Hey Sup Forums, what country in europe is free of Jewish control and propaganda please ?
Jww Propaganda Europe
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pretty much only Romania, Poland, Hungary. Only countries that matter there really.
The PM of Ukraine, Grosyman, and the President of Ukraine, Valtzman, are both kikes. The international press is Jewish. You can't escape it.
This is a good answer.
no, not ukraine, because of khazars and communism, but the east countries are still free, for how long ?
Romania is full of jewish propaganda and anti-semitic/holocaust laws. The people though know who the (((problem))) is
let's be honest here, if Romania, Poland, and Hungary outlawed apples tomorrow, all the other cuck micronations would follow suit within a year. Also, Romania, Poland, and Hungary are the only countries that didn't completely sell their souls to invaders like ottomans and asians in general.
Countries like montenegro or slovakia shouldn't exist.
yeah, except for the fact that they genocided gypsies and jews in ww2, and almost everyone on the streets hates the jewry....lol
You must be oblivious if you think these countries are not sucking up to the jewish elite. I mean,just look at the politicians. It doesn't matter if normal people know about the jewish problem when Mediafax and Pro TV(mass-media basically) are owned by a kike in my country.
Kikes too pushed the ''rromani'' bullshit that forces us to call gypsies what they aren't,basically denigrating our identity
>anti-semitic/holocaust laws
Holocaust laws don't mean much. For example, holocaust denial is legal in the UK and Sweden, but it's illegal in Poland, Hungary and Romania.
There is some propaganda here :/
yes, based civic nationalist countries
None is completely free, but those who are closer to it are the ones who are attacked the most in the media.
Russia, Poland, Hungary. Same goes for countries outside of Europe like Iran.
Iran is probably the most free country in the world in this sense.
I have no doubt Iranians will do the best pogroms ever in Israel once they capture it together with Russia.
Lithuania is free. We recently shoed books of two Jew "nazi hunters" who tried to frame our anti-soviet partisans as "nazis".
all of them. Jews have very little power anywhere.
North Korea
But you guys carried out pogroms for the nazis didn't you?
Some did but not partisans. Jews want to do the same they did to western countries here, to make whole nation feel guilty. They also went to Russia and Belarus to whine about how evil and racist we are. :D Its not gonna fly here.