user, you're not having any lewd thoughts aren't you?
User, you're not having any lewd thoughts aren't you?
No, ma'am.
I've been on nofap for 10 hours. My longest streak yet.
I want to hug Takagi-san
I dont but im sure senpai is.
You don't plan to NTR someone, do you?
Combo breaker
I just fapped twice, so no.
These threads are shit.
You're shit.
haha oh wow what's going on in this thread
Congratulations user that's very admirable of you.
Fuck you NTR bitch.
Pls no more trypophobia
I've got a Prisma Ilya thread open. I can't help it.
Did someone say trypophobia?
You are not prepared
Oh boy, I was also thinking about that.
What are those things supposed to be?
Lotus seed pods. It's an old meme.
I came in this thread just to find out the name of the show but it's just a shitpost thread please tell me.
I actually was how did you know that?!
I wish
I could swear every girl this guy makes is smug
Well, I wasn't before you posted that smug loli's face.
She's a genius
smug level: dangerously high
its your fault for exposing your forehead
wtf is going on in this thread?
This is triggering my Trypophobia. Please stop. Please.
>tfw 5 days
Longest in years.
I went 13 years with out faping once.
Wow that turns my stomach in the worst possible way. Dem disease/spider/insect avoiding instincts are kicking into full chimpdrive.
>you're not having any lewd thoughts aren't you?
Why is it always ESL faggots making these shit threads?
What did he mean by this?
english second language you peruvian animal
Why does it matter? We're all anonymous here. If you want to shitpost about that go to Sup Forums.
>Spirals, Empty Eyes & Holes, holes everywhere
I did not expect this to be a Junji Ito thread, is Takagi's level of smug actually some sort of eldritch horror?
Well I wasn't...
Is this your first week on Sup Forums?
i just did like 5 weeks.
I have female cousins staying over but all I can think about is how badly I want to nut in my waifu and get her pregnant. I can't stand it any longer.
Why don't you just nut in your cousin and make her pregnant instead?
>a week and a half
>everyday wake up with a super boner, even when I had a nightmare about getting shot
I dont really mind when Im awake, bit the morning wood pisses me off, the dick asks for it.
Done about a month once, wont lie I was horny as shit, one random girl bent over to pick up a paper and it didnt leave my head for 2 days, sure it wasnt 48 hours but it kept on coming back real often. I couldnt think about not impregnating anything compatible and trying to on some non compatible creatures.
i-is this the new lucky star meme?
I want to cum on her forehead.
How smug is too smug?
>this thread
shut up you peruvian asshole
why is she in this pose?
I'm on day 4. I started to feel my raising power level.
Update: 24 hours now, i'm dying bros
the absolute madman
Let me help you with that.
Reminder you read that one doujin with the girl full of holes like seven years ago, maybe more.
Surely there are less painful ways to kill yourself.