B..bu...but Al Franken
B..bu...but Al Franken
We've already gone over this, and you've called for his impeachment already. Move on bud, it's not happening.
Doesn't the left preach about "whataboutism'?
>They let you...
What did he mean by this?
“They let you do it” = CONSENT
Fucking retard
OP here
>So what? Im 32, pay the bills, jack off and play cities skylines when I get home from my job in software. If you're happy in life that's all that matters.
Pushing the ethno-white agenda is pointless and racist. Not only is it a moot point since basic statistics dictates everyone will be mixed raced in 65+ generations but also that it doesn't contribute at all to society.
The amount of insecurity and hostility in this community is outrageous. Accept your downsides and then maybe you wont be so set on trying to preserve whiteness which isn't productive in a capitalistic system.
Well Al is so ugly he has to do it while they are asleep (like the sneaky jew he is).
>who cares if democrats actually physically rape women
>trump said grab her by the pussy
You people are absolute scum. You only pretend to care about women when it suits your political agenda.
>sneak out on your pregnant wife
yeah, he's a real winner
>She was married and I tried to fuck her
>She said no
Good job Donny, testing your friend's wives to make sure they're loyal. If they turn down the big D and a billion dollars to spend time with you instead, you know they're a keeper.
digits confirm.
>moved on her
>cound't get there
Of only he could rape her, he would've been safe now, like all those sex offenders all these years. But BLUMPFK just HAD to step off, didn't he? SAD!
"she was married" yeah, this is the line that tells you what kind of "man" trump is. no regard for the man she was married to. Trump: "hoes before bros!"
Al is disgusting because he’s a total bitch about it. Donald is proud of his conquests and everyone knows it, so it’s ok in my eyes because he knows he’s always doing the right thing. Vs Al Frankenstein who did it, knowing in his heart it was wrong, which makes him an untrustworthy piece of crap because he purposely does things that he believes are abusive
how can one man be so based?
did he say he was doing it for his bros? i mustve missed that part. could you point out what part of the video or are you just doing some mental gymnastics to spin his callous attempt to fuck another man's wife?
I wish Trump was my president. We have a incompetent feminist government that scares away companies.
I'm just shitposting bro.
To be fair, you can't tell from the quote if he actually tried anything after he knew she was married. From the phrasing it sounds like once he found out she was married, that was the dealbreaker. Instead of ending the story on a down note ("I didn't fuck her") he ends it on a high note by changing the topic slightly "but if you're rich they let you do anything." Which isn't true, but it implies his overall story is coherent even though he failed to pick her up.
Maybe her husband wasn't his bro.
Every friend trump has had has stabbed him in the back
Every girl trump has tried to woo has used him for his money and left him
Trump uses bad language but he’s obviously hurt this woman did not like him
Her loyalty is great and he wanted to break it
Because if she could cheat it would mean it’s everyones life that is bad not just his
But she didn’t and he realizes it’s just him people use and take his kindness for weakness
It’s sad desu but trump walks alone
Al is worse to me because he did the ultimate bitch move of writing what he wanted to do into a script and then forcing her to "practice" with him.
You see this shit all the time from pussies in acting and improv classes. They "improv" grabbing some hot chicks tits and then hide behind "it wasn't me it was my character" as an excuse. It's a sleazy bit from someone who doesn't even have the balls to just own what they want to do.
The difference is that Trump never grabbed a pussy that did not want to be grabbed.
Using a hyperbole that would equate to sexual assault is not the same as actually committing sexual assault. Don't you have the common sense to recognize the difference?
Yes and...?
$ s ge
nah, this is called "pointing out hypocrisy". i realize trumpcucks have a hard time with critical thinking though; it's why most of their communities are destitute & full of every societal ill imaginable.
Lel this
you think trump walks alone? That sounds an awful lot like my life. at least trump had supportive parents who gave him a huge head start and the good fortune of running against the worst democratic candidate in history. its not like hes the only person whos been used and lied to you know? there are plenty of us out there who arent half as fortunate as trump and usually end up buried and smeared by the people who backstab us and never get our stories told. this man has his names on buildings, private jets, fame beyond anything the world has ever seen, and a family to back him. you make it sound like he's a martyr. i cant imagine how many people HE has betrayed or thrown under the bus to get to where he is. and unlike him, those people were probably too poor and powerless to even fight back or rebuild their lives afterwards.
"Let you do it"
B..bbut he did something too! impeach!
Oh conservatives are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet? Who woulda thunk it.
He wasn't elected to be The Pope, faggot. I could care less about the sexual life of The President.
I literally cannot go one minute on my social media page without "what about the blacks/women/muslims"?
>We're using "whataboutism"?
>Well, what about the left's "whataboutism"?
It's you, leaf. You fucked my ass when I was an embryo
Lefties practicing what they do best
, Whataboutism
>projecting this hard
You tell me
yeah, i mean judging character and integrity have nothing to do with trusting someone to be your president. the guys a backstabbing son of a bitch. demands loyalty from fbl director who owes him none and yet doesn't respect the loyalty a woman has to her husband. just another hypocrite whos only interest is his own gain.
I know right? Gronald blumpf!.
>Baiting this weak
Shareblu really scrapes the bottom of the barrel when hiring you nerd virgins, don't they?
>Facebook / redstatedems
T-t-t-totally l-l-legit guys! He'll b-b-b-be impeached any d-day now!
What angers people about Trump's statement isn't what he said, it's the fact that deep down they know it's true but they won't admit it. They don't know how to empathize with that world, if theycan at all.
It's like they hire middle aged women, they really stick out.
isn't this thread literally "B..bu...but President Trump" you faggot
Wait a little whiny bitch
Just saying. If he's enough of a cheat to play around with other men's wives behind their backs I can only imagine what kind of deals he makes behind closed doors when the american people aren't looking. regardless of hillurry's emails, there IS a reason he isn't releasing his tax returns. he ran bashing ksa for 911 then makes a 110B arms deal with them. the only difference between him and other politicians is that he knows how to fake being a victim and a martyr better than others. if you ask me, hes living a pretty amazing life so i dont see how he gets away with acting like he has it worse than the rest of us.
oh, did you look in the mirror just now? funny, i saw the same thing reading your post.
Don't fall for J*wish divide and conquer tactics.
>Al is disgusting because he’s a total bitch about it. Donald is proud of his conquests and everyone knows it,
The Unfunny Sleep Groping Virgin vs The Pussy Conquistador Chad
You sound like a 90's AOL person. I can help you be a better shill.
Reminder that Trump's family and staff is full of Jews and he would disavow your post if he ever saw it.
>The Pussy Conquistador Chad
You mean the guy that buys furniture and can't get laid, and has to marry slav whores because American women find him repulsive?
>muh daddy issues president
Donald Trump is loyal AF for his income group.
Poorfags have no idea how males dominate the sexual market in high income brackets.
Also, not degenerate at all.
The stupidity of you shills is literally unbelievable. I bet you have literally no idea why you revealed yourself.
>Has never bought a girl a drink and gotten burned
That's because you stay at home and fap to furry porn.
No real man will mock this, except realizing how rich you have to be to buy a supermodel "a drink"
>loyal AF for his income group.
like saying someone is tall AF for a midget
>He thinks NatSocs are racist libertarians and not socialists that believe in private property and peaceful conservative ethnostates for every human group.
You're gonna be the bitch of 4th grade one day.
are you mad? still better than you or your president calling someone a poop head. the irony. its funny because if your post were a response to one of trumps tweets it would make just as much sense.
Trump can do no wrong, this has been scientifically proven faggot.
ooooo rekt!
B..bu...asshole, that all allegedly happened BEFORE Trump took office, Frankenstein was already a sitting senator when he sexually assaulted some one. Fuckbag
based trump
Spoken like a true man and not the manlet effeminate we have today, but obviously this new generation of brainwashed liberals have fell by the feminist meme that women are virtuous and without sin, and think this man spoke like an abuser however who is the abuser now? Aren't the democrats the ones raping women and children?.