Okay wait, so in HO western side of USA is Capitalist Corps and eastern side is Information Alliance right?
Do we ever learn where the border runs exactly?
And why was Alaska with the Kingdom?
Okay wait, so in HO western side of USA is Capitalist Corps and eastern side is Information Alliance right?
Do we ever learn where the border runs exactly?
And why was Alaska with the Kingdom?
Alaska wasn't part of the main section of the "home country" so it was disputable territory.
>Capitalist Corps
>Information Alliance
Seriously? Who named them?
The same guy who thought that GROUP and ITEM would be great names for organizations.
To be fair it's more like their systems than actual names of nations.
They are names of alliances of nation states and stuff that work together for certain ideologies that aren't really countries in the strictest sense. Honestly just there to have the author be able to justify setting stuff anywhere.
I sure love how California evolved into the worst world power.
Both are shit besides Whitewitch, we can all agree that Faith Organization has the best semen demons.
IA is objectively the best faction. They won almost every time they were involved and played everybody else like little babies.
Ice grill is literally the only good thing about CC.
IA has loli sluts and Martinis.
>Rush got captured in Vol3
>IA troops got wrecked by a literal suicide squad that they had free ambush on in vol6
>Lose the Simple is Best to a single flesh and blood soldier and the Catapult Cargo to the MIB in Vol7
>Their own game show is used against them in Vol10
>Spend all of vol12 on damage control and get bullied hard by both the FO and the 37th
The only volume where they really undisputedly came out ahead was 11.
Since Kamachi has lost his rocker for a while now I fully expect the CC to try to clone something close to Qwenser and Heivia.
LK can't be the only ones that brag about two dudes killing objects left and right.
>Rush got captured in Vol3
With none of the really important stuff getting captured and them getting valuable experience on how to make AI better.
>IA troops got wrecked by a literal suicide squad that they had free ambush on in vol6
One tiny squad. They still on that entire situation and fucked LK really hard in the end.
>Their own game show is used against them in Vol10
They had full control of that fight from the start. And thanks to that show CC got humiliated in front of the whole internet.
Their only real loss was Simple is Best. Catapult Cargo loss was meaningless as Martini said herself.
New Venice was a mess and everybody lost there.
They very rarely kill objects. Almost always they just make it easier for Hime.
Won't be surprised if we get a volume where they send Mariydi after them. Without their own loli elite this time it should be hilarious.
S2 of Bad Boys: The Anime when?
Kamachi, make it happen pls
I want this more than Index S3.
After Index s3, so never;_;
HO S2 would have Charbetty, Valkyries, that fucking Christmas party, loli princess, penal squad and motherfucking Ice Girl.
Index S3 would have Lessar.
Either would be great.
> Information Alliance
Ed Snowden captured east amurika for Russia???
Index s3 would bring enough shitposting for years to come with battle alone. Then we also have Touma getting tossed out of a jet, Touma getting gassed, and all of Brexit. I really want both series to get another season really badly, though in the event of HO s2 I'd rather they put vol5 as a separate series of OVAs both to avoid confusion and so that we can get to the MIB.
Nah. Google did.
Volume 5 is still the best selling HO volume ever. By far.
They would be retarded to skip her unless she would get a movie or something.
You keep saying that and never once provided sales data, and I said to put it as a side OVA.
>Capitalist Corps
>Commiefornia and its two hats
Immersion ruined to be desu.
It's a century in the future. Who the shit knows what could change in that time.
Government, Illegal and Freedom are the best/laziest faction names by Kamachi.
Where are those from?
Not him, but it sold about 40k or so, he's not wrong. It was released some time after Index S2 ended and Index was at its peak sales, so it's unsurprising anything Kamachi did would sell more than usual at the time.
Wouldn't it be the opposite in the real world? Captialist should be the east and West should be information alliance. Why is Kamachi so stupid?
Blood Sign. Kamachi clearly stopped giving a single fuck about naming factions and named them exactly what they are.
Blood Sign, there was also Killer Intent Antenna for silly organization names.
No Commiefornia has always been more commie than Wall Street. Wall Street not being Capitalist is just dumb.
By that logic every novel should have a big boost when Index or Railgun were airing. They didn't.
Rather than a boost, what I meant to say is that it sold higher naturally because Kamachi was at the peak of his career in terms of sales and recognition. Naturally it'd sell less after that. Boosts are almost exclusive to what's being adapted.
You underestimate the sales power of a female lead. And that cover.
Based Texas!
When will we meet some neo Pagan FO factions?
Kamachi's witch girls are always 10/10.
Soon maybe? I'm expecting to see them in Boo Boo first and we already kind of got that in Zombie vs Vampire
I wonder what objects would witches use. Flying one like Charbetty? One that boils your blood like Kali?
It should be something really good.
So where is that Whitewitch spin-off?
Buried somewhere in Kamachi's mountain of manuscripts
Sitting on the desk next to the Dark Queen Stavia bad future volume.
Why are Objects immune to nukes but not to other Object weapons? Nukes are real fucking strong.
Nukes spread their damage out over a large area, Object weapons are far more focused so they can actually penetrate the armor if they score a solid hit.
Nukes are not as strong as movies make you believe.
The fact that the Capitalists are based in the west is easier to swallow when you remember that they own Asian regions as well, so all they're making bank off of China, India, Japan, etc.
Headquarters of the largest corps are in the west.
It may seems strange at first because California is a commie den, but just imagine how the place will change after 50 years of immigration and growing corporate power.
>Who are you?
>A Legitimate Kingdom ;^)
Does she take the D or does she munch carpets?
She obviously wants her onii-chan
Nukes can only damage weaker things like buildings and flesh and blood soldiers.
Nukes can't melt Object steel folded over a gorillion times.
Why does only Texas have its own grid?
Onii-chans make the world go round. I bet Skuld wouldn't have turned out the way she did if she had an onii-chan to lean on.
Nuclear shaped charges have been an idea for a while, not that there'd be many practical uses for it IRL
Would still go against the "clean war" ideal the higher-ups of all sides are pushing.