Why white people shouldn't use the N-word

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The N-word...

Like, get your fucking point across without the racism, not everyone wants to hear it.

>blacks can not do the same things
What did he mean by this?
Seriously, it seems the higher up you are in the opression olympics the less you have to walk on eggshells not to offend everyone. and blacks are pretty high.

I would argue that his generalization of white people that they are entitled is racist.

and btw, YES ITS CONTEXT, and that means sometimes its not polite. So what? Who gets to dictate behavior based on whether its polite or not? and the worst is when they arbitrary decide something is not okay by ignoring the context which is EXACTLY what is happening here. Telling white people that they should not use that word based on their skincolor and NOT based on context, reeks of entitlement.

>without the racism
Fuck off kike

>mfw latinos can still use it
nigger / niger / nig / nigor / nigra / nigre / nigar / negro / neger / niggur / nigga / niggah / niggar / nigguh / nigress / nigette / nigguz / niglet / nignog / negrito / negroid / nigrar / nigricious / nigrad / nigracka / nigoo / nigoose / nignoid / nignoggee / nignit / niggy / nigmuffin / nigmatic / nigmare / niglor / nigloot / niggatron / negrish / negrata / niggachu / nigg / nigg0r / niggerade / niggsy / niggus / niggyboo / niggzilla/ nogz / neegro

Stopped watching when she said "untill reparations are paid" the american black population doesnt deserve reparations...ever, its a tough world, people have been enslaved since the beginning of time, i dont owe anyone anything, grow up and get a fucking job roody poo

Imagine being this controlled by a word.


Reparations would be sending them back to Africa, as that would have been their condition had we not brought them over by force to our productive country. They either enjoy the fruits of living under white hegemony, or they leave.

Coming to pol and complaining about that word is like moving next to an airport and complaining about the takeoff and landing noise.

There were reparations. 600,000 dead white men. And for what.

Now it seems to me that back in the day blacks weren't calling themselves "the N word", it was was derogatory term used by whites against blacks.
So isn't blacks current use of it Cultural Appropriation.

You forgot about the little niglets, how could you forget the children!

>I like sugar
>And I like tea
>But I don't like niggers
>No sirree


I'm not sure I'm really the target audience for Mr Coates

a 2 post by ID nigger





Your posts

Like this

It's like you're a fucking nigger or something

I'd call you a nigger, but it wouldn't matter.

i just yelled "nigger". checkmate, niggers

Nigger nigger
Chicken dinner
Had a wife
And loved to beat her

Niggers are soo stupid, they are attacking whites, whi have been helping them for the last 100 years, and siding with people thst hate them and will enslave them as soon as whites lose power


>Look at me! I said le naughty racist no-no word again! xD

Am I posting on a forum filled with children?

Oh my fucking god

This board is full of nothing but racists

Im outie, goodbye idiots! Get a life!!!!!

no nigger is going to tell me what I can or cannot say

Saving you 6 minutes, it's a nigger that enunciates saying that outgroups aren't allowed to use familiar terms, and that white people are racist. Literally the only difference between their argument and a regular niggers argument is this:
>Bix nood muhfuggin cracka muh dick nigga say no muhfuggin nigger yo dats racis.
Fucking niggers man.



Bye filthy niggers


Nigger detected


>his id is purple like his nigger drink

Good thing Coates is focused on the most serious issues facing black Americans. Next to the horrifying prospect of white people saying words what are the small facts of constant rape, murder, broken families, and poverty, after All?




the things people will say for (yous)


die phaggot

I should be able to call a nigger a nigger. Anyone that disagrees with me is a nigger.

Saying I can't call them niggers assumes I'm trying to talk to or about them. I really don't give to shits about if they all live or die.


shut up nigger

Don't let the oven door hit you on the way in

>reddit spacing

fuck off nigger

day of the rope NOW so i can torture nigger kids


Ironically making the "Nigger-word" off limits is EXACTLY what gives it so much power.

Ta-Nehisi Coates is one of the dumbest niggers in all of intellectual niggerdom, and that is saying a lot.



i very often refer to blacks as niggers with my friends and family and they do too. no one cares nigger

>What do you have to say to this Sup Forums?


Lol, what a nigger.

>Why white people shouldn't use the N-word

i don't use it because jews have hijacked it into their rap media.

it's the same reason i don't swear. jews would want us to swear all the time. not conducive to wholesome family lifestyle.

Dude stop being emotionally fragile and control yourself over big bad mean ol words. You fucking nigger pussy faggot. If you act with macro aggression against *subjectively perceived micro aggressions* then you're gonna get put down with the force of the law for being a chimpanzee. Niggers will learn or they will burn, but we refuse to burn with them. Deal with it or kys

This is not a forum you retarded nigger, do you at least know where you are

>most intellectual
>Ta-Nehisi Coates

>until reparations are paid

I don't need permission, especially not from a nigger

i was nodding in total agreement through his entire discussion of the appropriateness of word choice in context. he lost me when he turned it around to point out that whites are the ones preconditioned.

everybody is preconditioned. it's tribal. it's in our DNA. it's why we survived. The problem that ALWAYS comes around is that whites are the only race acceptable to be singled out for thought crimes that are consistent across races.

fucking niggers

is it your first day on the job?


Shoot yourself, nigger

i see it the same as geek or nerd or whatever,
If you knw them and they are also a nerd it's not insulting, if you don't know them it is always insulting depending on their age, if they are not a nerd its slightly insulting or just a bit off.

> The most intellectually breakdown of why white people can't use the N word
And they have a piano just for that.


anyone got the paint edition of that fat bitch telling white people it's their fault?



fucking niggers kill em all

>Ta-Nehisi Coates
Your Black Panther comics SUCK

I like how blacks automatically assume when someone says nigger it's about blacks. Nigger is defined as a shiftless person, I judge by character. So if ya acting like a shiftless person you're a nigger.




>crackers shouldnt use the n-word

It's copypasta.

We have a saying in my country about people like you : Washing a nigger is wasting the soap.

Now fuck off and kys nigger.

Nigger is just a word that used to mean black person. Niggers claimed it was derogatory because it was used to describe them when they were farm equipment.
Negro was just a word that used to mean black person. Negros claimed it was derogatory because it was used to describe them when they were legally inferior to whites.
Coloreds was a word that used to mean black person. Colored people claimed it was derogatory because it was a word used to describe them when we were legally allowed to be separate.
Black was just words to describe a black person. It is the last word on this list that white people are allowed to say without being beaten by violent monkeys, but even then it's not preferred.
African American is what the fucking jigaboos want to be called now.

When will you fucking niggers learn that we're not racist for calling you niggers, we're fighting back at your limiting of language because all it really boils down to is a power struggle. You niggers are more concerned about controlling whites than you are about the meaning of the words themselves. When you can't control our language you violently attack.

jerry juice dis shizzle!!
Nigger is wrong
Niggas is correct usage now!!!

An imageboard is a type of internet forum, you retards.

>it's a nigger that enunciates saying that outgroups aren't allowed to use familiar terms
I actually agree with this. Outgroups like niggers shouldn't be allowed to use white words, such a "nigger".

>"muh white fragility"
>get called cracker and laugh
>black people get called niggers and immediately chimp out every time on queue

get the fuck out of here with that silly bullshit retard

Why's it silly?

by nigger

He's right though. You're a god damned sub-human if words are enough to trigger you, like niggers get triggered by the "nigger". It's a good wred and they can fucking leave or kill themselves if they don't wanna hear it. If you don't have doubts about being a nigger yourself then there is absolutely no good reason to get upset over the word nigger


pick one

I think he's right and I'm on board with his perspective. Originally used derogatorily, it's a reclaimed word. A cultural survival tactic. Personally, I don't feel good saying it. You could argue that I've been brainwashed, and that's probably true, but I'm perfectly willing to just let it go. I have nothing invested in it.
It's worth noting though, the same phenomenon appears to be occurring with the other n-word (Nazi). This, too, in the context of its original use, was derogatory. We are seeing young people, mostly ironically as with Coates' description, embrace "Nazi", if only to escape the cognitive dissonance created by those who still wish to use it to shame, control, or otherwise oppress them.

Whites should get even more credit. We invented the ultimate insult, nigger. The real reason niggers are mad is jealousy.

"Nigger" means black person. You can use it to refer to shiftless or dishonest white people, but you're using a metaphor, like calling a greedy person a pig. Ironically it's actually MORE racist to call white people niggers.

niggers gonna nig

someone here misspelled reddit.com

Niggers are a fucking plague.

Why should white people not use the word nigger? We invented it, niggers were too fucking stupid to come up with it as usual.

I have never heard it used as a genuine insult against a white person. Are you making that up?

niggernigger nigger nigger niggerniggerniggernigger niggerniggerniggernigger niggerniggernigger niggerniggerniggernigger
niggernigger nigger nigger niggerniggerniggernigger niggerniggerniggernigger niggerniggernigger niggerniggerniggernigger
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger niggernigger nigger niggernigger niggerniggernigger niggerniggerniggernigger
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger niggernigger nigger niggernigger niggerniggernigger niggerniggernigger
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger niggernigger
nigger nigger nigger nigger niggerniggerniggernigger niggerniggerniggernigger niggerniggernigger nigger nigger
nigger niggernigger nigger niggerniggerniggernigger niggerniggerniggernigger niggerniggernigger nigger nigger

its not about being black, it about not being white

Actually white mountain men and fur trappers referred to each other as niggur.
It is a word of friendship and endearment long before referring to negroids or niggeritos.

That’s the most intellectual reason? So there are not really any good reasons? I understood what he was saying though right up until then end, when he said white people can do whatever they want and not get in trouble. Yeah, not sure where this assumption comes from.

You dumb nigger. There, that wasn't hard. I think when Pewdiepie called somebody a nigger, they were white.

Cya cunt, it's good to know there's one less cuck around here.


This is just pathetic

This is exactly whats wrong with the world today

When a good man like me comes along to defend people of color who are targeted day by day with racial rhetoric

What do you guys do?

Spew racial rhetoric

Shame. On. You. All of you. I highly suggest you all re-evaluate yourselves.