Should scientific research be focused on discovering a means to produce children without need for a female, therefore allowing the extermination of the female?
Should scientific research be focused on discovering a means to produce children without need for a female...
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Women should be put to the sword.
post absolute cardplay rocket propelled wanderlust rainbow pitter patter plip plop monkey cage wrench bicycle pillow sleep childish sleep talk prehensile adam's apple launched into stratosphere nuked by snarfs and bullywugs indulgent Pharaoh slurps dull minds away into the night.
Sexbots with wombs are the future.
The post-female era will be a golden age of mankind.
I don't hate women. But they're unnecessary if we can build wombs. Plus we can all eventually create a pill to become gay ^^
If you're really this misogynistic and concerned about exterminating females then believe me there is something wrong with you. If you're unable to find a suitable partner or can't get laid then there is a problem with you and not the females.
>should we make our species incapable of reproducing without technology
no, now kill yourself
A race of dickgirls when?
Take the gay pill and you will never need a woman to be happy ever again
All traces of the existence of the female should be eradicated.
>Doesn't like females
Pick one.
If we can make a pill to become gay. We can make a pill to remove the desire for degenerate sexuality. Then we can free ourselves from this distraction to go to either productive enterprises, or positive distractions while simultaneously destroying the STD transfer rate.
Meanwhile, let's focus on making food solely about nutrition and turn it into tasteless paste.
>Sup Forums is so misogynistic that it wants to take the fun out of reproducing.
Wouldn't you prefer this though???
In time you will learn to love another man as you would with a woman
Sexual attraction to others should carry the penalty of firing squad.
Why the fuck does your wife's Ahmed let you have internet access?
Exactly! Remove the desire for woman burger. Remove it and we will advance forward to a new age
Women are a disgrace to humanity by existing.
They whine and are generally annoying and a pain to live with.
>muh virgin maymay
>pointless thread
>ancap flag
larp harder commie
Why not a constant feed of injectiacble nutrient sluries laced with growth hormone, anobolic steroids and stimulants so we don't have to waste time eating while maintaining peak function.
Imagine thinking life should be filled with happiness.
No stronger bond then that of two men. A man and a woman is a disgrace for the woman will eventually cheat and back stab the poor man.In time you will learn...
Only betas who can't control their women dream about this.
How exactly?
A majority of them prolly but I doubt everyone is like that. Also there's many other factors than gender that play into their behavior like cultural/social norms, upbringing etc.
This is trivial as fuck.
Divorce rates and cheating is higher among male gayfags
Not saying women don't cheat but that pic isn't really helping your argument
Love should be punished with summary execution.
source pls and in nearly every divorce rate it's apparently double for lesbians. So my point is still proven right.
All gays hate women with a vengeance (except their mothers)
Case in point: fashion industry
>Love should be punished with summary execution.
Wow, your autism levels are even higher than mine.
Good thing you're just baiting .
Even the fashion industry which is supposedly woman dominated, men still do better. Men are by far superior to women in every single way possible. Once we are able to create technological wombs, women will be completely nullified. And sex bots will become more important than women
Are you gay enough to actually think I'm baiting?
I think you're an incel, but I didn't say you were baiting. The budapest guy did
It's not women dominated it's faggot dominated. And they hate the female form. Pic related.
If you're too lazy to google it then you deserve to continue making a fool of yourself.
The fashion industry is dominated by fags who rig it. Why do you think all those models they use for fashion shows look manly as fuck? It's a male dominated industry.
>Once we are able to create technological wombs, women will be completely nullified. And sex bots will become more important than women
I've got nothing against that just wondering why do you want to get rid of them. You can still have artificial-wombs but keep women around.
Can you specify a valid reason why women should be removed from humanity? I doubt you can but go ahead.
>inb4 reproduction and being cumdumpsters
Like that's the only thing they're good at.
I did find sources. And I told you lesbians are close to two times more likely to divorce. And 5.4 % of heterosexual couples divorced after the first 4 years since gays could marry. 3.6% for homosexual couples.
I've got nothing against them either. But in an ideal world, everyone should be men. Reason being, women are far less productive than men and are usually just a weight on society that eventually will not be needed.And reproduction is the only thing they're good at, for now.
Just said it was faggot dominated. That isn't a very new discovery that gays don't like the female form.
Oh yeah. I meant to say that there are more woman in the fashion industry but men are still the ones who are on top, even if they are gay or not.
You said it was supposedly woman dominated. I didn't.
You only hate women because you can't deal with them. Any proper alpha can easily control all females in his social sphere, not least because most want to be controlled.
I'll keep my real women, you beta cucks can have the robodolls.
Women = Shit if you take them seriously, delicious if you don't.
So don't ever take them seriously.
Read my other comment
And women love me, why would any woman want to be with toothpaste? They want to be with real men, not some weak little shit like you. I may not be Alpha but I'm not a cuck.
>I did find sources.
Screen cap and post or link them
>But in an ideal world, everyone should be men.
Uhhh? Won't it actually be logical for everyone to be mix of the both? If you're gonna be weird like that why not go all the way unless you really have something personal against them.
>Reason being, women are far less productive than men
In what fields, STEM? Women can be just as productive as men the problem is upbringing, social norms and so forth. Most women today are bitchy and dumb today because they get really spoiled because society enables it. It's really not their fault.
>eventually will not be needed
Nobody is needed. Life and functionality are optional.
Jesus christ and I thought Spaniards were shit at posting.
> You told me to look it up myself, how about you do the same mi amigo
Why the fuck would I want to be mixed with a woman? I don't want boobs. Women are less productive, look at every single field, they are less productive, and jesus christ this is Sup Forums we're not having a debate so calm down. Also don't be edgy that's really cringy.
Also on the productivity thing. Women are weaker both mentally and physically and when it comes to social norms they are pushed to no end to go with STEM fields, they obviously are not good enough for stem. And ofc culture has to do with it. The spanish are extremely unproductive because of our shitty "laidback" culture. But women are pushed constantly to be the breadwinner, what happens? They are all single with degrees in shit that will never get them a good paying job, alone with no kids, and struggling to live without a man to support them.
I rest my case
Verdict: Women are shit and unnecessary and should all be expelled just like the Jews once we can reproduce without women. And men will have the choice of either taking the gay pill or having their own sex bot who will be 10 times better than a real woman's pussy
Women are a waste of fucking space.
>wants to get rid the opposite gender
>doesn't even state why
>apparently I'm the edgy one
>Women are less productive, look at every single field, they are less productive
I already told you why it's that and that it's easily repairable if people actually go on and do it.
>we're not having a debate so calm down
Who said anything about debate? We're casually shitposting not running for president.
Bulgaria do you not know how to read? I gave you reasons, I told you WHY they are less productive, and this is turning into a debate considering you're constantly asking me questions, ignoring the answers and picking phrases out to decontextualise them. Bulgaria ( Shittier version of Greece) can't shitpost to save their lives, neither can we. But atleast we're open about it
They truly are mi amigo incel
If you think women have any use, you worship (((them)))
They still do, but not forever. And this ((((them)))) isn't Juden. It's ((((Holy)))))
Yes, also women replacements are currently in production
That's one qt robobabe
I had a child out of wedlock.
Spent 6 years being sued for more support.
Got behind on support when the oilfield fired us all.
Lost license and passport.
Lost land when they liened it.
Got arrested and charged with felony for owing 15K.
Havent seen kiddo in 5 years now, but lost everything I ever worked for.
I advocate for cloning humans and sex robots now.
No, but that should be the symbol of Sup Forums. Would make lots of liberal heads explode.
>Women are weaker both mentally and physically
That's on average and not always so.
There's women scientists you know. Also bodybuilders. You get the idea
Yes I do acknowledge biological studies related to the weight of their brain, bone density and structure etc but they can still be useful.
I doubt you can just enter a ring with some MMA cunt right now and walk out without losing your teeth or pride. Or take a physics test that some other cunt has studied in that field for years and its her job.
>But women are pushed constantly to be the breadwinner, what happens? They are all single with degrees in shit that will never get them a good paying job, alone with no kids, and struggling to live without a man to support them.
That's actually more a win for them unfortunately.
Now that women have been introduced to working conditions they seek out better mates. The fact that birthrates have gone down because of this proves that we aren't as productive as we thought we were, in numbers atleast. That's also another reason why basement dweller manchildren exist today. They can't meet the standards women require now.
>inb4 all women have high standards
True but nobody is forcing you to go for ones that are shit/not productive.
>Women are shit and unnecessary and should all be expelled just like the Jews once we can reproduce without women.
Kek, why? Holy shit this guy.
>men will have the choice of either taking the gay pill or having their own sex bot who will be 10 times better than a real woman's pussy
Honestly nothing wrong with that. Just the "expel all women" part.
Just because you can't get a stacy doesn't mean you have the right to exterminate them.
Very much so, it's almost worth pretending to be a refugee so I can sneak in and liberating her from the (((German))) government.
I never wanted one to begin with, all I wanted was their deaths.
Science should be focusing on some batter fucking battery technology and a decent replacement for oil that doesn't either cost a fuck ton or is highly impracticable.
>I-i didn't wanted g-girls anyway!
MGTOW beta detected, just be nice enough to tell your fellow Americans from Sup Forums what school you will shoot up before you do it
>I had a child out of wedlock
>And my life got ruined
Gosh, who could have seen that coming?
Yup another larp thread
Anyways lets be honest you guys are acting like femanist with fliped motives it’s just sad what happen
Show us your real flag
Bulgaria my friend...
Women scientist < Male scientists
Women bodybuilders < Male bodybuilders
Women with studies < Male with studies
I want to expel women because killing them is a bit Jewish and I'm not a jew/
Inb4 all women have high standards
Outb4 all women have normal standards.
It's obvious to me you have been shackled by a succubus hopefully one day you'll realise the wonders of either a robo pussy or a Caesar Dick
Until women revert back to being subservient man worshippers they are of no use to us, hopefully once they realise their point in the world they'll become transexuals and get a penis transplanted on their vagina. Read Aristotles books, he wanted children to be raised in Government schools until they were old enough to be categorised as either a logician, a worker, or a piece of shit. That's what we must strive for
only a faggot coul think so, women are propiety, good precious propiety, not enemies
>shackled by a succubus
Never even had sex with let alone held the hand of a female. Not even planning to.
Why do you assume I would bend over backwards for some cunt just because I'm defending women? In fact I'm not really defending just pointing out they're not as useless as people assume. If I was defending them I would be ok with them being rich cheating sluts who only go places because of "muh vagainah" and keep having or being raised with a closed off childish world view on life.
I just think that everyone no matter gender or race deserves a chance but if you take away everything and make them start from 0 or give them alot more than they currently need then they will never perform well.
Also men are not so perfect as you think.
That's just it. Women should have the choice to become whatever they want not be forced into being stupid sluts thanks to "rights","trends" or consumerism or oppressed to the point where they're no different than commodity.
If you fix women, men will follow. Man can not fix himself he must start with the opposite of him.
edge. Women are necessary of the family structure, go back to tradition faggot