their will, themselves in the process. Now rather they chose to sleep or always be awake the result was the same, dreamlessness and loss of meaning. Being means less than it used to. People are less than they were. Real humanity is being slowly choked out of us and leaving our world a dull grey hell. We are drowning and we refuse to swim.

We're not even in a great economy. Everything is bullshit expensive. I shouldn't have to pay 800k for a house that used to cost less than 40k to build. Our economy is shit.

>Stock market is roaring must be great

Reminding you that: Asuka > Rei

No, I mean Baby Boomers. They fucked everything up due to their selfishness.

There were only 2 countries in the world at the time, the US and the USSR. Niggers stayed in nigger areas. What's a Muslim? Reese cups were made with different peanut butter that left an oil on the paper wrappers that didn't seal up airtight, and they aged different and tasted way better.

Note how the popsicle colors are common African pride colors

>bike ramps built from plywood and bricks
"What the fuck is a bike helmet?"


tfw staring at scrambled Playboy channel just hoping to see a tit while jerking off to the audio

Oy vey! This goy can see us

It was the best of times. I would spend 8 hours/day trying to meme the V-hip bathing suit back into existence if I knew it would work.

I remember, wish I had of been a few yrs older in those days Sigh...the memories.

I hated those swimsuits and lingerie with the high sides

>boomers hadn't destroyed everything yet

That was the best thing.

>girls were hot, not too skanky. There were jobs everywhere.

The memories hurt.

That’s what I’m talking about. So ugly.

This is accurate. Unfortunately, most of us were born into degeneracy and have never known anything else. Sometimes I just sit back and imagine what it must have been like in the 40's. It seems almost majestic compared to what we have now.

tfw houses prices even more fucked up

>new build 2br plywood dogbox $600,000
>ex-govie boomer home bade of asbestos $750,000
>crackshack 'mansion' $2.6 million

girls are all fat now and would never wear it

new trends

>one piece
>waist trainers (compression garments)
>"high waisted" (tuck your fat into your pants)

fat people are fucking gross and fat acceptance is cancer

>not too skanky
can you explain more?

>"What the fuck is a bike helmet?"

You were in more danger of other kids kicking your ass if you wore one than of head injury from a crash

They are still in charge of EVERYTHING here and will be for another 20 fucking years.
Poor old Gen X rolled a society wide 'miss your turn'. kek

Anyway when the millennial's actually get into power everything will be so utterly fucked that that they coulden't possibly make things much worse.

I'm old enough to have just caught a glimpse of the 'before time'.
In the early 80's a lot of boomers calmed down a bit to start families and some semblance of a functional society returned. By the 90's they were all on marriage 3 or had become turbo-liberals; they just couldn't hold it down.

I was happy.

The 80's were upbeat. Most people were happy.

turns out 85% of my tv and movie waifus were raped by 60 year olds.

Yeah...and coked out of their gills

>Was it a good time or degenerate?
Answer: it was a good time to be a degenerate.

Degenracy is different now. Now, we have enforced degeneracy. Back then, its was an expression of personal freedom. today, not so much. Sup Forums is counter-culture now, precisely for this reason.

>worst music since cavemen
Excellent turn of phrase... however, there was some goo, fun pop as well.

It was innoncent fun though. Girls, now rosaties, didn't see it as a god-given right for muh empowerment, it was sweeter and more playful, and you didn't get accused of rape the next day, because she didnt' feel all confused about it.

Thread theme:
Loverboy- Lady of the 80's

Yeah, we didn't think that giving people the freedom to do what they want would turn into a fucking dystopic society bent on destroying those very same freedoms. You could dress or be slutty if you wanted and didn't need a slut march to back you up.

It was okay to be feminine at the time!

It's a two pronged attack on women from the feminists on one side, and the islamicists on the other... women definitely had it better, they could be real women, not """wymyn""".

80s and 90s are peak humanity

>Now, we have enforced degeneracy.
Exactly. The PC police and HR stazi come after you if you call out degeneracy. We have degeneracy 'or else'.

>TFW in rural area and can build a nice 3 bedroom house with 4 place garage on 10 acres of land for $120,000.

There are echoes.
Though, I agree, these are echoes.

actually since 1913 here in the states

I would say 1911 (Browning's pistol design not withstanding).

80s music is best music


My family was dirt poor through the 80's and 90's. Frankly I never got to participate in anything pleasant during these times that everyone else seems to be waxing nostalgic over. I havent ever been doing better than I am now and if you try to make me go back I'll kill you. The 80's and 90's were an era of misery in my mind.

>The rock scene got rekt in the 80s.
you clearly weren't there mate

I'll just leave there some new retro


Job in rural area...
How you do this?

Also hate we have classification 'beyond rural'.
'Remote' = job-search nightmare mode.

best music
best movies
crazy fashion sense

This is fucken cool.

Men were still men and women were still women. It was one of the best decades.

That's not accurate, but gender norms were the mainstream.
It was soooooooooo much better that the fucked out of the closet LGBTBBQ+ special snowflake clusterfuck we have now.

Yup. It’s when we all became slaves.

>what is selling your products to a global market over the internet?

Old fag

80s were the high point of America
Best music, best culture, strongest economy, strongest military, most international respect, president Reagan
Why else would 80s nostalgia be the strongest?

You want internet connection remote Australia?
I give you 56kbb for $69000 per year. Deal?

Also no work if, rain, cloud or no satellite in range. Also no work if generator no working.

>worst music since cavemen

Indeed. Napalm Death is so bad it's good.


But there was also Slayer.


Metal was its most turbulent in the 80s
>Metallica, megadeth, DEATH, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Dio

The best of times. Synthwave is as close as you kids will get to experiencing it.

80s music is best music

Slayer is probably the best of the big 4 desu

At least we have acknowledged that this degeneracy exists and we have snapped out of it. We may be living in degeneracy but at least we aren't degenerate ourselves, in one way or another. One thing I would like to add, I was born in '98, so I was not able to experience the majestic '80s. My dad told me though, that even during the Lebanese Civil War, when he was fighting, it was a better time than now. Imagine, a war ravaged country during the 80s was better than now.

good ol' pal murica was white.

>ere still men and women were still women

but women were not opposed to "experimenting" with another woman with you
Truly an epic time

i saw Death supporting Kreator at Bristol Bierkeller once
80s metal band names were the best

Jesus that ass and thighs on the middle one

Halloween was awesome back in the day. Even as a young kid, I could just head out with my friends and trick or treat. Nobody was concerned with getting snatched and fucked.

80s MJ was sexy

Im a cop. Cops get $20 an hour. Wife does eldercare at $15 an hour. We save frugally and afford what we want. Rest of the dumb red necks here either spend money as often as they get it or just dont work then wonder why theyre living in a leaky $350 a month trailer home without a pot to piss in.

The 80’s started with people calling Reagan a stupid fascist
who was going to start WW3.
There was a new-wave song called “We Don’t Need That Fascist Groove Thing.”
There was a massive rally to call for a Nuclear Freeze which would
have been the stupidest thing ever.
Home mortgage rates in 1981 were 18.5% which fell to 10% when he left office.
Coke was everywhere.
Miami Vice accurately depicted the coke boom.
Conservative Director John Hughes (ex National Lampoon satire writer) made upbeat, popular films.
SJW’s were fringe, not mainstream.
Hippies became “Yuppies.”
MTV was actually good.
Killing Joke, Gang of Four, Pere Ubu, Talking Heads, made music that was just as good as the 60’s.
Cable TV and VCR’s brought porn into the privacy of home.
Broadcast television was lame as hell, but “Dallas" wasn’t bad.
The movie “Wall Street” was pretty accurate, but looks like child’s play in hindsight.
Reagan basically outspent the Soviet Union causing it to go bankrupt.
George Bush’s deep state CIA took over after that.
Nirvana and Seattle grunge ruined everything.

>Poor old Gen X rolled a society wide 'miss your turn'. kek
FML. So much this. The only hope is that life-extension technology will happen after the Boomers mostly croak and we are still around. We'll still be swamped by Millennials.

Picking up where you left off: the 90's. Invaded iraq cuz arabia and isreal said to.

Seattle grunge created waves of bohemianism that was predecessor to the hipsters.

Goths were a thing, ended up morphing into emos.

Androgynous short hair boobless pale waif look starts, is called "heroin chiq" (because apparently women looking like a 12 year old boy strung out on heroine was supposed to be cool)

Dot com bubble popped, caused panic, govt solved it by reinvesting in realestate inflation. Bill clinton is president, rapes a bunch of women then decides to begin heavy deficit spending. All of this sets the stage for the coming great recession.

Children are raised on a diet of PC rhetoric and mass marketing. The spoiled brats resulting from this will turn into the 20 and 30 years olds who still collect pokemon and yugio cards and consider harry potter and nintendo video games to be the pinnacle of political discussion topics. They will elect obama and bring in the decade of darkness.

Seriously. The entire 90's was just basically 100% dedicated to making the 00's fucking SUCK.

>Goths were a thing, ended up morphing into emos.
old goths never die mate