Why is Trump president if Hillary vote 3 million more votes?
Why is America so backwards?
Why is Trump president if Hillary vote 3 million more votes?
Why is America so backwards?
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if Hillary got*
Whats the alt right?
because you're a faggot
Because no one cares what the 'people' want.
You already know the answer now stop trying to be funny
fake flag. you're spanish
also, each state casts their votes for a pres, not each individual person.
Read a fucking book, ya dope.
Catalonia is not a part of fascist Spain.
the same reason bill was president
Because the founding fathers were learned men who took examples from history (mainly the roman empire hence the bald eagle) and placed in a series of checks and balances to prevent a total collapse of government, the electoral college included. The fact that people dont understand this proves whaf Socrates believed: that voting should not a birth right but only given to those whom are informed, rational thinkers.
Look up the Electoral Collage and educate yourself. It makes it so every state is relevant and presidential candidates actually have to try and win over the individual states instead of just pandering to the large population states. If the Electoral College wasn't a thing then states like New York, Texas and California would be able to dictate who wins the race and all the other, smaller states would just be irrelevant.
Also just to add, the USA is not a democracy. It is a Republic. There is a difference.
>meme flag
into the trash it goes
Because Trump won the states. In the USA each state votes on the POTUS. That's what the electoral college is. So if you win enough states you win POTUS.
I searched for "Catalonia the country"
Thats a lot of memes
>hiding behind custom flag
every time
I don't know. Why is it a republic and not a democracy?
What if every single thing that happened in the US looked like your independence referendum and was every bit as effective?
Because we're a republic not a democracy. Now take your meme flag and go suck a chode.
Because illegal immigrants don't deserve a say in who is president
lmao in the 2nd pic you can tell those white girls don't even want to be there
All he had to do to win the popular vote was to focus on California and New York, instead of completely neglecting them. You can't change the rules of a football game to make it so that the team who ran the ball the longest but scored the least points is the winner after the game is won. You would have to start over with the new rules. Clinton and Trump were both trying to win the electoral college and Clinton lost. If they were both trying to win the popular vote, Trump would have won the popular vote because he was the better of the two candidates. And he would have won the popular vote anyway if they hadn't had the amazing luck of finding the pussy video.
btw how's the ir shilling going lately op, you pathetic faggot?
we don't live in a democracy
more of a hybrid republican aristocracy
>I have no idea how the United States constitution works
OK lol
>sick of this meme
>read up on it yourself
What are illegal immigrants illegally voting?
>implying his only intention wasn't to spam images of black males & white females
>being this oblivious
looking forward to killing your other ir threads op you worthless piece of shit
>Why is Trump president if Hillary vote 3 million more votes?
Study this map. Let me know if you need it explained to you.
Was it the comfortable positions and wide smiles that gave that away?
Such a good point, and ironic you post a picture of a nigger. Let's reverse everything presidents who wernt majority elected did. Let's start with the lowest majority winner in history, Abraham Lincoln. That scumbag only got 40% of votes. Look how he turned out? Fucking terrible right?
"all that red" only accounts for 1/3 of american GDP.
i'm not trying to suggest we should do away with the electoral college, but i cant but laugh when trumpcucks post this pic as if large swathes of empty land and impoverished parasites are impressive.