die die die die die Red Shields go back to your master Satan please be true praise be KEK
Die die die die die Red Shields go back to your master Satan please be true praise be KEK
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Who Crashed Mr Burns ? Pt1
I will make a full apology to the CBTS people if this is true.
Un fucking believable
Big if true and probably not an accident
Remember how shills in the last thread claimed this was just a museum, no Rothschilds lived there since decades?
Right. My favorite part is
I didn't see that thread, but what a (((coincidence))) that this is happening so soon after it.
>Oh no this other rich guy is dead
>Hmm another rich guy is dead
Implying they just arent faking their deaths to avoid whats to come
Saudis and Rothchilds are duking it out.
Highly likely not an accident, someone or a group are cleaning house.
I am surprised they didn’t start with the Rothschild children first though, unless it’s just a grudge against Jacob in particular.
Hopefully this.
Probably this. Or they are voluntarily freezing themselves for the inevitable cyborg bodies in a couple decades.
Good point on the cover up, also likely
Doubt this was an accident.
He was either faking his death or he was killed on purpose by either a family member to gain more power within his house or by an enemy of the NWO / Saudis.
Jesus Christ get some standards
Its impossible to get away, even paper money leaves a trail that can be followed.
Yup. Faking it most likely
I'm waiting, party horn in hand, until confirmation from more reliable source.
>implying the saudis arent involved in the NWO
If true it has to be an assasination
so was he murdered, or was he faking his own death?
>implying that MSM will ever mention the word Rothschild
There is a reason the average normie doesnt know who they are and will probably die without hearing about them.
That doesnt mean they cant target them to get the top position in the organization.
Planes and helicopters simultaneously fall on wealthy aristocratic estates all the time. Y A W N boy am I sleepy.
With the amount of resources he has he could easily fake his death. Maybe he has some secret technology that will reverse his age, surgery can easily give him a new face if need be.
Besides norm use wont be looking for him anyway.
If the kike is dead I will buy a bottle of moet
The bogdanovs have made the first move in their game of 768D transdimensional baccarat
The war is coming. Choose a side.
how the hell can a (((helicopter))) even hit a plane?
Probably this. These parasites have recipe for immortality I'm sure
That website's other stories are complete AIDS.
Will need secondary confirmation and/or pic of carcass, until then this is bullshit.
fresh organs and blood aren't going to keep the brain alive.
am i crazy or do i remember reading some comment in some random thread earlier today/yesterday saying with no context "__ rothschild will be dead within two days" or two weeks and i thought it was not jacob but some other roths. This was before the plane crash news
False alarm, it was near the grounds and apparently only the plane/heli crew where killed.
The joos didit
Is this related to the failed Rothschild takeover of the Saudis?
Fukken real big S right here fuck them
(There are still lots of them, tho. We need more planes)
Based jews...
The plane is G-WACG the Helo is G-JAMM.
Neither filed a flight plan today. latest for G-JAMM was Thursday, G-WACG was Monday.
pic related.
The children are behind it.
Another one in the jew cartel bites the dust, who's next?
Do we all get a bar of gold in the mail when he dies?
The fucker is like 100 years old and it takes a fucking PLANE CRASH to kill him?
More than likely the Saudis are retaliating.
Rogue Deep State Agents are finally making their move with Trump's approval and Saudi financial backing.
Is there any actual proof he died yet?
they wouldn't announce it to the public. he'll just be presumed dead when he doesn't show up for anything for 5 years
Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead.
Only two people in this entire thread question the source, but not a single fucking one of you actually did any research of your own. The crash happened near Rothschild property, that's it. This rag saw the name Rothschild and ran with it, because they know there'll be no repercussions after they said "feared".
>muh Rothshields controlling the world conspiracy
Why is Sup Forums so gullible and retarded?
we’d be lucky if we got spit in an envelope.
no flightplan for either craft today. fishy, sir. fishy.
>key word: feared
But holy shit if this is real? Biggest happening of the year!
oh no, that sucks...
a Rothschild being murdered would be a decade defining thing user.
Unless he was eaten by cannibals, but that was just him being stupid
He's probably got a few backup cyborg bodies and brains. He'll be fine.
They faked their deaths yo
This. They know a massive purge is coming once the righteous people rise.
Any other source? Wtf is nnettle
While it'd be all well and good if the old sack of shit died(assuming this isn't just a bait-and-switch to dodge the growing shitstorm), it's the young ones you need to be getting rid of. You can't end an infestation by only removing the ones that are too old to breed.
lol no. it's just rejuvenation. he's going to get baby blood transfusion and come back as a 20yo heir. they're doing this regularly. there are thousand year old kikes walking among us
A second report from the Telegraph:
Certainly doesn't seem like fake news coming from "nnettle"
Is this real
holy fuck
it is happening
This doesn't say anything about any Rothschild being in the involved aircraft though, just that it happened near their manor...
I wouldn't get my hopes up about this
Neon Nettle is literally the fakest news.
I wish life was more like tv because if it was this old man is watching the internet and everyone around him cheer and celebrate his death and for the first time in his life he feels something besides greed and hate. He decides to fuck over everything all of his friends all of his family all of his money everything all for the people so he starts on this journey of discovery and true philanthropy at this point is when his closest ally turns on him stabs him in the back and everything goes back to normal.
Good fucking riddance!
I mean, you're not wrong. I guess we'll see how this develops.
I see Sup Forums pouring jet fuel on the fire.
Fuck yeah!
Grab a can and some matches.
need sauce that lizard lad was on plane.
reports that i read say that the plane crashed a mile from the estate.
Noo... don't come after us Goy, all the bad guys are dead!
Saudis have always been in the Rothschild fold. Wtf are you talking about?
Praise KeK to make this fake story real!
either we were wrong and the rothschilds are anti-NWO
or this is an entirely different organization staging a play
or this is some redpilled militant group like Cicada lashing out
That was just one of his clones. Apparently it developed a moral compass and wanted to redpill everyone on his gene donor's actions.
in next:
dangerous, injured and confused lizards roaming the area
Pretty much.
He's probably already in New Zealand.
>Crashed into estate
No it didn't they crashed over a field like 2 miles south of it. and about 20 miles from where I work
Helicoptor probably saw a child sacrficing party or other suspect sight and was made to 'unfortunately' crash or something.
he was a great man and a kind soul
RIP buddy
>helicopter AND plane
Jesus Fucking Christ
If he really died his use probably ran out or maybe someone usurped his position.
>Plane + helicopter crash at the same time
Fuck how rare is that to happen oh wait nevermind it's part and parcel now with all these brown people walking around
Talk about overkill eh? They want to be sure
Read this you hyperventilating spergs
Or it's an accident that happened to happen over one of, im sure, several, rothschilds properties.
it's fake. they crashed in the estate, but still a good distance from the manor, and rothschild died.
the building wasnt touched. they just landed in a fucking field.