Other urls found in this thread:
>attaching signs to visually brand people
>Neo-nazis which barely exist and don't mass murder people are the problem
>not ISIS
Yeah, ok twatter, how is this company still around?
How do you get the tick in the first place? Serious question.
you wanna take a guess with me?
Will the ISIS accounts get banned too?
We need to start up the meme machines to call twitter out as un-American for stifling free speech.
Now you realise just how butthurt the 2016 elections really made them.
>it will be monitoring users behavior "on and off the platform"
>off the platform
nigga wut?
>on and off the platform
do they elaborate how they plan on doing that? are they going to ban people for having nazi websites in their cookies?
everything is hate speech in the eyes of these faggots.
Twitter is a joke.
About. Fucking Time.
There is NO excuse for giving hatred and bigotry a platform in this day & age.
Trump finally getting banned from Twitter. Lol.
How to destroy a platform - the post
WTF, I love censorship!
Nothing is worse than people discussing both sides of the equation to come to logical compromise, right!?
Haha its my way or the highway! There shall be no more compromise or discourse.
>Hitler tried to have his way or the highway, thats why he's bad. Fucking nazis!
The mental gymnastics of the modern (anti)Liberal
Why do all beta's grow that fucking beard? It's like "Look at me, I'm so fucking insecure about my jawline that I'll hide it with a pathetic excuse for a beard" I mean, for fucks sake, own that chubby babyface, look like your 21 when your thirty fucking five. No one would bat an eyelid if you were with an 18 year old because they'd assume the age gap was practically non-existent. But don't grow something that my fucking Nanna could grow a fucking overnight.
Jesus fuck, when will soyim learn?
seriously guys, the next evolution is and
Most people are slowly filtering onto them anyway. There are already pages showing every real DT tweet etc. You no longer need to support twitter.
Honestly, Trump should just ditch Twitter and move over to an alternative like Gab. Someone big like him moving would force the media to all start following him on gab, and it would cause a chain reaction as people flood over to Gab. and then the more people over there, the more additional people will want to come over, etc etc.
all the the fucking races organize to defend their interest and the only oe that is shot down is ours,when the people finally react
your chin would be a great platform for my balls.
ho no, twitter is going to kill them
Who gives a shit gab is better
Twitter is for faggots
def: (((someone))) who stands over your shoulder and makes sure you don't misspeak.
Gab is trash. They already canned weev so fuck them they have no free speech.
>inb4 newfag boomers claiming weev is a "fed"
Banned from Twitter? OH NOO
What will they do now? Twitter is literally the only viable social network on the Internet!! It's like cutting them off from the world completely! INHUMAN
Is that an experiment to see the Streisand effect at its maximum power?
trump starts new twitter called Truther
twitter you fuckheads, I already self banned myself from your liberal hell hole, maybe thats what we need to push, the only people who use twitter are TRAITORS to the USA then.
Can somebody explain to me how exactly Twitter is making money?
>Twitter is a joke.
stfu you loser antifa, stil waiting for nov4 so we can kill you leaglly
>Twitter shoots itself in its already bleeding foot
Lol OK. Twitter has been clinging to relevance for years already, Donald Trump has been the only thing keeping it alive. It's a stupid platform with literally nothing special about it.
good thing i was never on that cancer that is twitter
and now is not long till its goes the way of myspace
trump needs to rebrand his own TWITTER an d make a new platform.
>all the blue checkmarks with antifa follows get B&
sounds good to me, twatter
twitter is nothing but niggers and sjws
No. Before this nonsense they were a terrible investment.
It doesn't.
Every single dollar around it is speculative.
>Twitter has been clinging to relevance for years already
It's funny because for the first few years they sold themselves as the "free speech platform" until they realized free speech was wrong and have been cratering in relevance ever since. Even goybook is less ban-happy.
Why hasn't anyone made a censor free twitter? That would put twatter out of business within a year
more like goodnight twitter
>Trump gets banned
>Trump buys Twitter
>unbans himself then ups the word cap so his shitposting can grow
>then removes the ability to block
could you imagine
>monitoring behaviour on and off the platform
What the fuck? Is Twitter really so powerful that it now believes it can be a moral arbiter?
Get a hold of your corporatism Americucks.
lol, that's not how it works, inoffensive right wingers get unverified. leftists, rapists and other sexual predators keep the blue check
And when this happens...
>i never knew how many nazis there are in the current year! we must redouble our efforts to destroy them
>twitter will monitor users behavior on and off the platform
and off the platform?
How are they going to know
>if they affiliate with violent organizations
Antifa will be spared, yes?
Has Richard Spencer ever been banned from twatter?
Not even once? Not even after Charlottesville?
Rly maed me thunk n sheeeeet.
We're witnessing twitter's death throes. They don't produce anything, they are insolvent, they will fail when this scheme to silence political dissidents is rolled out.
Do business w/(them) make them super rich and powerful. (they) screw you over, turn into Socialist NAZIs.
Your response:
nigga wut?
Gab isn't on ap stores making it unuseable
I grow a beard just because I'm lazy and can't be bothered with shaving every damn day.
doesnt matter, twitter is dead. Gab is where everyone is going now
Keep in mind what's considered violence today. Misgendering someone is considered violence because the tranny, being misgendered, might commit to self harm. So in some faggy mental gymnastic sort of way you're causing physical harm to them by calling the faggot a male even though they're making no effort to appear feminine.
The Jews fear the White Nationalist
if by everyone you mean no one, Gab is a boring echo chamber that won't amount to anything, minds has potential but the interface is kind of facebook garbage
Would be ok with their choice to do that to their site if it didn’t actually mean just banning anyone on the right. Guaranteed all the violent and perverse leftists will be left alone and anyone poignant that is right of Marx will be banned or ostracized.
A good thing desu senpai because people will finally branch out to sites with free speech and no shadow banning.
Stop larping you fucking faggot.
>oy vey my may mays are so powerful cia hired spencer to uhhh......
You are just a jealous faggot who wishes you could be Spencer.
Do words hurt this much?
Fuck this feminised culture
How fucking stupid are you guys.
>Still using twitter
Why would I want to talk to marketers about marketing and get retweeted by bots?
>y-you're just jealous
Is this how the party of psyops ends?
You're right, my jealousy of him is unmatched.
I'm jealous of his ability to seamlessly integrate left wing talking points, as well as the fact that I'll never be able to find such a lovely fat Jew to marry.
Does this include BLM and Antifa? Can they ban that Sean guy and Colin Kaepernigger?
Fuck off racist nazi scum. stick to whatever shit filled hole you crawled out from.
I don't even give a shit.
Barely even used twitter as a social network anyways... i just like to browse stuff on there occasionally. I think they are going down a downward spiral with these "Progressive" descisions.
You're jealous. Maybe if you get even more butthurt and pathetic people will stop liking Spencer and start listening to your pathetically delusional "right wing trad" faggotry. Go back to RoKs fag.
Дa, я тoжe
Gab is a jew honeypot, don't shill it.
Speaking of crawling out of shit-filled holes, what's the deal with nigger fetuses?
Spencer is a Goyem shill for Soros
I donno bro. One became the president of the united states for 8 years, and did a great job
Probably more for high profile people. Richard Spencer is probably getting removed from their safe space for inciting hateful feelings in his impressionable audience.
So they'll be purging BLM as well?
>and did a great job
So what is the Twitter version of "Neo Nazi's, racists"?
>Nazis and racists not allowed
>Islamic terrorists and communists totally fine
Before I go, can you at least ask him to vouch for me at the next Tulsi Gabbard campaign rally so I can get backstage?
>tfw sending white liberals Hitler speeches on Twitter will soon come to an end
Of course not angry niggers with kill all whiteys slogans.
What.harm is done?
Do it faggots!
>everyone who attacks my husbando fits the prescribed archetype I've imagined
Now you know they fear us.
It's no larp. Surely Richard is smart enough to know how "Hiel Trump" sounds to the public at large. The fact that he said this and should otherwise know better just confirms that he is a deep state plant.
Pic related
It's ok to be white. But it's not ok to be a moron and follow Spencer anywhere down Jeb Bush's faggot road.
>he doesn't have the account gen from the playset
Cant we just claim to convert to islam
Kek'd n' check'd desu
This is the solution inshallah
none of that lad, got to purge those pesky whites they're racist
Look at twitters 5 year
It's been in a STEADY decline. They were at 80 a share then, now barely above 20.
They had to let off a ton of workers, reported losses in q4 2016, and reported no net gain of users a few months ago.
Twitter is dying. All they have left is to appeal to the leftists that still run it .
The ride ends in 2018
>sonichu medallion
do you really have to ask user?
Extra comfy.
he looks happy :3
It's afraid....unless they're just being massive virtue signalling faggots. Harvey Weinstein still has his blue check mark. Fucking American corporatism for you, it's out of control.