Why is this allowed?

why is this allowed?

No longer a felony to knowingly spread HIV, even by lieing about status during blood donation

As far as I remember, that only applies to California.

Why wouldn't it be? The better question is how the hell is this going to stay financially afloat?

>be leaf
>get enriched by somali
>bleeding on the sidewalk
>lose a lot of blood
>at least healthcare is free
>go to free hospital
>get blood transfusion
>now HIV positive

because having HIV doesnt mean you cant be a cook. its not like people with HIV have to disclose that in the hiring process. its to raise awareness that you very well COULD ALREADY BE eating from a place that has a HIV person that works there.

its basically to taunt the retard straight cis idiots that cant rly thing 2 well

All things homosexual must be accepted even the inevitable consequences of having 100s of sexual partners.

why do I get the feeling that they won't be having much in the way of customers...

Link pls

urge to bash faggots... rising...

It exists for one purpose; to get blasted all over social media for the usual cunts to cheer over and say YAAAAASSS QUEER SLAY IT! There will be Vice, Huffington Post, Atlantic, and Polygon articles about how Woke this is and that literally anyone not eating there is a fucking ignorant bigot.

Lots of articles about how X is Y and it's totally Z.

Then a month later they'll move on to the new thing and these fags will file for bankruptcy

I just fucking hate you faggots so much. A blood born pathogen in an industry that has a chance of blood entering the food supply and being consumed. It happens in a normal restaurant with normal cooks who do not have a deadly disease more than you would like to know.
Just fucking cook at home with the rest of your fucking big chaser friends

The sheer amount of virtue signaling liberals will make sure this stays open

This is commiefornia. No Canadian province is as degenerate as california

ummmm that will be 69 dollars plus TIP ;^)

> doesn't know about /ourguy Scott working to bring fags down from the inside

Wiener joined Assembly member Todd Gloria to author a SB 239, which aims to change the laws that make it a felony to expose someone to HIV without their knowledge (and thus without their consent)[13]. Wiener said that the laws unfairly single out HIV positive people.[14] The bill passed and was signed by governor Jerry Brown on October 6, 2017.[15]

Wiener partnered with Senator Toni Atkins to author SB 179 to create a third, non-binary gender option on government documents.[16]

Wiener authored SB 219, which protects the rights of LGBT seniors living in long-term care facilities.[17] The bill was opposed by groups who argued the bill criminalized bathroom gender designations and would force care providers to address those under their care with gender appropriate language.[18] Wiener called these arguments "transphobic" and "absurd.

Im sorry you just now considered logic for the first time in your existence; anons, but thats how the world works. there's also worse stuff that goes on daily so dont worry your smoll heds 2 much

God you're a bunch of losers.

How long do you think it will be before there's an article about one of the faggot chefs putting his POZ blood/semen in the food?

you know he is not cumming into the food right?

Capitalism and Liberal Democracy/Republicanism

I hate you faggots so fucking much. Stop trying to kill us all with your own poison. There's a reason the universe provided HIV to wipe all you ass-blasters out.

I'll give it two months before it closes due to no clients.

Don't you even get that, despite your beliefs to the contrary, you're not the smart, special sparkly one here.

You're stupid and disgusting, and our reaction is predicated on disgust at you because you're lower than pigfeed to us.

We'd put cigarettes out on your face for fun if we could.

>Hello i’d Like to place a to-go order.
>ok, and what would you like?
>Yeah, I’d like to get some pancakes with AIDs please?
>hang up
Best crank calls.

>dont you roleplay larp too?!
yes i am the idiot for having to inform you idiots how logic works pls do go on user

There, every plate is a poo-poo platter! :)

That's a pretty disappointing prospect. I fucking hate California so fucking much. Pls kim-kun nuke dem pls

>fidel gastros

Do you even have to ask?

I heard the fresh sushi with hot spicy red sauce is a real treat, I'd advise every bigot here to try some.

dont take it out on me; im just here to inform you retards how the world works i guess. i didnt realize this was going to be a revelation for some of you

No no no. You don't get it.

This isn't about logic, or you, or even the subject under discussion, I'm simply telling you what you are to us: Lower than a leech, and we're revolted by you.

You're fucking disgusting.

Someone should put you out of your misery because you are God's joke, supposing there is a God.

Southern Ontario

>still roleplaying
ok :^)
but user, we dont even think about u

Why do faggots have to be fucking special? They have to have someone acknowledge them in every fucking thing they do. LOOK AT WHAT A SPARKLY UNICORN I AM GUIZZZZZZ LOL SMASH THE STIGMA!! LOOK AT ME!! fuck you you fucking chink faggot JUST BE A NORMAL FUCKING PERSON

>male who allows feces into his penile canal
>informs us how the world works fer reels


I don't care what you do or don't think about.

When I run over a rabbit on a country road I don't stop to wonder if it was scared.

Know your fucking place.

>that isnt a thing that cant happen and otherwise has no demonstrative impact on conceptual validity

>muh democracy

calm down ass blasted 2 the max its not a posting contest to see who can roleplay teenage angst the best

All you faggots do is lie. Enjoy Hell.

What the fuck? I read here yesterday user posted about (((pharma))) planning to infect the world with HIV so all dependent on meds. The thread where the migrant raped 7 women in EU and spread HIV.

This is fucked up. One chef gets a cut from a knife and this plague spreads. california fucks everyone too so the whole state will get it then spread across the country

What part of anything that I have said is a lie? Do you think people with HIV are required by law to disclose their sexual orientation or their status? Cause they arent. Thats not a lie. A lie is saying that is a lie.

lmao this is like a Nathan For You idea

Jesus you don't get it. Maybe it's because you're retarded, so at least that's funny to me, but it's sad that I have to explain it to you.

You are literally revolting.

You might enjoy your life, yeah, whatever, fuck you. But everyone in the room in their right mind is disgusted by you. People react to you the way they react to seeing a dead cat in their garden.

>goes to eat
>food is contaminated due to poor health standards
>get HIV

This is democracy manifest

I have lost 16 pounds this month. It's a Great diet!

Just ordered a coil of non-allergenic vegan hemp rope, Prime shipping, just for you

>In California is only a misdemeanor to give some one AIDS.

yeah why not get some food that could give to a fatal disease.

Aw, now you have brain-AIDS so bad that you can't even think logically for a second. People hate you, y'know. Most people are pretending to approve of you so that you'll shut your sparkly mouth for a few minutes now and then.

I hope someone you fuck doesn't disclose their HIV+ status to you.

you write like someone that was told they were gifted or talented their entire life but yet here you are posting nothing of substance on an african taglog dotmatrix catalog

Leave it to a faggot to defend this.

You enjoying your AIDS, faggatron?

serious question can i get HIV from food and would cooking it kill the virus?

Removing every single HIV/AIDS infected persons in the country is a better option than allowing the chance of a single innocent child becoming infected with their sin.

As long as you promise to smoke a bit before the ceremony bb

Are you kidding? He probably is the fag who scooped up used condoms off the floor of the men's restroom at the club and emptied it into his backside.

I don't want to hear your opinions.

And yeah, I was told that I was brilliant, that's a consequence of people knowing you're quality.

You write like the scum you are. I scrape things off my bootheel worth more than you.

I wouldn’t risk it. Viri mutate on the regular. What wasn’t airborne today tomorrow spread with a cough.

I sure as fuck wouldn’t go there. The degeneracy alone would be enough to give you cancer.

It's like a nightclub for people with herpes or a swimming pool for people with chronic diarrhea. I think it's a fine idea.

Personally I'd have ordered the HIVeal and a glass of lemonaids.

>lie by omission
>not a lie
Enjoy being a worthless freak you degenerate faggot.

You can get HIV from foods, even cooked, because when you allow degenerates with no morals to prepare your food you now have a huge chance of encountering Thad Aidsopolous who dumps some of his pos sperm into your cream sauce after its prepared.

>lie by omission
>you must explain every secret and every skeleton to every potential work
im sure you've listed literally everything youve done in your entire life on every resume so as to not lie by omission user.

Any adult who swims in a public swimming pool is retarded and deserves what they get.

that's a bit far fetched but i can see someone getting cut in the kitchen and blood spilling on something and maybe food

that's high-risk exposure so you might get fucked

You can and cooking it will kill the virus; but the virus needs to get into your blood system to be effective, so in a lot of ways its much harder to transmit via food assuming you dont have gaping mouth sores or ulcers in your stomach etc. Then you have viral load and count which changes with the day and medication so there's lots of ways to prevent it so-to-speak now at least.

It would have been a way scarier thing even 10 years ago; which ironically we probably still had the same scenario but idiot straights just ignore it if theres not an info graphic about it 24/7

Man I got some nasty heartburn, got any ROLAIDS?

>implying that blood won't be shipped all over the us.

...You suck dicks and take it up the ass faggot.

We ought to make the distinction between conventional "skeletons" and highly contagious, incurable autoimmune diseases, yes?

Sure, I never said we couldnt. But there isnt currently a law that says you must; so you're basically just being mad at me for telling you thats how the world works currently.

Bomb it.

HIV+ is a disease and it should be treated as such, not paraded around on a table.

ill risk it then but wouldn't go to an all HIV positive restaurant just because, sounds more like a gay hangout they are advertising seeing as there are like a billion places to eat and being gay doesn't really come into it being good. being really masculine seems to make a good chef

Well, suckin dicks is pretty great. Cocks are way better than vaginas. And anal sex can be good depending on the person and the cock. My boyfriends have always had jobs, theyve always had cars, theyve always had places. Any girl ive ever known / dated / girlfriend of friends have always all been mooches and jobless or going between server jobs forever and ever until they trap someone with bein preggers.

everyone's always so up in arms about how awful and degenerate it is, but im just sittin here with money and time to do whatever i want whenever i want and its basically because ive allowed some dicks in or around me at some point in time.

fugg i didn't think about that a blue plaster isn't going to stop fresh aids from reaching my salad.

oh yeah, im a faggot and i have dodged the hiv bullet for 30 years now and I wouldnt purposefully go to that place either. i was just pointing out that it exists as a reminder that the scenario exists ubiquitously; and not that its meant to be specifically 'scary'

Every day we stray further from G-d's light.

what about quebec?

Anyone who uses the word "cis" is automatically a fucking douche bag sjw loser.

Well, I'm not mad, and I'm not sure that other user was either. It is already well-established that many things are off-limits questions for resumes/interviews/etc., though some people naturally will want to vent here about the distinction between "ought to be" and "is".

I think that the politicization of this issue, the forced tolerance to people carrying a deadly pathogen in your midst while having the gall to call your character into question when you feel they should disclose this information, is what drives people nuts. It obviously has a deleterious effect upon society and only ferments deeper hatreds than those already here. No amount of moral pontificating or legal justification can get past this basic effect of survival instinct. The law is not in accordance with human nature, and where such incongruities exist you will see things like this.

Hope you enjoy hell, I know I won't.
You reap what you sow, and you have sown degeneracy and sin. You will reap the consequences of this, just as I will reap the consequences of what I have sown.

We are all going to hell, except for a small minority of people. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.

Thats very nice of you user to assume that I would go around fucking people; but I dont. I am here posting on 4chins; like you both.

Your Sup Forums posts should be made available to your employer.

Awareness is overrated, only neurotic people need it.

Well, all of my friends will be in hell assuming whatever specific concept of hell you are meaning is correct, so it'll be heaven for me :^)

But really we just fade to black and thats that, user.

Honestly, this probably wouldn't be a bad thing. It's mostly a collection of no response effort posts. That being said, this is a false equivalence. My employer would not need to undergo a sophisticated and expensive regiment of immune-boosters and the like if exposed to my words. Can't say the same thing about HIV+ blood.

Apparently a ton of people in this thread needed it :^)

>Says the shitskin.

Actually yes it does. It's right there on the employment form


>visibly jewish

pick one

>All things homosexual must be accepted even the inevitable consequences of having 100s of sexual partners.

The pharmaceutical company I worked for previously kept trying to jab me up with hepatitis needles due to the human blood around. Morally bothers me being pressed into that as it's supporting the actions spreading the disease; they don't want to check the blood for it, or aids, or stigmatize those with it. Politely refused, multiple times.

>serious question can i get HIV from food and would cooking it kill the virus?


That's actually the proposed way in which it got into people in the first place; people eating monkeys.

How about this; suppose for a second...
>you got HIV from being raped; someone took advantage of you while you were drunk / unconscious
>months / years later you discover you have a fatal disease because it doesnt typically manifest immediately
>you have to get a job to pay for the medicine to keep yourself alive
>if you tell anyone you have this disease, it will greatly impact your chance to be hired at some / most places
>unfortunately youre poor and your family cant help you either

Most of these people have to take whatever they can get to try and scrape by; not that every scenario is altruistic.


I can't wait for the inevitable faggot tries to infect somebody with AIDS scandle. Screencap all the promo articles pushing this degeneracy. Also reading about homo sexual behavior is disgusting, and i can't believe somebody would eat what they cook.

Before college I worked in a restaurant for three years. People get their fingers cut sometimes. It's part of the job.