We're doing a project where we make our own society with a minimum of 10 laws but we don't know who we'll be in it, hit me with your best laws
Redpill my class
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10 commandments for lulz
10 commandments.
Just make sure women and niggers/shitskins can't vote for the love of God
10 commandments. Seriously.
Expel Jews from positions of power.
The rest will sort itself out
Fuck off back to fakebook with your sideways images.
Also, you only need three laws:
No Force
No Fraud
No Coercion
But here are some more:
Treat people the way they treat others.
Apply to people the rules they would apply to others
The other five laws should be based on the it being illegal to challenge the cycles of nature or something, just to fill in the blanks.
Eg nobody may claim summer does not exist etc.
1. No Jews.
2. No niggers.
3. No mestizos.
you can put anything for the other 7, idk
One vote per functional, married family with a minimum of one child.
One half vote for married couple with zero kids.
Ban all minorities. If you are a minority you must make the sacrifice for the country.
This. Do the 10 commandments.
> in your comfort groups
Require all citizens to ingest a pork product at least once monthly.
if you’re single with no kids your taxes no longer will be necessary for the children of others and illegals in public school
>best laws
>10 commandments
1 I am Imperator for ever and ever
2 Everyone has to obey me
3-10 /
Prohibition of Usury.
1. Open borders
2. White people are second class citizens
3. Only woman and POC in government
4. Justice for Trayvon Martin
5. POC are considered innocent always
6. White women are for BBC only
7. Islam is the official religion
8. White people must pay reparations
9. White people must be the blacks slaves for 200 years
10. If any white person questions or disobeyz any of the above laws he/she will die
1) the right of the private citizenry to keep (own) and bear (maintain on their person) arms equal to those of the standing military shall not be infringed
2) any public official seeking to appropriate the money of a working citizen to a leech shall be put to death without trial. If you don't work, you don't eat.
>eliminate the gibs state. If you can't, cut it to foreigners. Every foreign must work or GTFO
you need to be 18 to post here, you underage trumpcuck.
Executing the law only if proven, victim has the right to defend himself(if he was set up for instance)
Theft - 1st time pardon, 2nd time removal of finger, 3rd time removal of hand
Exception if it was food, the the state is obliged to provide and find a job for the individual if that was the case
Rape - Cutting off the organ and prison time, for women who falsely accuse female circumcision(stitch up vagina and leave a hole for pissing)
Setting up(so the person is punished like mentioned above) - Death by burning
Murder - Execution in the same manner the victim died, ability by the family of the murdered for a pardon(not always eligible, for instance if another family member did the deed)
Just add some logical exceptions and sublaws
3) voting rights are extended only to citizens with TWO forms of government identification to be presented at the polls
4) false rape claims shall be punishable by mastectomy under no anesthesia.
Which school system are you in? Show us your flag.
1. Make "comfort groups" illegal and punishable by death.
>teach BTFO
The 10 commandments you fool
You gunna looooooooove me user
>Judicial market opening
>No Jails
>Family Based
>4) false rape claims shall be punishable by mastectomy under no anesthesia.
peadophiles are subject to the same. no need to keep the gene pool alive for these degenerates. would put a stop to that shit in one generation easy.
Do the 10 most degenerate islamic laws
>wank with a kids hand during ramadam
>Fuck 8yos
>Murder of outsiders is encouraged
>Slavery is encouraged
>Taqqiya is necessary for an easy life among kuffar etc
1.) No niggers
2.) No spics
3.) No poos
4.) Only the best hand picked immigrants
5.) no sand niggers
Forgot this one
Be sure to include this
You forget state-enforced homosexuality
Now replying, who cares if you are born a nigger of downie? If you love civilization you are going to know that if you dont reproduce, you will be helping it.
Make this laws:
-niggers/retards/spics/etc cant have babys.
-whites will be paid to have them, since having babys actually helps the state, so it is just a trade.
-remove democracy for technoaristocracy, the places in government will be given to good profesional on the area.
-Only accept inmigation of whites
-To all who lie and send people t jail, they will have to pay the same jail time if proven lie. Also rape calims are not valid as a proof.
-Ban feminism in education.
-make a sjw education program
-Make people in jail work as slaves to fix what they did (death penalty in case it is not affordable economically, and when prisioners are recorded on camera making crime)
Let us consider Crusoe, who has landed on his island, and, to simplify matters, has contracted amnesia. What inescapable facts does Crusoe confront? He finds, for one thing, himself, with the primordial fact of his own consciousness and his own body. He finds, second, the natural world around him, the nature-given habitat and resources which economists sum up in the term "land."[3] He finds also that, in seeming contrast with animals, he does not possess any innate instinctual knowledge impelling him into the proper paths for the satisfaction of his needs and desires. In fact, he begins his life in this world by knowing literally nothing; all knowledge must be learned by him. He comes to learn that he has numerous ends, purposes which he desires to achieve, many of which he must achieve to sustain his life: food, shelter, clothing, etc. After the basic needs are satisfied, he finds more "advanced" wants for which to aim. To satisfy any or all of these wants which he evaluates in accordance with their respective importance to him, Crusoe must also learn how to achieve them; he must, in short, acquire "technological knowledge," or "recipes."
Rule 1. Nobody is allowed to live in this society with an IQ lower than 120 unless they are allocated a lifelong mentor who is responsible for their actions. Mandatory sterilisation if they chose to live in this society unless they are genetically beneficial in some way and used for breeding stock. With genetic engineering advancements, this is unlikely to be needed.
Rule 2. Pretty much do what you want but don't kill or harm anybody willingly unless they are about to kill you, failure to follow this rule results in immediate execution upon being found guilty (which you will because there are cameras everywhere). let's not kid ourselves (this society is full of smart people) we can admit the cameras in your TVs and phones monitor you 24/7 instead of hiding it from fear of the reaction of low IQ normies.
Rule 3. 'Government' that runs a basic police force and military (possibly gen engineered but preferable robotic) based on the societies needs and also manages fund distribution to maintain infrastructure and farming as needed and deligated by a volunteer lotto drawn committee.
-The end.
Women and minorities don't have the right to get a citizenship. That's the most important rule of one society.
give me a you, faggot, tell me wahat you think. I made your homework REEEE
NO USURY!!!!!!!!!!
Thats an automatic death penalty to anyone who even trys to implement it.
1. Enforced equality for all, unless they are found to be in a group of interest, where they get reparations for being exploited.
2. Preaching against equality, distributing media designed to sabotage the equality, undermining the authority of the people who promote equality, disrespecting equality puts the perpetrator in a criminal group and the victim in a protected group.
3. Compulsory free school for all ages. Failure to attend puts perpetrator in criminal group.
4. Political entities must be registered and may not preach hate, undermine equality, subvert the democratic process, disseminate slander or misinformation. Failure to comply puts you into criminal group.
5. Religious freedom is guaranteed, provided a religious organization is registered with the government and does not subvert the democratic process, does not use the language of hate, does not undermine equality and first and foremost - serves the needs of the people. Failure to comply puts perpetrator in criminal group.
6. Keeping information private is a crime against the people, as it either hinders progress, or is a weapon to undermine equality and benefit certain hateful groups. Keepers of private information are put into a criminal group.
7. The human dignity may not be trampled. Any attempt to dehumanize, insult, belittle, bully, endanger or infringe upon the mental and physical well-being of the people puts the perpetrator in a criminal group and the victim in a protected group.
8. The ones in protected groups cannot break the equality, or undermine it, or go against it, as they are victims of inequality. A crime cannot be committed by them.
9. The ones put in criminal groups are stripped of all rights and privileges. A crime cannot be committed against them.
10. Your status of victim or criminal cannot change.
Get a bullshit pronoun, say you are a victim cuz someone said it wrong, proceed to have lulz.
Monarchy , and no voting for women
POTUS must be born on American soil.>35 Yr old
Any POTUS using fake identity would be charged with high treason.
Well the ten commandments could be a start. Maybe not all of the but the bulk is god.
>1 post by this id
Unironically this
full gun rights
taxation limited to 10%
voting rights require paying taxes
strict immigration with country quotas
post by this id
its a jew
>just add some logical exceptions and sublaws
>this list
I got to do something like that, don't sperg and just do
I would love to help you all in this project and I will offer you some insight in the matter.
Focus upon the Laws of Nature's Creator.
Think about what Rights men (and women) had without organized societies and governments, then build up from that in relation to a civilized society where property rights (including personal freedoms) are honored and where once a trespass occurs, how would one go about adjudicating it and who would ultimately judge.
Understanding these principles will make it much easier to create a system that values the people who agree to be a part of...
>Best laws
>Almost entirely just garbage religious laws
>Only criminal laws are don't kill and don't steal
With just ten laws a bill of rights method might be better
>Free speech
>Right to vote for adult men who were born in this country to parents and grandparents who were all born in the country
>Right to a public trial
>Right to seek education outside of the state
>Right to complete control over your land, including growing food, collecting rainwater, and assembling structures as long as said structures do not threaten the land of neighbors
>Cannot search or seize property without a public warrant, property found of seized without a warrant is to be nullified as evidence
>Right to not self incriminate
>Right to civil trial over debts
>Powers not delegated to the central government are under the absolute jurisdiction of the states
--Reeducation camps for liberals
--Extermination camps for Jews/communists
--Expulsion of non-whites except for Honoraries
--Annex Canada
do it
>--Expulsion of non-whites except for Honoraries
Fuck off. Either stick to your guns or don't bother.
>Muh based black man
>Muh honorary Aryans
In a country like the US the best possible outcome is forcible fracturing along racial lines. Native Americans get Oklahoma and some fully autonomous enclaves scattered throughout the US where their reservations are. Blacks get the black belt, Asians get Hawaii and parts of the west coast, Hispanics get Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California, whites get the north, midwest, great plains, northern Rockies, and northwest.
Either that or kick out every single non-white and don't half ass it.
These are laws that dictate the course of Humanity at large.
So it is that those people who disobey them are no longer people but a lower order of life.
Let it be so that every resource made available by nature is to be utilized to the benefit of either the individual human, society or both but never to the detriment of either.
Should an individual benefit him/herself at the expense of society i.e. (unreasonable nepotism, theft, liquor stores ad etal) then the individual no longer an individual human. It is to be henceforth treated as a lower order of life. An animal resource to be utilized for the benefit of humanity.
Should society or to be more precise a group or institution within society, be it a religious, ethnic, financial, educational, beurocratic or political benefit itself at the expense the individual human then it is to be disbanded. It's individual members obliged to disavow it and should they refuse, so be it that they are no longer human but a lower order of life. An animal resource used for the benefit of humanity.
I actually like doing people's homework, but I make them pay me for it. It feels so dirty though. Knowledge should be free and you should be doing your own work, but I guess I kind of like being a nerd and editing papers and shit like that, so if you're stupid enough to pay me to let you be stupid, why not?
I'd feel like more of a good guy if I just punched everyone who ever asked me to do their work for them in the face instead.
>People are entitled to whatever they create, unless they consciously choose to forgo that right (by selling/giving/contract)
>You shall not impose your will on others.
There. Nothing else is really needed.
For sake of prudency
>some hard definition when people are capable of consenting (by age/mental maturity test/whatever).
>acceptable degree of reaction (realistically, mcnukers are not a sustainable group, so by papa darwin it'll end with popular opinion of lethal force in response to lethal intent, subjugating otherwise but you'll shut some of non-darwinist normies)
>some monetary system so people don't have to barter (again, private competition is a thing, darwinism, etc.)
People have implied
>freedom of association,
>freedom of cooperation,
>freedom of transactions,
>freedom to every interpersonal action as long as it's consensual,
mindlet thoughtholes
>defining gubmint
Any structure that arises will not be defined by law, but made by people according to need. However defined bodies of law may not represent the society, which eventually ends with people deciding them anyway.
>defining bans/crimes
Any act forbidden by law means nation (if it has power over individuals) having the monopoly to do it, from murder to rape, so blank forbidding is self-delusion (there's a need to kill outside threats) or puts ochlocracy on moral pedestal (society is moral because it's society).
>public enforced welfare
(((take from competent and give to failures)))