How bad will this game bomb?
How bad will this game bomb?
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It'll do fine
It’ll do okay but generally people don’t see backwoods religious goofs as a serious threat these days
Thanks shitskin.
This post is politically relevant you retarded kangaroo
Then what the fuck are liberals strawmanning against with "muh rural and suburban retards" meme?
Think you got your post numbers mixed up there, friend.
t. manchild amerimutt
fuck off to
Because they are retarded children
Do you get mad that your kids believe in the tooth fairy? Do you get mad that your gf believes in astrology?
IIRC the past 2 Far Cry's you're able to kill whoever the fuck you want GTA style, so if that's an option then assumedly you're able to kill the SJW cucks in the game too.
Why is a building on fire in this otherwise idyllic scene?
I dont know its a game that seemingly has a political message that might ruffle some feathers if handled poorly. Sounds pretty Sup Forumsish to me.
It depends on if you can choose which faction to support.
Why is everybody in this game hwhite?
May I ask why you think it will bomb?
1, 2 ,3, and 4 were great games.
It'll do ok.
Everyone knows the best part of these games is the villans.
No one want's to play FarCry 3 anymore
Didnt the last 2 games bomb?
Isnt almost all the new Mainstream trendy games essentially failing anymore.
Last i heard Indie titles and others are gaining more sales traction and momentum.
Also a bit off topic but isnt the new star wars battlefront 2 a absolute disaster, aren't gamers finally growing spines and are calling out the BS jewry and sjw crap surrounding games.
>Play through game as SJW.
>Heart feels painful but hey it's only a game.
>Ending appears abruptly far earlier than expected.
>Last scene was blowing up the entire country while taking the new city-island out to sea.
>Feel dirtier than fapping to traps.
>See a new option under new game.
>New game part 2.
>Well fuck it we've got this far.
>Part 2 is from the other side.
>90% of the total game.
>Massacring cityfags by the street.
>Part way through the cityfags go full civil war with each other because food isn't being delivered to the shops.
>Ends with two SJW factions nuking each other while the main character watches on a 1990s TV with the wife and kids out in Ruraltopia.
Hopefully there's an ending where you join the cult instead.
Doesn't enemies in this game are scientologists? I saw 8-points cross in ads.
Far Cry 3 sold like hotcakes. Far Cry 4 did pretty well too.
You could "join" Pagan Min in Far Cry 4. You basically got a bunch of cutscenes and then the game ended, i.e. you were told to try again.
SWBF:2 is bombing because EA asked them to pay money after asking them to pay money.
>It's purchasable with ingame currency!
>Except you can only earn a limited amount of ingame currency every day.
>Which means your favourite character takes at least a month to unlock if you play every day.
>Or you could just pay another $15. You've already spent $50 buying the game so what does another $30 matter?
It’ll sell well and make rural folk look cool by accident.
Games that are attacking their core audience will always fail. This one will too. You can't make patriotic white males your enemy when they are the ones that buy your games. But they will get progressive points. Too bad you cant cash them in at the bank.
To hell with Farcry 5, where's Blood Dragon 2?
It'll bomb because it's boring to begin with, far cry games have been done too much and a setting-swap won't cut it.
Its pretty clear theyre hinting that they are far right white supremacists. The flag on the church and pole looks similar to the white power cross
English motherfucker
>learn it vodka nigger
1,2 and 3 were good. Everything after that is repetitive shit. Why do people settle for such lowest common denominator yearly rehash shit? Anyone who bought the caveman one at full price needs to reevaluate their life choices and why they do what they do.
You underestimate the power of capitalists and and how ''sheep'' their consumers are
That kid's face makes him look like a downey.
Sounds less like Capitalism, and more like Jewry and nickle and dimeing. Personally i gate gaming culture, they are ball-less numales.
>game is realeased with alot of promises
>game devs outright lie and overcharge
>developing new ways to release under-devoloped games, and charge more for content that should have been included
>rather then complain and call them out as Capitalists should to get a better product.
>gamers and numales laugh at the people complaining and make up excuses to defend the devs.
>thus more cucks are born and more shitty games are released and jewry intesifies
People need to stop being cucks and call out shit like this, remaining silent or verbally defending a gaming company that doesnt care about them just goes to show how spineless they are.
I bet the player will have to climb towers
Capilast here. Can confirm we talk about this in our weekly meetings.
I dont know i think it looks pretty good, bioshock infinite had the same kind of setting to some extent and that did brilliantly.
>also its a fucking game stop looking into the politics hidden in everything
>People need to stop being cucks and call out shit like this, remaining silent or verbally defending a gaming company that doesnt care about them just goes to show how spineless they are.
The problem is you go to the subreddits for these communities which like it or not, make up the bulk of these communities and you always have a sizeable amount of people calling people who are critical toxic or haters or poor. I can't tell if these are legitimately stupid and bad people or marketing shills.
The 90s called and want their boogeymen back.
My fellow American, you need to wake up to the fact that large gaming audiences actually WANT nothing more than rehashes of previous titles. See: Call of Duty, Battlefield, Madden, etc.
1 and 2 you mean, the others were just reskinned maps and same old shit thats why im hoping this is a little different