Been 2 years into Soy and I'm more Muscular than ever!
Other urls found in this thread:
he's probably more muscular than ever
he's probably an extremely skinny faggot
Of course he's a skinny faggot, just look at his face.
"no difference in energy or muscle"
"Im actually more muscular then ever"
Can lefties see anything honestly? walking contradictions I swear...
He can finally open a can of soda without help!
>dyel chinlet nu-male
fucking kek
Why yes. Neck yourself.
real and gay.
Is this like the alt right?
The only thing muscular about him is the black cock in his ass
Milk contains estrogen and puss.
Stop being a meatnigger.
>Slenderman: The early years
>giant coke bottle glasses
>receding hairline
>soft effeminate face
"more moscular than ever"
Is soy sauce with regular food safe?
>that sexy well developed jawline
>ITT retards
a little bit of estrogen spikes your testosterone, hence most libido/errection shit over the counter for men contain some sort of estradiol.
Wow, who knew that if you multiplied shit by fuck, you’d get shitfuck?
I might need some correcting on this, but I believe soy sauce is fine because it's fermented. And even if it's not, the actual amount of xenoestrogens in a dash of sauce isn't going to make any difference.
Made me exhale out of my nose quickly
>No difference in energy or muscle growth from >lots of soy, I'm actually more muscular than ever.
pick one faggot
[citation needed]
blue pilled checklist:
>wears shirts with buttons
>uses hashtags
>writes 200 character tweets
>is a leftist but too cucked to even call himself a leftist
>acknowledges that anecdotal evidence is worthless before using it
>saying vegetarian in the short form
>using single brackets instead of echo quotes
>weighing ones-self regularly
>does cardio
>retrospectively jumping onto diet trends
>using your own pathetic body as a method of debunking "disgusting alt right conspiracy theories"
>weigh myself regularly
On what? Pic related?
>wears shirts with buttons
you forgot to add:
>is gainfully employed
>pays taxes so trumpcucks can live like parasites in 3rd world "states"
HIs penis will be tiny, his testicles small, shrunken and useless. His ejaculate will be watery, perhaps lumpy in places, and there won't be very much of it. What sperms he produces will invariably create retarded down syndrome children. His body will be hairless, his posture weak, his erections soft and malleable. His voice will be high, his hair thinning, his shoulders and neck narrow and thin.
In other words, simply pathetic.
Ive been drinking the soy meme/vegan for 5 years now and the only difference you actually notice is that it really helps get rid of spots
I have no idea where the soy makes you turn into a fuck meme comes from, I'm fairly sure it doesn't change it either way (although interesting about half my family are vegan and the average male/female height is 6'6"/6')
>The states with state taxes have lower federal spending!!!
>Btw make sure that they get to deduct those state taxes from their federal taxes :^)
Democrats are such audacious cunts.
soy boy. low T beta.
Yeah he looks like a tough muscular guy.
Soy sauce is fine, as is most fermented soy.
that is to say, the odd Chinese meal (even with soy sauce) won't turn you into a eunuch overnight.
Tofu and soya milk is the real killer. Basically, vegetarians. Everyone knew vegetarians were more likely to be poofs in the first place, but this is just the proof of what we knew all along.
This just ask /fit/
This is too funny, Vegan people eventually get so sick because vegan diet is high maintenance it requires preparation and cooking that is time consuming so Vegans will end up eating a lot of PB&J.
I wear shirts with buttons :(
does that header image display soyboy regression? is soyboy a spectrum or is it like the one drop rule?
I guess it's all go, no show.
this should be a leaf post
>shirts with buttons
VVh*ite ppl clothes
Literally me
this fgt is stronger in kegel muscles, maybe, big fucking maybe.
eat like you've got a brain but fuck, what kind of deviant warps their body like this
oh wait, i forgot, fgts like in op's image
Nigga yo flag is square say something bitch
I have reading glasses and only wear button-downs... but never plaids, tartans or untucked. Do I deserve this flag?
No soyboy's are part of the swole-left
>wears shirts with buttons
>Being employed is bluepilled now
> more muscular than Eva
> 130 pounds soaking wet
> difference in energy OR MUSCLE
>im actually more muscular than before
>does cardio
Fucking amerifat with a proxy, bin that burger you lard gargler
Nothing wrong with wearing button up shirts as long as you don't consume soyproducts.
I'm going to my office jobs in sweatshirts, so fucking what?
People need to chill the fuck out. I do my job, so let me wear what I want.
>Human Behavioral Ecology
what in the ever living fuck is that?
A made up degree to make the (((University))) money
>No difference in muscle growth from lots of soy.
Yeah, maybe because he isn’t growing muscle?
Pls be real soyboy progression
The salt and brewing break-down the estrogens, plus the quantity is minuscule...Faggette
Drink your soy goy.
Real men wear only this.
bet hes wearing mom's bra to hold the new find soy muscles
That's a nice pool Carl.
Gabbagool? OVA HERE
He's a student, living in Manchester, England
he likes it that way
I threw out all my soy this morning
in all seriousness any anons reading this should consider undershirts. there's a good reason men used to wear them every day. it keeps sweat off of your shirt so it appears to fit better
>That hairline
>Those glasses
Checks out
I like to wear my wife beater inside out so the tag doesn't irritate my skin :)
Sup Forums BTFO by this twink
Trumpcucks don't live in commiefornia brah
Case study of a vegan man who eats a high soy diet, his testosterone crashes and he gets erectile dysfunction. Takes a year to recover.
He looks soy as fuck
democrats pay high state/local tax to take care of their communities and fund basic services; conservacucks refuse to do this, so democrat tax dollars get funneled into their communities to keep them afloat. this is the definition of socialism, which is the most hilarious part. personally i enjoy seeing southern conservacucks live in squalor--you deserve it.
this reminds me of those videos where chips, beans, noodles are piled up in a styrofoam container, then cups of sauces are poured on top, then served as a meal
soyboys for the win
This guy is a shill who tries to convert us goyim into soyim.
Are you black
>no difference in muscle growth
>actually more muscular
when someone contradicts himself within 2 sentences, I have a hard time listening to their anecdotes.
wait, is that real soyboy regression?
do you mean actual undershirts? because a-shirts like that don't do shit for the sweatiest part of basically anyone (the armpits), rendering them useless.
>I'm stronger than ever
>With that fucking soy bug man face
Yeah, fuck off kikes.
He's right, though. Plus, with all the shit they put in milk these days you'll get bitchtits. Either get it fresh directly from a farm or don't bother.
>politically central
I highly doubt that.
He looks like a bitch
If anything, he's probably more defined, and not actually buff.
You realize the south has the highest proportion of niggers in the country, right? Places like Mississippi are like 40%+ nigger.
Is soy lechtin good?
Colombian kids could have ate that food
please take your hate speech somewhere else and stop oppressing this innocent person of soy
is that series is pics real? that's line noticeably different. how would one not notice this?
>so democrat tax dollars get funneled into their communities to keep them afloat.
That's a fallacy. Democrats do NOT pay their full share of federal tax dollars. They take money that was supposed to go to Federal taxes and keep it, because they "paid into their community".
Taking money from the country's pool and paying for yourself is not noble. You're not paying for Republicans, Republicans are paying for Republicans. You dodge federal taxes and pretend you're holy for it.
So I went aroudn the house and basically you can't escape the soy plague. My cakes ahve soy, my cookies ahve soy, my anti rinkle cream has loads of soy even though its marketed for men, next thing you know even shampoo and soap have soy...
Don't post full body shots, this guy is scary enough just from the face.
What a beast. #SOYENFORCERS
Nothing is safe, is it?