Is Hitler still alive?
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only in our hearts
don't know if he is still alive to this day, but there's no way he really killed himself in that bunker, too much fishyness on the whole topic
he's the main mommy
I was never satisfied with the "Hitler escaped to South America and lived to an old age" theory because I don't think the Fuhrer would just abandon us if he were still alive. It's not in his character.
That being said, I find it very suspect that our only account of Hitler's death comes from the commies and the jawbone that they purported to be the only remaining piece of Hitler's body was tested and actually belonged to a woman... same as I find it suspect that all of our accounts of "death camps" come from the USSR.
If he did escape, he would be dead by now.
Siege heil
No, he died in 1994 outside the viper room on Hollywood blvd.
Ja, bin ich.
He probably escaped to Antarctica and started an advanced underground ethnostate and is still alive today thanks to alien technology that the Reich reverse engineered.
> Look up "Admiral Byrd antarctica battle"
Siege heil
His clone is still alive
pic related
yes.....in our hearts
Yes, a 128 year old is still alive
No, he died in the 70's in Bariloche, Argentina, surrounded by the most loyal Ss, Eva and their 2 daughters
fpbp. good digits.
Its known British Intelligence created the tale about the bunker. Stalin, Eisenhower
and Churchill didn't believe the bunker tale themselves they were the allied
commanders and had top level intelligence reports on the situation.
Hitler did escape with other leading Nazi's who were also spiritually advanced. They
created a network to continue to fight for global Gentile liberation against the Jewish
globalist agenda to create a global communist slave state of the Goyim. People report
at the ending of the war flying saucers were flying into the last remaining free
German cities. This was evacuation to fall back positions. Something to note the
Tibetans that came back with the German's to Berlin their leading monk knew the
entrance to Shambala. The Egyptians stated at Abydos their ancestors who came from
the east lived in underground cities to survive the cataclysm events on the surface of
the earth around ten thousand years ago. People in Tibet the Lama's report Shambala
exists and they have been in contact with them for thousands of years.
The Nazi's who of Project Paper Clip stated they did create flying saucers with help
from Extra Terrestrials the shape of the ship is to generate the energetic Taurus field it
needs to fly.
Commander Rockwell wrote about how Hitler visited him in the astral in the dream
state and gave him shaktipat. This experience is what transformed Rockwell to create
and lead the ANP and open the door for NS in our Anglo post war world.
he lives in the people's hearts and minds
because as long as there is hope for white people, he's not truly dead
>No, he died in the early 80's in Bariloche, Argentina, surrounded by the most loyal Ss, Eva and their 2 daughters
He is alive and well... and wearing wellington boots
Maybe he continued his work in south america? Who knows what he actually did there? Lots of theories floating around that there's still a breakaway natsoc civilization around. Who knows...
I have a theory.
Hitler never shot himself in the head or took the cyanide pill. Instead he was immediately taken to another secret part of his bunker far omitted from all floor plans and only known to a select few of his closest allies, far towards the earths core of the earth.
In this chamber, powered by the heat of the burning core of our planet, Hitler scrambled into a cryo pod where he was immediately frozen and preserved for an eventual revival for when the time was right.
Now is the time.
I think the "killed himself in his bunker" story is bullshit, but outside of that it's impossible to know for sure. He could have died in the streets but be too disfigured to be identified. Maybe he did get to Argentina. No one truely knows.
Guess thats kind of a personal win for him. Despite both the Allies and Comintern wanting nothing more than to find him and mount his head on a spike or to find his ashes and shit in them, to this day they still can't be sure they actually got him.
Has anyone on here read this?
The book claims Hitler escaped to Argentina.
I never asked for those feels
Watch the new season of finding Hitler, irrefutable proof he escaped to argie. Alex Jones interviewed the director on his show a while back, worth a look.
Cheers mate. Will give that a watch.
Yes I'm American now and I'm black.
Ahh mein fuhrer! How are you?
I have been here too long.
It's hard to dispute the released CIA reports of Hitler being alive in 1955.
There is tons of evidence that he and many other top officers lived in Argentina.