How long before Taylor Swift has enough and comes out as right wing...

How long before Taylor Swift has enough and comes out as right wing? She's been officially excommunicated from the left for daring to stay apolitical in 2016

Now the dumb fucks are calling for her to basically leave the music industry entirely for her sins, and in typical social justice fashion, if anyone on the right says something nice about you and you don't immediately declare your undying loyalty to SJ causes you yourself become a Nazi.

TayTay is going to become the Aryan Goddess. The Left is going to give her no other choice

Hopefully never. The longer she stays silent the better.

I read an article the other day and they were blasting her for people making Nazi memes of her. Like how can she control that?

Daily reminder that She's one of us. She'll hide it while it can still ruin her career, though I doubt it would at this point

>Pol's aryan goddess
>part italian

You degenerates will change your view of sovthern evropeans depending on how much your agenda benefits from it.

Country star. Goes pop. What? She's a right winger? Color me shocked.



Italians are better than other humans.


>tfw taylor turned me into a feetfag

I love Tay Tay but the new single is so bad the chorus sounds like something a character would sing on an adult swim show


I would let taylor rub her cute pale feet on me.



I love tays feet

>tfw taylor will never rub her feet on your fresh clothes, polluting them with her stink forever

why live (´;ω;`)


Taylor swift is a jewish loving, coalburning whore. Fuck off with all these taytay memes.


Swaylor tift knows that feet fetish is redpill.


Sorry. All you're gonna get is feet.


do all corporate blogs make a coordinated effort to write about the same topic, that isn't breaking news, in a given week?

>woman voicing any "opinion" on politics

Not my Taytay. My Taytay knows better.

Nice try you fucking kike. Go die in a car fire you cunt.

maybe when she retires but i wouldn't bet on it.

>Our Aryan goddess needs some Hugo Boss.
Can some kind user with more talents than I have put an SS uniform on this pic?

Damn, those feet looks like she's been running through wheatfields all day

sizable if authentic

Italians are true Aryans thanks to all their Greek genes. We are the true master race. Fuck whitey.

Where can I find Tay Tay pictures where no one else could?


>“They’re burning up all the witches even if you
aren’t light me up light me up light me up go ahead and light me up”

This is her coded stance. A proper assesment of current events that will go over most peoples heads