nasa indicates huge geothermal heat source /possible super volcano in ANARCTICA.
huge city size hollow under ice/ground chambers showing heat sources.
They found the Reich
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Antarctica is the ethnostate we deserve
bump for this being what they found.
Please God let uncle Hitler come back and gas all these kikes once and for all
Don't forget Little America is a real place down there.
the president will make it great too for sure.
I will sell everything I own and travel there in an instant if this is even remotely true
The fuck is that video?
sure as shit we dont deserve a frozen hell. but we do need it.
Aryans don't mind the ice. Also who says it's a frozen hell?
Explain video NOW
pretty reliable mainstream source saying all of these liquid lakes and rivers are just run off from huge melt channels under the ice.
the kind large enough for the largest of submarines.
Thread theme
Distraction from the pedophile rings being found out. Goode warned about this. Goode is legit source.
yeah newshub in new zealand ran this story today weird
Corey Goode is a legit source.
fuck off with your shit music
The real source of global warming revealed
I think I said it right. its calling bro's that nazi shit is real dawg UFO's and shit with swazticas on
blueflaming gone bad, really bad tacos