>christcucks walk around everyday unironically believing in rituals, teachings, celebrations, and ideas that are actually pagan in nature.
>Christianity was so shitty and barren it couldnt replace paganism properly, it's basically paganism with a new skin and one god
Almost exactly what You'd expect from a shitskin desert religion.
Christcucks walk around everyday unironically believing in rituals, teachings, celebrations...
So, do we convert to this instead?!
No pity. The muzzie did everyone a favour
>If you don't subscribe to one jewish ideology you must automatically believe another one is good
How about we reject all jewish religions?
no thanks, I prefer not to be a Democrat
Islam has absolutely nothing to do with the Jews
>what a are abrahamic religions?
the post.
It's an Abrahamic religion. Why do you think Christ is a prophet in Islam? Mohammed just copied a bunch of shit from Jews and Christians, adding in a bunch of his own crap relevant to his historical period.
I'm not converting to anything, I'm an atheist.
>>Christianity was so shitty and barren it couldnt replace paganism properly, it's basically paganism with a new skin and one god
>couldnt replace
Like that one time every original european religion got replaced by christianity? Sure thing sweetie.
Does it give any satisfaction to continuously tell the religion that changed the world that it sucks. I find it to be a very jewish thing to say Christianity is for loosers. Or muslims. I highly doubt atheists make threads like this.They do have problems with Christianity but i wouldn`t think that they would larp this hard on a Christian board. Why you do this OP? Is the nose forcing you to do this? Does the imam teach you how to tell Christians they are weak?
Why OP? Why?
Nice try Ahmed. We all know what you believe in.
hey whats up (((josef)))
>being this asshurt that humble cheek Turners eradicated your shittt edgy "religion" & completely converted Europe for the better
Pagans can only sit & be mad at Christians, its pathetic
You mean the religion that turned us into cucks and made us egalitarian universalists, who are completely fine with bringing masses of foreigners into their lands? Mass immigration is always supported by Christcuck moral sentiments.
And if you think we needed Christianity to do science, you're retarded. What is Rome and Greece.
You're not even white or European, never open your mouth to me again, subhuman.
>I fucking love science
>I want to suck science dick and get science all over my face
>wew science
Yes, we know you filled your Godhole with science.
>not even my real email h-ha guys you are so stupid
at least i have my own video now
This meme is painfully accurate.
>haha remember when Rome let lions eat the Christian minority in the Colosseum, that was awesome!
>OMFG, Charlemagne kicking the ass of every Germanic subhuman he crossed? >unacceptable jew puppet!
>fucking jews on a stick!
no not really, Pagans were sexual and moral degenerates.
Christianity teaches the exact opposite of that.
They kept some of the celebrations to appease new converts, which probably was in fact a mistake.
Autistic as fuck.
jesus looks like ser meryn trant ?
>trying to blame social Marxist subversion of the state of europe solely on Christianity
Kek gasping at straws & talking bullshit,typical
All claims no proof
Just imagine being this asshurt that the best you can come up with is "u r not white or European!!!"
>le christcuck crusade larper
Christcucks couldn't even conquer pagan Lithuania, despite trying for several centuries, while severely outnumbering and outequipping the pagans.
Yay, another one
Great work josef
> (You)
Any religion developed by Europeans will resonate well with the European spirit. This is why Christianity and folk religions have excelled in Europe while they have not outside of Europe.
I choose to follow the religion of my own people: the American theology.
>>trying to blame social Marxist subversion of the state of europe solely on Christianity
>Kek gasping at straws & talking bullshit,typical
>All claims no proof
The Christian 'moral' fabric is what allowed us get subverted in the first place. Christians worship the weak, perfect for Marxist subversion.
>white Christians are Republican
>Jews, nigger Christians, beaner Christians and Atheists are all Democrats
Feels good man.
>this tread
Islam is certainly less degenerate and cucked than Christianity, but it's still an (((abrahamic))) religion.
Yep, autistic as fuck, he makes a video for each response, I thought mental illness was a scam, but I'm gonna go with factually demonstrated here.
>using a jewish model to argue that Christianity is jewish
really makes you think
Could be worse. It could be the religion of the Jews: atheism.
You could imagine a more semen-drinking numale infested cuckold ideology than atheism?
There would not be western civilization without Christianity you island niggers would be living in mudhuts and eating cum
agreed. atheism is spiritual communism.
>less degenerate
Pick one.
>what are Rome and Greece
>people are still posting my work
Feels bittersweet since I'm not a Christian anymore.
u r not white or European!!
>he made another video
>I'm not a Christian anymore.
Why not?
What are you now?
Modern day Christianity is falling (except for some baptist churches) but not because of the teachings but because of weak politicians and the infiltration of the illuminati in the ruling structure of the church.
It would be unwise to say that Christians are cucks, after all, you would call a polish guy and a serb based, right? They are both Christian and are based. Why? Strong politics. Unlike Iran, there is a division of power in a state between the church and the political class.
Stop pointing your finger at Christianity. Start pointing it to yourself. You are the problem. Atheism is just a cheap trick to foll young souls in believing they are free to do what they want, no constrains, no judgement.
By this point i am wondering why i even bother talking to the jidf?
Show your flag, Amerrimutt christcuck.
>The Christian 'moral' fabric is what allowed us get subverted in the first place.
Nah its Europe abandoning god completely & falling into decadence
Show me specifically what you are referring to, verses & scripture
Are you talking about pic related?
>Christians worship the weak, perfect for Marxist subversion.
>worships the weak
>the Almighty god that created all existence is weak
That's supremely funny coming from somebody lapring as a weak,extinct religion that got completely dismantled by "cucks"
Keep crying ksa,your pagan tiers of rage are delicious
Holy shit, this guy really makes videos at each answer, this is a sight to behold, so autistic it's delicious.
>a Jew
He died hundreds of years before they existed
can i be in a video too ;3
1. that picture and model was created by jewish archeologists
2. only roman catholics do that shit, since its literally Christianity + the pagan cult "sol invictus", with a few other pagan rituals thrown in to appease other pagan followings that were devoured by christendom, such as yule and aester.
3. look into orthodoxy, its full of life, and its own traditions.
Christianity and Islam is pretty much the answer to degeneracy and roasties and alcoholics and drugos and bad politicians and ... and
the major focus of Christianity to young people is healthy relationships
there are multiple shows on TBN and Hillsong tv that focus on relationships
>Jesus was a red haired anglo-saxon
I'd like to preface this by saying that I have nothing against Christians and I'll try to keep this short.
The past 5 years have been a long and difficult religious journey for me. I've practiced different forms of Christianity, paganism, and other Western theologies. No matter what religion I practiced, I could not reconcile it with my deeply held racial beliefs. It was ultimately an Orthodox priest who convinced me that I could either be a Christian or an advocate for white supremacy, not both. This lead me to paganism which was a breath of fresh air for a while, but the element of both which most resonated with me was ancestral prayer.
Today I focus on ancestral prayer, including the founders of America who I hold in particularly high regard. I've had religious experiences with different gods and I believe they still exist so I consider myself a polytheist in that regard. Infact, I still believe that the Shroud of Turin is one of the greatest religious artifacts to still exist, I just don't worship Christ. Henotheism would be the best way to describe my current faith, but instead of focusing on a particular god I focus on my ancestors.
guys please for the love of fuck pick up a book or something....
There was Judaism, and then after 600 years it was used by arabs to create their retarded Islam.
Christianity came 1500 years later and stole our shit AGAIN.
fuck off niggers, we're full!!!!!!
>Jesus must have been a blond-haired blue-eyed Norwegian.
I mean like unironically though where else would be appropriate to go to for an "archeological estimate" of what a Semite looked like? Fucking Sweden? You're not white Brazil and neither is your prophet, fuck off.
>Implying you wrote that
Fuck off anglokike.
Which archeologists should do it then? You know he lived and died in Israel right?
hue nigger
Guys, i think we were too mean to the faggot. Were we too rude? I mean look, he can`t even.
Where did I imply this?
I'm just sharing a pic that reveals more Jewish lies about out Savior to try & discourage dummies like you
you cant ignore the fact that Christianity makes the world better
you cant ignore the fact that the average Christian is a better person because of it
That’s been one of my problems with Christianity. I’m too racist and my racism is on too solid of a foundation, not just trying to be edgy, to accept that we’re all children of god. I guess I could be a pagan but that would feel too much like LARPing
obligatory text
fill your mouth with the money you will save
go choke on a shekel
>larping this hard
>lives in a colony of pakistan
good job, you accepted the bait given to you by your masters
>Could be worse. It could be the religion of the Jews: atheism.
the religion of the jews is the basis of christianity. those prophecies which are the last refuge of the christfag? all in the old testament. even the saving done by the savior is a jewish idea.
I'm a Gnostic Christian, I believe Jesus was a divine being sent forth to save us.
What I'm not going to believe is that if he was born there he was anything else but jewish or with features other than the typical of the area.
>muh you're not White
That's what happens when you try to start a argument & have nothing to back up your claims with other than name calling
>There would not be western civilization without Christianity
yes, it would be different. also much better. christianity is to europe what communism was to eastern europe. not something to be proud of.
>you island niggers would be living in mudhuts and eating cum
does not follow. in the absence of an absolute, violently defended truth, search for the real truth - and the accompanying technological advances - would proceed unhindered.
Can tell by his voice that he is either a nigger or a camel nigger.
His only career choice in Spain would be selling fake rolexes and sunglasses to drunken tourists
"jesus was a young jewish rabbi"
unlikely. jewish male, 30 y.o., rabbi, BUT not married ==> fake or gay.
That's completely fine,I don't know what Jesus looked like & we will probably never know
People obsess over the vessel & not the soul (which is what truly matters)
Christianity led to the creation of mestizos, that alone is enough to damn it.
I used to be obsessed with the Shroud of Turin because I thought it was proof that Jesus was a white man.
Calling yourself a Christian, but not acting Christian is the ultimate LARP. As for paganism, if you're going to be one of those guys who believes the gods are metaphors or forces or something, don't even bother. Religion is purest when it is taken literally.
Precisely what I think, even tough you're a biblical christian you have an instinctual notion of the truth.
You see, the thing you have to do to be saved in gnosticism is to know yourself, as in knowing your true spiritual self, by doing this you see yourself as you truly are in spirit, and this doesn't correspond with your actual body, hell you could even be of a different sex in spirit.
The same thing applies to Yeshua, when he came, He probably did so with an aspect proper of his area, but in spirit He would be different.
Hey moron
Christianity incorporated the existing culture and 'baptized' it. The point wasn't to replace the culture, the point was to make the old culture into a new creation.
I swear you non-Christians are retarded sometimes.
>"if not X then Y"
Meet Constantine the greatest Roman Emperor
You say this but you go out of your way to implicitly deny he wasn't araby-looking so like why the fuck do you care?
This is a huge problem of Sup Forums, most of you don't really embrace the teachings of Christ through the window of the soul but instead only adopt it as some edgy counter-faction to muh joos.
None of you niggers will receive salvation desu.
>varg tier: larpers that claim that Christianity killed off and replaced their (decadent) paganism
>protestant tier: Christianity is paganism redressed, even Protestants get this
>catholic tier: Christianity did not come to replace paganism but to baptize it; the ancients weren't stupid but just didn't have the whole truth, which was revealed in Christ. Decadent stuff had to go, sorry about those Irminsuls etc, good stuff like Plato / Aristotle gets honored.
>traditional tier: Christianity is part of the same eternal, primoridial tradition that was once the source of 'paganism'.
Low score, OP.
And you can meet the last of his line.
Constantinople paled in comparison to Pagan Rome. Couldn't even defend itself from muslims.