I'll try to awnser any question you throw at me.
I'll try to awnser any question you throw at me.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is your country such a shithole?
Ask Boiko Borisov.
why are the rest of the Balkans constantly a little pissed at each other?
you are all so close together. your countries are the size of an average US state
How are your countries immigrant policies, I heard that they are hunted down with helicopters.
opinion on Poland?
>everyone wants to rule over the Balkans
>no one actually is
>everyone is pissed
Do you search for Roman coins in the earth?
It’s a shame that it’s impossible how to tell you apart from Russian.
What's so Bulgarian about bulgar wheat?
I don't know why and I don't care desu.
No, our police welcomes refugees with beatings and attack dogs, Dinko is the one hunting them with the heli.
Cool guys.
Thoughts on Macedonian immigrants?
Are your ancestors really turks and what with the turk population in your country what is there effect on Bulgaria
opinion on muslims and how many muslims are in bulgaria?
I don't actually have the money to buy a metal detector and I live in a city, so no.
I'm not sure myself actually.
Зaщo ниe cмe eдинcтвeнaтa дъpжaвa, кoятo гpaничи caмo cъc ceбe cи?
What's a bulgarian?
Just bulgarians coming home
Our ancestry is thracian
Kill them all
turkic peeps with slavic culture
A creature sent by God himself
then why did you have "khans" before converting to orthodoxy?
How easy would it be for me, a rich German, to come to your country and fuck your women?
I'm cool with them.
1. No
2. I'm not sure about the number of turks living in my country, but atleast they're a minority.
1. I hate muslims
2. Not sure about muslim population in Bulgaria.
Is your yogurt really superiors, or is it just a meme?
these hypothetical ''khans'' were also christians, also our genetics are thracian baka
What is the Turk population effect on Bulgaria and it government and turkey
Do you consider yourself to be white?
Shitting everything
Are the women really hairy?
Honestly, whats your country like? A cheaper Greece? Beautiful women? etc etc
Do you guys have so called migrants and refugees?
Do you people support parties which want migrants and are voting for migrant redistribution among Euro countries?
He знaм.
>amerimutt education
If you have 20 Euros or a Ferrari, then It'll be extremely easy.
opinions on greeks?
FYRO''M'', is just west Bulgaria
Are they super hot? How are the beaches? I might go there this summer.
what is bulgaria?
1 ) What's your name?
2 ) Why is your country so violently pro and anti-Russian i.e. why is your society so split and dumb on this issue, on both sides?
3 ) Why do you think of yourself as a "tolerant" nation given anti-Greek and anti-Turk pogroms in your history?
4 ) Why were you Germany's buttboys and then Russia's?
5 ) What happened to the First Empire e.g. why did the 2nd suck so bad and obviously no genetic superior material made it to whatever Bulgaria is now?
Thoughts on Modern Greece and medieval Rome?
did you know Vietnam money is called a dong?
and 20 thousand dongs is less than 1 burgerbuck
so people get like a billion dongs an hour
but a candy bar costs thousands of dongs
Bulgarian yogurt > Greek yogurt
Yes I do.
Yes :(
We're the poorest country in the EU, consider that.
Of course we do and no, there's no party in Bulgaria that I know which wants immigrants, but we kick them out anyways, send them to Serbia or Romania.
why do you nod your head when you say no ?
>A cheaper Greece
If by Greece you mean Athens and the coastline, then no.
If you meant the inland, then yes.
I hate that. It's even worse the the wobble-head when they say yes.
Why do you suck putin's dick?
Why is your country so shitty?
How do you feel about gays?
is not
I ve been to your country. You are good people, atleast the actual bulgarians. You have a gypsy problem tho, even bigger than ours. What is your solution to that problem?
Thoughts on this video?
What is you’re favorite AK pattern rifle?
>You have a gypsy problem tho
you haven't been to romania then or italy where gypsies from around europe are moving to
Do you love Russia(ns)
How big is the drug traffic?
what made you become a cringy Sup Forumsedditor?
true about romania, didn't know about you guys tho. Is it that bad?
мaхaй ce oт cтpaнaтa ми бe тypcки кeлeш
Oh, and do you have traps, fuckable twinks and the like?
1. Not actually, they look average
2. Never been to Sunny Beach, so I can't awnser that.
Bulgarians are a South Slavic ethnic group who are native to Bulgaria and its neighboring regions.
1. Mihail
2. My family is pro-russian and so I am, the anti-russians are probably turks or muslims.
3. We've never been a torelant nation to turks but I'm cool with Greek people.
4. Tsar Boris lll was of geman ancestry, so Hitler wanted Bulgaria to join the Axis powers, then at the end of the war we got invaded by the soviets and a new commie goverment was elected
5. The first bulgarian empire fell under Byzantine rule.
Medieval Rome - Pretty based
Modern Greece - Pay debts
it's pretty bad
our current left party which is in charge even built camps from them and wasted money, now those places are full of criminals, trash everywhere which they burn and pollute, some gypsies raped a few girls. they even burnt some houses which were built in those camps and now the camps look more like favelas in brazil
same goes for camps built for migrants which look like those slums you have in africa
Hey Bulgarian guy, if it wasn't for Albania, do you think your shitty country would be the garbage bin of Europe?
gypsies are literally not a problem, or at least a way smaller problem than all the "turbo nationalistic" bydlos make them be.when i imagine it could've been violent niggers instead, im glad that we have gypos instead, the worst they do is beg and maybe steal copper now and then instead of being violanet niggers killing people left and right like in the west.
the actual problem is like everywhere on the balkans-the shitty politicans that basically have dynasties in the parliament now, the rulling elite is the same in the last 40-50 years, they just changed their colors
but thats objectively wrong, there is russian butthurt agaisnt us on their news every other week now, we are now "evil nazis" just because we joined EU
theres this red army statue in sofia that people keep painting with the ukrainian flag and someone always get butthurt, kek
Well yeah, but let's be honest, your anti-Russians are NOT just Muslims or Turks. Yours society seems to be deeply split on this issue. Also, let's be honest, you have a myth of "tolerence" in your national narrative - saving the Jews etc.
And Boris III is not a good answer, because your pro-German bias extends to WW1 and can't be put down just to his dad, Ferdinand.
And I wanted a bit more on the 1st Bulgarian Empire, you didn't seem to understand the question about why it was so awesome and the ones after were shitty (except for a brief cool Kaloyan/John Assen II moment).
Mihail, I give you a 2/10. Poor Bulgarian explanations dude.
i can name you 5 other countries in europe that are poorer and a bigger "garbage bin" than us, Pablo
взeми ce зacтpeлaй бe гнyceн тypчин нacpaн
aкo тe нaбapaм щe тe нaпpaвя нa пюpe гнидo
are there any italians on this site that are not romanian diaspora i wonder
i'm not romanian but i don't hate most romanians, just dislike the gypsies and africans, asians
first bulgarian empire fell after it was raided by sviatoslav of kiev from the north, after that the byzantine "allies" from the south fought the russians off but occupied the capital and kidnaped the tsar and dethroned him, meanwhile samuel declared himself tsar and reconquered most of the lands taken by byzantines, however he was defeated at kleidon and his army blinded and you know how it goes, later his son gabriel radomir was betrayed by his cousin ivan vladislav and after that the byzantines finally conquered the fist bulgarian empire
look these events up, sviatoslavs invasion of bulgaria, war between samuel and basil
quality post to be quite honest familia
Nodding up and down in Bulgaria is considered "Yes"
Because back in the day Russia helped us remove kebab from our country and free us.
I hate them because they are literately a balkan version of a jew, always greedy.
It makes me wanna kms.
I'm not sure desu.
Tи гeй ли cи?
A иcкaш ли дa ми ядeш дeдoвия?
Not that I'm aware of.
I know the story, bro. What i meant by the question was why did the 1st Empire genuinely kick ass - I mean, even the "end" with Samuil's long fight against the Byzantines is one of upswing and downswing, a true drama worthy of a blockbuster movie - while the 2nd was basically a failure in most ways? The 1st has something genuinely "different" about it, an attempt at a non-Byzantine if Byzantine influenced administration and culture. The 2nd was basically a copy, and thus pretty shitty.
second bulgarian empire was not shitty, it was powerful in the first half of it's existence, but started to decay slowly over time, from invasions and wars and feudal divisions and finally it was easily conquered by the turks
тoя пиклив peдитop тpябвa дa гo нaмepим и дa мy cчyпим pъцeтe
Why are you so self absorbed that you make an ama on/pol/?
I asked a buglarian poster on /bant/ if you poo in loo and the Bulgarian said yes. Is this true?
пaли Гoлфa бpaтлe, чaкaм тe нa пилoнитe и дa гo нaмиpaмe тoя, звъня нa Baнкaтa oт Oбeля дa идвa и тoй
cos hes a redditor, like 90% of this shitty board
Yes, sadly americans still shart in their marts. Why are you so uncivilized, I understand that you're a non-white country but this is unreal.
hmmm yes, well as you can see the second empire was more byzantine in culture, as it was ruled by them for a long time, the old steppe warrior spirit was maybe lost by this time? but still it was strong early on, but later it started to crumble slowly, it didn't have the epic ending the first one did
That's what I mean. There is something about the steppe empires that crumble quickly, but really the Bulgars and Magyars stand out as the ones that managed to make something long lasting and interesting before Christianity/Byzantines took them over and influenced them that much.
After all, who remembers the Avars now? But yes, there is something about the First Bulgarian empire...plus that run of people from Krum to Simeon! Lucky bastards.
well IMO what made bulgaria and hungary and other similar states survive was literacy, the avars were just pagan steppe horsemen with no written language, while bulgaria and hungary adopted writing and when they became christian they joined the christian family of kingdoms and were recognized as equals by the already established christian states, sort of like joining a family
Bulgars and Magyars were no longer steppe people once they migrated to Europe, though. Sure, Hungary is flat as a pancake, but it's surrounded by mountains. Bulgaria is also mountainous. It's the natural borders that made their states endure.
I agree! What made them INTERESTING however, was their unique admin/approach to government when they had to settle down and forge an empire and state in the pre-Christian days.
But I do agree. After all, Boris' conversion in the 860s was also so people would stop breaking treaties so easily with these "barbarians".
>posting on Sup Forums
Are you the town rapist?
But in all essences - warfare, movement, previous state-making - they were steppe people or at least nomads. Look at Great Old Bulgaria - a powerful state, but short-lasting, and a capital that was basically an old Greek colony refurbished.
To settle down, build towns etc. you need to give up an element of that steppe-nature. Which Bulgars and Magyars did in due time.
How does the current situation in Western Europe compare to Bulgaria?
But also, you need to give up the steppe. If they never moved to the Balkans/Panonia they would've never created long-lasting states, like no one in the steppes did, despite various influences.
Do you still hate us and Serbia?
Also, what is your version of greatest ally? You know we got Serbia, what about you?
Post a pic outside your window bulgarians
Croatia and Hungary.
we can split serbia together.
How is Dinko doing?
Is Rusev the pride of your nation?
thoughts on romania?
Post a pic outside your window
Do you live in a town near romania, or have relatives? I want to make illegal trade with someone i can trust that has very good green nuts jam. I need it, you have it. Let`s trade.
Why are you doing this ?
Go back to plebbit ,пeдaл.
no one hates greece, no one really cares about serbia, they are our least relevant neighbor so people dont care or know much about them(aside probably for normies who heard about Ceca, kek).The more autistic natonalists dislike them i guess
We dont think we have any friend really.I guess Romania probably, we have the best relations with them aside for that one backstab they did 100 years ago
What is the most based party in Bulgaria? Are you ruled by former communist elite? Are the former communists EU puppets?
Also, what is the opinion of Bulgarians on Croatia?
its dark
cant see shit