What is the difference between patriotism and nationalism ?
What is the difference between patriotism and nationalism ?
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The same difference between the alt right and ctrl left
Nationalism is more extreme, and better.
Patriotism = state
Nationalism = nation
Nationalists are usually against the state because states are usually enemies of the nation. For example, any American patriot is a massive cuck, you can't be an American patriot and an American nationalist at the same time.
Patriotism is loving your country.
Nationalism has two meanings, the first one was created in the XIXth century and means the right of a people to have a country (mainly in the context of the peoples who lived in the Austro-Hungarian empire, as well as german and italian unification). The second meaning, which is a concept of the XXth century is more complex, but could be summarized as the idea that your country is "the best".
t. Ernest Renan
That's fucking wrong.
The first is an emotional state of mind the latter a political ideology?
What kind of stupid questin is that?
Patriotism is public support for your nation.
Nationalism is a belief structure that national sovereignty is the highest sovereignty
I don't agree. German national-socialists were pro-state, and most of the fascists movements were both nationalists and pro-state. Even the USSR and even more Yugoslavia and commie China were very nationalists. Also the word "patriot" has a complete different meaning in America.
Patriotism and nationalism are the same things -- it's supporting your country in the face of diversity. SJWs like to claim a difference between the two "BECAUSE HITLER" but really SJWs are just wanking off to the idea of semantic games
>German national-socialists were pro-state
They wanted a new state, they hated the Weimar Republic.
Develop your idea, meme flag.
Both are intertwined, but only Patriotism can be used as a weapon against its own people much like how it has been used for the past 100 years in the United States.
The german state during the period of hitler had a big influence on the economy.
nationalism (vs globalism) is being used as a political weapon (by globalist scum) against its own people. first though they redefined nationalism to mean `nazi white supremacist`
Aren't nationalists what leftist call patriots to make them look like Nazis?
It is the best
Who is that Celtic goddess? She needs to take out the bull ring tho
Examine the roots of the two words. "Patriot" comes from "pater," that is, father. The patriot attempts to preserve the land, customs, and liberty that his father handed down to him. Patriotism is an emotional state backing the duty to serve the polis. It was basically reserved for the propertied men who conducted politics and war in the Greco-Roman world.
Nationalism, on the other hand, falls out of the death of the ancien regime during the French Revolution. It aims to abolish feudal aristocratic world of bloodlines and replace it with the modern world of nations/peoples united by blood.
Patriotism is the ideology OF a ruling class (slaves don't need to consider the patria), nationalism is the ideology that OVERTURNS one ruling class and replaces it with another. Shockingly, nationalism is not a rightwing position; nationalism is actually an egalitarian ideology.
USSR nation was retarded soviets, though.
Like retarded europeans are EUSSR nation.
This. Facial piercings are ugly and oftentimes are red flags.
>Patriotism = State = Civic nationalism
>Nationalism = Nation = People and Land
In ethnostate they are almost equal.
This may have been true before WWI, now this is completely false. Nationalism is a right wing ideology.
You can be a degenerate patriot
It was ethnic nationalism. So the state made the individual, not the other way around. We are talking about american nationalim in which the individual makes the nation
If you go to the Latin roots patria is country and natio is tribe. Therefore you can say patriotism is love of your country and nationalism is love of your tribe. In popular discourse this distinction is lost.
Ideally they are the same.
And because it's American it is retarded
>Asking the difference between terms that mean basically the same thing.
The only difference is that one has been imbued with a negative connotation.
Both mean you are a cuck who takes pride in imaginary borders instead of your own accomplishments.
brazilian alt-whore,she has an instagram but i forgot
There are no more rightwing ideologies. There are no more naturally superior men with special duties towards their natural inferiors. Nationalism and socialism won.
they do not "basically mean the same thing"
but I understand why you'd feel that - your native language lacks nuance, which retards comprehension
Patriotism = american or american aligned
Nationalism = everything else
At least if you listen to burgerclaps.
Is that bottle filled with piss?
this one
I would say that a patriot has a bit of blind trust to the Government, or at least the constitution. While a nationalist does illegal things in the name of his country.
So they would become the same thing in an Ethnostate with fair laws
>My parents couldn't have given birth to anyone except me
Sure they could have, that's why siblings aren't all genetically identical. The reason YOU exist is pure chance. Even then his argument is that his (presumably white) parents couldn't have given birth to a black or asian child but it ignores the fact that whites and Finns exist in plenty of other countries.
You are reatrded.
Patriotism means deal with people of color.
Nationalism mean kill people of color. ( not white = kill)
Nationalism is understanding why it is important to cheer for your team.
Patriotism is just cheering for your team because Muh'Murica
Patriotism is a love for your country and heritage. Nationalism is considering all other countries and heritages inferior and/or pointless.
>Nationalism is considering all other countries and heritages inferior
This is common misinterpretation by retarded leftist shitbrains and the ones with anti-nationalist agenda.
Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by promoting the interests of a particular nation, particularly with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over the group's homeland. The political ideology therefore holds that a nation should govern itself, free from unwanted outside interference, and is linked to the concept of self-determination. Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared characteristics such as culture, language, race, religion, political goals or a belief in a common ancestry.[1][2] Nationalism therefore seeks to preserve the nation's culture. It often also involves a sense of pride in the nation's achievements, and is closely linked to the concept of patriotism.
what does ctrl left do?
i phonepost
>what does ctrl left do?
>the idea that your country is "the best"
That's national-chauvinism. Nationalism is just putting the interests of your nation on first place, whatever they may be.
Patriotism is like going to church every Easter. Nationalism is praying everyday and preparing for the rapture/tribulation.
Nationalism can have white at the front of it and make it the second word sound evil.
>That's national-chauvinism.
Forgot that those fuckers really exist too while posting this >Nationalism is considering all other countries and heritages inferior
This is common misinterpretation by retarded leftist shitbrains, the ones with anti-nationalist agenda, national chauvinists and Germans.
Translated from my high school documents:
"Key traits of modern Nationalism:
- Secularization of religion; Sacralization of the Nation.
- Country is bound by totally unified identity (shared history, culture and language)
- Demand for a Nation state (more relevant for Germans)
- Supremacy (Claiming the people of your nation is superior to people of another nation, thus degrading other peoples)
If you do not advocate for just one of these traits, you may be a patriot, not a Nationalist."
I think the most important point is the first one, the sacralization of the nation, something you won't find alot around patriots.
Why didn't you ask what does alt left do? Is that one you're familiar with from your ebin donger face keyboard app?
>Thinks he understands English better than a native speaker.
>lacks nuance
pick one.
>modern Nationalism
You describe civic cuctionalism. This is not nationalism.
>Supremacy (Claiming the people of your nation is superior to people of another nation, thus degrading other peoples)
Only applies if you are german(ic).
Your concept of ethnicity/nationalism and their distinction and conjunction really sucks in your language.
There are hundreds of years of careful work done with you (with your language too) to drag you into civic cuctianolism.
Nationalism is the idea that you should take care of your own people before others. Of course libshits changed the definition and made it so that nationalism means you want to genocide other countries. Nationalism is basically advanced tribalism.
Patriotism is tame nationalism.
patriotism is kosher
You can be patriot to your tribe, faggot.
You have to go back muhammad. No goats to fuck in germany
No you can't
Look at Jews (diaspora). They're essentially a giant tribe. In the USA some will call themselves patriot with the US in mind. Others will have Israel in mind. Both are states.
If anything, tribes can have strong loyalty, or even some proto-nationalism going on but that's it. Patriotism requires a motherland. Tribes only consist of people.
Sure you can.
Tribes have territories.
>You describe civic cuctionalism. This is not nationalism.
You cannot just say "This is not nationalism" because it isn't YOUR kind of nationalism.
Nationalism is an umbrella term.
The features I have listed are not a kind of Nationalism itself, they are simply the core properties that exist in every kind of Nationalism.
Civic cuctionalism is not nationalism. It is artificial concept.
The features you listed are bullshit.
>"Patriotism" means financing, fighting, and dying in endless wars for the most magical, most holy GPS location in the Middle East
>Nationalism is just some backwards idea focused on taking care of business at home, cleaning up his room, ensuring infrastructure is at peak performance, and something about getting some well deserved 'Me' time
>National Socialism is the only kind of Nationalism
you have not provided a single argument
So are you.
But I know, Germans are retarded.
Why do you think that the traits I have listed are essential to Civic Nationalism?
And why can they not be applied to other kinds of Nationalism?
>Nationalists are usually against the state
what timeline are you shilling from?
fucking hipsters
Because those are traits that Germans see as Nationalistic. But Germans are special.
state and government are not synonymous
Nationalism is wanting to form states based on nations (ethnic groups, most of the time), i.e. a nation-state, as opposed to traditional empires and monarchies, although there have been kingdoms who were more or less nation-states and empires had a dominant culture.
Patriotism is general loyalty to your polity. "Soviet nationalist" sounds ridiculous, since the Soviet Union was multi-national. "Soviet patriot" makes sense. "Russian|Uzbek|Georgian nationalist" makes sense as well. The issue is that large multi-national entities eventually develop their own identity and become a nation in their own right.
I think they're synonyms
Nationalists say patriots suck government dick, patriots say nationalists suck government dick.
Therefore we can say there is no difference between the two concepts. It doesn't matter if you call yourself a patriot or a nationalist so long as you love your people and put their interests ahead of others.
´imaginary borders´. Are the borders of your house and garden also imaginary? And it's not the borders that are relevant, but the people that have created the borders.
In modern times the nation-state has become so prominent that people have a hard time distinguishing between the two, but imagine a country like Austria-Hungary where there lived several different groups. A nationalist wasn't necessarily a patriot (loyal to AH), but a patriot in a nation-state is usually both nationalistic and patriotic.
you are literally wrong, but keep thinking what you think is right
>Nationalists say patriots suck government dick, patriots say nationalists suck government dick.
Said no one ever.
I've seen it lad.
The mainstream opinion (Mark Twain, Teddy Roosevelt, and George Orwell were in this category) is the latter. Most of Sup Forums is in the former.
So cute, in fact she us the cutest non Asian I've seen in a while, shame about the bull though.
Nationalism is essentially blood and soil
Patriotism is just soil. There is no blood, patriots are essentially civic nationalists.
what accomplishments?
>you didnt build that, remember?
Dear memefag, Soviet Union tried to cultivate soviet people. This was eerily similar to EU attempts to cultivate eupeople.
An absence of niggers for the latter.
Patriots are literally protecting and furthering their fathers work on their land.